Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.23756 : Anonymous [2015-10-13 17:28] [Report] 1444771725345.jpg (23892 B, 600x400) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
23892 B

After a lot you search and barging, I have now the jerk video of Jethro.

Here the preview -

I am willing to share this video with someone who has videos of

If anyone is interested, my e-mail is in the nickname.

No.23763 : Anonymous [2015-10-13 19:30] [Report] []

Just post Jethro's video. No need to look for Chris Bieber's videos since we've already seen the nudes of the real Bieber ;)

No.23772 : Anonymous [2015-10-14 06:33] [Report] []

How about uploading a proper contact sheet then instead of a gif that's already been posted on this board.

No.23773 : Anonymous [2015-10-14 06:46] [Report] []

That gif has been posted here for a year. So you having it doesn't prove you have the video. Nice try.

No.23779 : Anonymous [2015-10-14 12:49] [Report] []

I bet he's the scammer that said he had the nude vid of Jethro and the nude photos of Carlo Ares, fake as shit

No.23787 : Anonymous [2015-10-14 17:25] [Report] []

Nice try jerk

No.23798 : Anonymous [2015-10-14 23:21] [Report] []

And you are right guys! This is the video that I have.

No.23814 : Anonymous [2015-10-15 11:00] [Report] []

>>23756 OP I already answered your mail...


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