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No.22471 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 11:44] [Report] 1442159053059.jpg (158171 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
158171 B

Anyone have nudes of this cutie?

No.22473 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 11:49] [Report] 1442159381850.jpg (75321 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.22474 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 11:50] [Report] 1442159419580.jpg (50669 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.22491 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 13:10] [Report] []

That's , but never really heard anything about nudes

No.22500 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 20:37] [Report] 1442191035211.jpg (55897 B, 400x545) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.22501 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 20:48] [Report] 1442191698944.jpg (28893 B, 480x490) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.22502 : Anonymous [2015-09-13 20:48] [Report] 1442191713558.jpg (67574 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.22529 : Anonymous [2015-09-14 15:09] [Report] 1442257747043.jpg (82499 B, 455x810) [YIS] [GIS] []
82499 B

this was on his snap the other day. he took it down quick

No.22534 : Anonymous [2015-09-14 16:44] [Report] []


No.22550 : Anonymous [2015-09-14 20:13] [Report] []

wow nice catch!! love his body, its motivating me to work harder in the gym.

Whats his snapchat btw?

No.22554 : Anonymous [2015-09-14 21:07] [Report] []

his snap is dududelvechio

No.22588 : Anonymous [2015-09-15 19:21] [Report] []

he reminds me of jake bass

No.22766 : Anonymous [2015-09-20 22:51] [Report] []

Anyone have anything else?

No.23211 : Anonymous [2015-09-29 14:28] [Report] []

Bump for anything else?

No.24693 : Anonymous [2015-11-11 20:38] [Report] 1447292321026.jpg (90739 B, 456x810) [YIS] [GIS] []
90739 B

This is fairly new

No.25399 : Anonymous [2015-11-29 00:31] [Report] []

Was he ever in CB? Just wondering

No.25403 : Anonymous [2015-11-29 02:12] [Report] []

Wow, nice catch with the snapchat cock shot! You can actually verify it with the picture above; with the same hardware on the armoire and the red towel on the hook on the wall.

No.28533 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 13:59] [Report] 1453489184632.jpg (46199 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
46199 B

some nudes leaked

No.28534 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 13:59] [Report] 1453489199127.jpg (51093 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.28535 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 14:00] [Report] 1453489216166.jpg (50975 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.28536 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 14:00] [Report] 1453489233980.jpg (40996 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.28537 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 14:00] [Report] 1453489256664.jpg (31617 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.28547 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 14:59] [Report] []


Are you sure this is him ? The tattoo does not fit.

No.28555 : Anonymous [2016-01-22 17:00] [Report] []

Yeah look at the underwear though 'TEX'

No.28593 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 00:55] [Report] 1453528537946.jpg (119654 B, 1000x540) [YIS] [GIS] []
119654 B

Thanks for the new pics of this beautiful guy! Seems like a match to me, based on the tattoo, watch band, the triangle on the door behind him, and the necklace.

No.28594 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 01:12] [Report] []

Omg thx! Please say there is moree

No.28611 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 11:32] [Report] []


Damn, pretty good eye there lol

No.28619 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 14:46] [Report] []

That's not him .. he has a tattoo on his right upper thigh, that is near his pens area

No.28633 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 17:13] [Report] 1453587181245.jpg (105939 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
105939 B

I got him to send me a couple on snapchat, also a short video

No.28634 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 17:13] [Report] 1453587217333.jpg (108716 B, 1136x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.28664 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 21:17] [Report] []

Holy hell... I had always hoped his nudes would leak. What a delicious looking cock.

No.28667 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 21:51] [Report] []

Thank you!

No.28668 : Anonymous [2016-01-23 22:13] [Report] []

will he cum?lol

No.28691 : Anonymous [2016-01-24 04:49] [Report] []

Thank you so much! He's so hot! I hope more stuff comes out

No.28777 : slamm [2016-01-25 00:24] [Report] []

Jezebel just took these photos and slapped her watermark all over them, as if she's the one who got them. But hey, what's new...

