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No.34219 : Anonymous [2016-04-12 22:23] [Report] 1460514204569.jpg (77054 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
77054 B

Anything on this guy? miller_fit on Instagram! One hot French guy. Nudes pleaaaaase, anyone?

No.34278 : Anonymous [2016-04-14 01:10] [Report] []


No.34762 : Anonymous [2016-04-20 18:41] [Report] []

Oh wow!! Would love to see more of him pls

No.34772 : Anonymous [2016-04-20 20:38] [Report] []

Jealous of his genetics, ughh. I eat 1 calorie and I gain 50 lbs LOL plus he has a sexy face which is so unfair. Hope his dick is small lmaoo

No.34774 : Anonymous [2016-04-20 20:50] [Report] []

My friend has spoken to him on IG before. He has a fetish for "shemales" (transsexual women who keep their penis).

No.34777 : Anonymous [2016-04-20 21:17] [Report] []

>>34774 I love that you felt like you had to explain what a "shemale" is lol

No.34780 : Anonymous [2016-04-20 22:01] [Report] []

Yeah thanks, but I've seen those, but are there any nudes of him out there? Any from your friend who's supposedly talked to him? lol

No.34797 : Anonymous [2016-04-21 01:42] [Report] []

Omg, that body tho, he's only 18! Pretty sure he has a naughty side in there and some nudes out there too! lololol gotta find 'em guys (or catfish him) was your friend able to get anything out of him >>34774 ? Share them plsss

No.34835 : Anonymous [2016-04-21 14:31] [Report] []

>>34774 BULLSH*T

No.34854 : Anonymous [2016-04-21 19:31] [Report] []

It doesn't surprise me that he likes shemales. Seems like a lot of straight guys are into it nowadays.

No.34872 : Anonymous [2016-04-22 00:24] [Report] []

>>34835 kinda have to agree with you, lol. Pretty sure he gives that cocky straight boy aura out. But I'm still hoping there are nudes of him out there! BUUUUMP

No.34971 : Anonymous [2016-04-23 00:41] [Report] []

>>34774 This guy doesn't give me a "bi" vibe at all. I don't see this guy fucking a tranny or getting fuck by a tranny/guy.

No.49709 : Anonymous [2017-01-16 12:23] [Report] []

shitttt, anyone got anything on him????


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