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Anyone have any off this guy? He on cam4 a lot but cant remember his name
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He was on cam last night on skype
Okay yeah random flashback of this place, so decided to check it out.
Used to post around... 2009/2010. That period of my life was a massive blur (drugz etc) so it could have been into 2011 too but yeah... :/ Oh and I used to use cam4 under the same username.
Anyone remember this pic? Anyone have more saved to repost?
Anyone want new material?
11 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Heya fsjal, longtime no see
What you up to these days? Still being cute? :3
Hey Runt :33. Congrats! That's awesome. I'll drop by for sure. Is there much traffic?
Hey scarecrow :) I'm just chiling out, maxing, relaxing all cool. Trying to be cute :3
Nah not really, it's pretty dead now. But I'm pretty much always around there so drop us an highlight if you come by.
( scarecrow is keroro if you don't know him by this nick yet)
Awww you're too kind :P What have you been up to?
...still hoping for "new material" :-P
I remember you from TC also :) I'd love new stuff
It feels weird being back here, but I was feeling nostalgic. I doubt anyone remembers me, lol.
oh god prince, welcome back! Are you going to be posting again? I remember you from the old days and you are just amazing. Would love to see how much sexier you've become.
Holy shit. You went from cute to smoking hot.
Welcome back!
lets see if I can still do this shit.
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New Xtube Video!
I'd actually pay money for that blue towel. Unlaundered, of course.
How long has it taken for your hair to get as long as it is?
Damn, Skye. You're still doing this? I was checking shit out after half a decade of not really perusing the chansluts, chanchan, ect boards. :P
Hope you've been well. Lookin' the same as ever--which is always great! Drop me a line on Skype sometime!
Skye, why are you so cute? x.x
Here's a new camwhore. Don't say I never did anything nice for you.
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I removed the pic cuz i was unshaven and looked terrible. I'll post more eventually. :) Glad to see i have fans though :P
>>3903good lord your legs are beautiful.
It's been 3 years, but why the hell not
Anyone interested in seeing more?
23 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Still posting, beautiful?
U r very exciting ! more pics please :-)
would love to see some of you tied&gagged
how can we get in touch with you baby?
Well.. Hi!No idea do I belong here but I have a huge desire to show myself... Comments and rates and ofc requests are welcome
No idea do You like bearded guys with body hair but well might give it a shot
Delicious! :P
yes / no ?
its a yes! nice cock! sexy ass & body! yeah 4 hair! if we meet i hope u a bottom though lol!
Just seeing what's good around here.
15 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Ass please? So hot!
Oh dear God PLEASE don't tease us forever with unseen cock. Seriously.
>>9038 gorgeous body! seems you could be lifted up easily
can someone find more?!?!?!
there is a video of him that i've seen before. anyone have it?
yes please
With cheeks like that, you have to ask? Hell yes, moar! Also fave if you can and peen . . .
yes yes yes
Cute butt, nice peen, long flowing locks. What I can see of face looks uber cute. In other words, beautiful!
it's all about the long hair
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skype is Jean.Lacan
>>12067anything with your face in it would be great :)
>>12510Dick is pretty perfect.
thanks. find me at
That is a nice cock.
Y'all suck
Holy fuck, a Raharu post? Be still my heart.
Cock, why yes! How did you know?
It's been years since I've posted here. I'm honestly shocked this still exists and would be equally as shocked if anyone remembers me.
I love meaty thighs :D you better be taken this Valentines! I wouldnt be able to resist heh
why hello again internets
had yet another lonely valentines day...
anyway here's some booty
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You're adorable c:
Underwear? White on black paisley. Or bright colored stripes. And matching stockings.
>>13065>>13068>>13086duly noted, thanks for the tips :3 i'll try to find something classy looking, too. hopefully it won't tread into /cd/ territory though, because i like to keep it kind of borderline.
>>13079thanks, and merry xmas! <3 here's a new pic or three for you horny boys. (and hopefully some girls!)
I want it :'(
>>13090Pure awesome
Please don't leave us again, Breezy!
let me know what u think!
80 posts and 11 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
my soft cock
>>2110shaved cock = blowjob ready
heres one
>>1805wow wow wow....
and that ASS. rawr.
67 posts and 36 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Maybe I'll put this here :P
2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
Here you go :)
>>12134Oh my god, where'd this beautiful creature come from? MORE PLEASE.
(>")> <("<)
>>12819 Hey you. You're cute. :)
Hi again :P
You're really cute! Could we see more of your cock too? :)
Um... hi.
6 posts and 4 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
yep you belong in /ug/
Screw you guys, I think he's cute.
I want to see his butt! hes cute, love the hair
Are you guys serious? This boy is HOT. Please stay!
sexy guy -- like yummy Paul Dano! i wanna taste that cock!
Cute :D
So, weird question. Has anyone saved old pictures of me? o.o
50 posts and 35 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
Thank yew Beo, those are the ones I was looking for!
>>12837Forgot my trip
I had something else to say but the fucking spam filter keeps getting triggered and I cant figure out what word it is >.<
hmm tyven, you need to make videos :P need to see you cum! :O
Tyven! I remember you. We used to talk long ago. haha You probably don't remember though.
>>12857I remember you August :P
you forgot this pic, which i hadnt realised was him until finding this thread. i found this who-knows-where online and had saved it as 'beauty-on-webcam'
i brightened it a bit with Photoshop