No.28788 : Anonymous [2016-01-25 07:21] [Report] []

Jezebel steals his shit from every 1 and then try to act like it's his "exclusive" stuff.

Bitch has put his watermark over other peoples who are the ones that actually got the stuff ... and then he wonder why so many people hate him.

No.28790 : Anonymous [2016-01-25 07:26] [Report] []

don't call that gross thing jezebel a 'she'.
it's a dude.
he's a bottom feeding homo that kisses 'straight' dudes ass.
he acts like gay guys that hit on attention whoring 'straight' guys are doin something wrong when his ass does the same shit but pretends to be a chick when he's doing if that's ANY fucking different or ANY better.
jezebel is a joke.

No.28791 : Anonymous [2016-01-25 07:36] [Report] []

I wonder if he realizes that sort of behavior is toxic and makes others less apt to share.

No.28826 : Anonymous [2016-01-25 21:27] [Report] []


I figured something like that would happen.

No.28851 : Anonymous [2016-01-26 03:03] [Report] []


I know for a FACT people aren't freely sharing stuff like the Jason borish sex vids, the colin wayne nudes, the Dustin mcneer videos (there are three of them that no one has even seen/screen shotted yet), the jeff seid dick pic (YAAAAAAAS there are two), etc precisely because of blogs like jezebel that pull crap like this and ruin it for everyone (and charging $$$ for pics/vids).
so while jezebel would have people "bow dow" for posting what isn't even exclusive stuff, people like him are the REASON others don't share more.
There are others who are just as bad but jezebel makes himself a big target for always running his mouth, lying about things he doesn't have, and being ratchet/greedy.
Did anyone else see jezebel is apparently getting her own section on Sexflexible? WTf. I REALLY don't get that. She's always bashed them, been jealous of them and stole from them.
Sexflexible is one of the best sites to check all the time they came out of no where leaking exclusive stuff and suddenly were as popular as big sites like way big and QC etc. Theyre one of my favs but def losing respect that they are working with someone like jezebel.......

No.28860 : Anonymous [2016-01-26 07:06] [Report] []

Can we stop talking about Jezebel. Who gives a fuck dude. So does anyone else have more videos about this Eduardo guy. He's hot.

No.28866 : slamm [2016-01-26 12:09] [Report] []

>>28860 My sentiments exactly.

No.28880 : Anonymous [2016-01-27 11:27] [Report] []

>>28866>>28866 I mean you brought it up. Lol

No.28881 : Anonymous [2016-01-27 11:36] [Report] 1453912576398.jpg (94365 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
94365 B

Does anyone have nudes of his friend ericzer0?

No.28882 : slamm [2016-01-27 12:31] [Report] []

>>28880 Lol touche. I've moved on though.

No.28952 : Anonymous [2016-01-28 19:23] [Report] []

did you manage to see Jeff Seid's nudes?

No.28969 : iloveit [2016-01-29 01:38] [Report] []

omg i'm dying to see jeff seid's please share em plzzzzzzz :( :(

No.28997 : skye [2016-01-29 12:21] [Report] []

I have two Jeff seid nudes. Full body & face, one semi-hard and one full hard. (One is non-censored version of one he posted himself but that he censored, the other I've never seen him post a censored version of)

Willing to trade...for Colin Wayne, Dustin Mcneer (the mysterious pics/vids of him...not the one everyones seen already) or Nick Bennett (from AAG...preferably before he got covered with tats).

And to anyone who's going to complain about the trading thing. I couldn't care less. You can blame blogs that come here to steal pics, and then try to sell them, watermark them etc. But THEY never share a damn thing themselves.

If you're one of those Blogs/ Tumblrs and you're reading this...screw you. You're the reason none of us will freely post anything anymore.

