Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.20036 : Anonymous [2015-07-10 18:09] [Report] 1436566179857.jpg (103810 B, 900x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
103810 B

Anyone have any nudes/vids of Joshua Armstrong

No.20045 : Anonymous [2015-07-11 00:50] [Report] []

i have a lot of videos from his website. tbh they are not that good. her does jerk off for a few mins but no cum shots at all if thats what you are looking for. but if you want i can upload some if you like!

No.20047 : Anonymous [2015-07-11 03:30] [Report] []

Yesss!!! I'll take what I can get, thank you so much!

No.20059 : Anonymous [2015-07-11 10:01] [Report] []

I always wondered if he ever made a cum video, I found a large collection of his videos but only wanted to download the ones with actual cum in them :(

No.20066 : Anonymous [2015-07-11 18:00] [Report] []

uploaded 9 videos (out of 108 vids)! enjoy!

and yes he doesn't cum in his videos. but apparently he came twice in 2 new vids on his website.

No.20215 : Anonymous [2015-07-16 00:35] [Report] []

The file isn't working

No.20264 : Anonymous [2015-07-17 19:56] [Report] []

any more videos?

No.31347 : Anonymous [2016-03-01 19:05] [Report] []

does anyone have full nakewd videos of him or a link that is working? i just want to see how his cock look like uncensored but it seems quite impossible to find it online. and I donĀ“t know if the videos you have to pay show his cock censored or uncensored. I hope you guys find something


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