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The pedophiles working for or have requested this content removed.

It doesn't actually matter if the content doesn't depict nudity of someone under the age of 18 because they have decided that it does. The author of the image could be an adult who has uploaded his own media to various websites on the internet, but none of that matters if they say that it is media of a "child".

An excerpt from one of their standard emails,

"We would also like to inform you that the content that is the subject of this notice pertains to a child who is either a victim whose child sexual images or videos that are known to police, or a victim who has been assessed to be under the age of 18 by our analysts who are trained in assessing signs of child development and sexual maturation."'s expert analysts have carefully studied the media in great detail and assessed that the person in the removed media must be a child. Out of dozens of their reports, a single report has included a line claiming VICTIM IDENTIFIED: YES.

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