No.29003 : iloveit [2016-01-29 12:56] [Report] []

my heart is broken :( :( i love jeff seid to death :(

No.29021 : Anonymous [2016-01-29 19:22] [Report] []

>>28997 e-mailed you

No.29033 : Anonymous [2016-01-29 21:56] [Report] []

DUDE! You have Jeff Seid nudes! Could you PLEASE share them :D I will see if I can track down the videos you're looking for

No.29034 : Anonymous [2016-01-29 22:06] [Report] 1454123174497.jpg (43254 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
43254 B

If this is the Nick Bennett, I have some files for you via torrent if you want them, for trade for the Jeff Pics!

No.29481 : Anonymous [2016-02-04 01:51] [Report] []

why can't I see new messages of this?

No.30269 : Anonymous [2016-02-14 04:45] [Report] []

Nothing new? :/

No.30385 : Anonymous [2016-02-16 09:33] [Report] []

Aww :( can someone post the videos again?

No.37111 : Anonymous [2016-05-14 16:41] [Report] 1463258476577.jpg (90916 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.40468 : Anonymous [2016-06-17 10:13] [Report] []

>>28635 Can u upload again?Thank you

No.40524 : Anonymous [2016-06-17 21:23] [Report] []

Yeah can someone repost the vid(s) I missed out by like a day back then

No.40534 : Anonymous [2016-06-18 00:46] [Report] []

Anyone please repost the vid who already got it. Share the blessing please. Lol

No.40588 : Anonymous [2016-06-18 13:51] [Report] []

Pleeease! Can someone repost the video?!

No.40744 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 05:12] [Report] []

please someone re upload the vid

No.40777 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 14:29] [Report] 1466447354713.jpg (116557 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
116557 B

This guy is impossible to catfish now. I had to prove I was real in 3 different ways (luckily I could). This forum has turned into "oh I have him I'll trade for him" which completely goes against what this forum was made for. Post what you have, don't be a little bitch and try to trade your shit. I have videos and pictures of him, which I will post, if one of you idiots gets off your high horse and actually reposts the video from this thread. I have enough trouble violating the privacy of someone but I'm tired of doing it for no reward whatsoever. Seems like the people who have everything saved are the same people wanting more, you get what you give, and I can give a lot, but not if you dont do the same. Have a good night :)

No.40786 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 16:39] [Report] []

^ preach

No.40794 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 18:17] [Report] []

Get it while you can, boys!

Looking forward to seeing what you have to share :-P

No.40795 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 19:06] [Report] []

thank you, finally
before i post what hes sent me, does anyone have the joey kidney videos cause no one will repost those

No.40797 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 19:28] [Report] []

>>40795 I have those as well. Bump his post?

No.40822 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 23:48] [Report] []

Not gonna lie, I'm kinda disappointed in how small his cock is. He's a small dude too, height wise.

No.40823 : Anonymous [2016-06-20 23:49] [Report] []

>>28881 someone please post this Eric guy!

No.40861 : Anonymous [2016-06-21 12:16] [Report] []
No.40864 : Anonymous [2016-06-21 13:08] [Report] []

>>40795 Can you post what you have? Pleaseee! I can't get enough of him!

No.40876 : Anonymous [2016-06-21 18:15] [Report] []

>>40861 thankss a lot! I really hope there's more of him!

No.40901 : Anonymous [2016-06-21 21:29] [Report] []

sorry for taking so long to upload, here: and and and more to come he likes to randomly snap when he gets horny

No.40906 : Anonymous [2016-06-21 21:45] [Report] []

Wow thanks! does he do full sext and cum?

No.40907 : Anonymous [2016-06-21 21:56] [Report] []


I like how this is the video I originally posted on this thread for the wetransfer link...

No.40927 : Anonymous [2016-06-22 05:45] [Report] []

>>40907 You're still here and you waited for someone to reupload the video to bitch about it? You could've done it yourself.

