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No.50777 : Anonymous [2016-08-25 23:58] [Report] 1472183922288.jpg (71962 B, 500x500) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
71962 B

Anybody got anything on this guy? He had a tumblr account that is now deactivated by the name of "bouldershoulderguy" and his real name is Travis, snapchat travytrav20.

No.50952 : Anonymous [2016-08-28 02:41] [Report] 1472366518740.png (3325027 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3325027 B

Bump! He is sexxxxy!

No.51135 : Anonymous [2016-08-29 10:50] [Report] []

Bump! Anyone manage to get full frontals?

No.51152 : Anonymous [2016-08-29 13:35] [Report] []

Might as well let it go. Don't think it'll happen.

No.51266 : Anonymous [2016-08-30 02:21] [Report] []

Never give up! Never surrender!

No.52748 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 16:36] [Report] 1473626210968.png (4505732 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4505732 B

He was blessed with a body that's for sure! Travytrav20 is his snapchat for all you catfishers out there.

No.52752 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 17:18] [Report] []

>>52748 How tf do you catfish on snap? I'm pretty good at catfishing but have always wondered that

No.52789 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 23:46] [Report] []

Well you could try his Twitter maybe? @colbyjack_chz

No.54485 : Anonymous [2016-09-30 02:39] [Report] 1475217543296.png (3946262 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.57274 : Anonymous [2016-10-28 02:53] [Report] 1477637581324.png (4619728 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4619728 B

Bump! Anything new on this sexy dude?

No.57939 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 05:26] [Report] []

Still hoping for the lucky day someone finds bouldershoulderguy's full frontals.

No.57945 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 09:45] [Report] []

>>57939 doubt they exist.

No.57955 : Anonymous [2016-11-03 12:59] [Report] []

>>57945 What makes you say that?

No.71499 : Anonymous [2017-01-30 15:53] [Report] []

bumping. I remember ages ago, before he deleted, someone on tumblr submitted an ask saying his nudes were floating around, and he said they probably are. we have to find them!

No.71517 : Anonymous [2017-01-30 17:31] [Report] []

I added him on snap and he got all paranoid.

"Where'd you get my snap?!?!"


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