Archive/Dongs 2017

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closed No.33540 : Anonymous [2016-04-01 00:47] [Report] 1459486054501.jpg (0 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Does anyone have pics of Russ Turner on FYM aka model Paolo Gallardo

No.35633 : Anonymous [2016-04-30 03:13] [Report] []

email me - s l o w (take the spaces out). Might be able to help ya

No.35709 : Anonymous [2016-04-30 23:15] [Report] []

he is hotttt

No.41246 : Anonymous [2016-06-26 06:37] [Report] []

I might be able to help you too
t a o (no spaces)

If anyone can tell me any other FYM model's real names I can help them out in the same way.

No.41248 : Anonymous [2016-06-26 06:47] [Report] []

wait, got the email wrong, haha
t a o
(with the full-stop and no spaces)

if anyone knows a FYM model's real name I can help you out

No.41249 : Anonymous [2016-06-26 07:53] [Report] 1466942028375.jpg (0 B, 336x438) [YIS] [GIS] []
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As I remember, I had a crush on him since I saw him in "latch" by sam smith music video. But omg, does he doing porn now? More of him please!!

No.43340 : Anonymous [2016-07-16 21:29] [Report] []

Bump,share his photo set from fym please

No.43442 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 15:38] [Report] []

Here are more pics of him. No he's not doing porn but did a gallery for FYM. Im such a huge fan since Latch.

No.43471 : Anonymous [2016-07-17 18:51] [Report] []

Any shots of his back? Does he show hole?

No.43496 : Anonymous [2016-07-18 00:54] [Report] []

How about josh peters fym photos ,do you have it? I've seen the englishlad one,curious about his fym one


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