No.40928 : Anonymous [2016-06-22 05:59] [Report] []

Yeah cause it was requested lmao

No.40946 : Anonymous [2016-06-22 12:56] [Report] []

>>40777 Sorry for what is probably a stupid question, are you a guy/ does he trade with other guys? If so I'll give it a go ^^

No.40956 : Anonymous [2016-06-22 16:10] [Report] 1466626250020.jpg (265487 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
265487 B

He's straight

No.41042 : Anonymous [2016-06-23 19:33] [Report] []


Lol relaaaaax. I don't give a shit. I also havent been lurking on here daily, just came on and saw that this thread had a resurgence.

On another note, why is he so inconsistent with sending stuff?

No.42089 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 16:10] [Report] []

You still have more of this hottie?

No.42106 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 19:26] [Report] []

I have a ton more, but I've given up sharing what I have because people either say they have shit and never post it or beg for trades, so until people actually post shit again I'm done, sorry :/

No.42128 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 23:31] [Report] []

Its weird looking at his cock cuz its identical to mine......?????

No.42131 : Anonymous [2016-07-04 23:53] [Report] []

So sad you give up. I love this boy.

People saying shit always will have. Just don't care what they say. And I believe you are the only one here with things of this guy.

One more question: you talk with him in portuguese or in english? Pois pra mim parece que você fala com ele em português.

No.42143 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 01:56] [Report] []

We use google translate lol

No.42148 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 02:51] [Report] []

>>42106 that's sad :( I think you're the only one with stuff of him too...

No.42162 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 05:59] [Report] 1467712773052.jpg (40272 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
40272 B

Catfished him a while back, only got a couple though

No.42163 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 06:01] [Report] 1467712862036.jpg (54162 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42166 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 06:32] [Report] 1467714769909.png (724086 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
724086 B

His friend Eric is so much hotter. You guys should try getting his nudes.

No.42168 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 07:27] [Report] []

>>42166 what's his snap. dududelvechio has some friends. They all hot

No.42171 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 07:42] [Report] []

>>42168 his snap is erikzer0

I don't think it's private, so anybody can snap him. He has such a tight body though. I'm in love with his pecs.

No.42190 : Anonymous [2016-07-05 13:09] [Report] []

Amazing!! I though you were a brazilian.

No.42482 : Anonymous [2016-07-08 13:55] [Report] []

Any news on Eric? Or maybe more from Eduardo? Please?

No.43566 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 19:26] [Report] []

I more interested in Eric

No.43772 : Anonymous [2016-07-20 11:40] [Report] 1469029210686.jpg (837153 B, 1152x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
837153 B

who is this guy?and what's his snap?
He was showed on dududelvechio's snap.
He is hot

No.47317 : Anonymous [2016-08-17 08:41] [Report] []

More nudes?

No.49693 : 4798 [2017-01-15 14:54] [Report] 1484510078694.jpg (40176 B, 343x429) [YIS] [GIS] []
40176 B

Anyone have nudes of this cutie?

No.49714 : Anonymous [2017-01-16 21:01] [Report] []

I sure hope this guy has a come back. He's so beautiful.

No.49776 : Anonymous [2017-01-21 02:14] [Report] []

More please

No.50275 : Anonymous [2017-03-22 19:04] [Report] []

Look on his snapchat


No.50315 : Anonymous [2017-03-29 05:20] [Report] []

Does anybody have more of him? :/

No.50434 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 19:41] [Report] []

Does anyone have more photos of Eduardo Del Vechio naked? I would like to see more

No.50435 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 19:53] [Report] 1491954780222.jpg (64538 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
64538 B

Someone has pictures of this naked boy. His name is Victor Augusto or his friend Samuel Augusto live in Brazil instagram: _victoraug

No.50491 : Anonymous [2017-04-20 17:16] [Report] 1492722962817.jpg (21097 B, 236x290) [YIS] [GIS] []
21097 B

I have a video of this guy having sex, whoever is interested in buying


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