Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.51556 : Anonymous [2016-09-02 09:28] [Report] 1472822898174.jpg (4333 B, 183x275) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
4333 B

Alex Libby's boner pic has been cancelled from the whole internet... does anyone have it in a better resolution? is there anything new about him?

No.51571 : Anonymous [2016-09-02 11:34] [Report] 1472830476128.jpg (228735 B, 600x900) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.51697 : Anonymous [2016-09-03 11:17] [Report] []


No.51699 : Anonymous [2016-09-03 11:39] [Report] []

From what I can tell that pic is a fake

No.51715 : Anonymous [2016-09-03 12:22] [Report] []

the real pic is semi hard. pretty sexy. dont know why the photoshopped the dickhead here

No.51718 : Anonymous [2016-09-03 12:50] [Report] []

nah looks real to me

No.51776 : Anonymous [2016-09-03 23:05] [Report] []

Yeah lol its so obvious that before his finger is his actual dick and then past it something else. Look at the shadows on his dick lol they don't line up to the lighting. Plus the two halves are different colour and girth? haha

No.51841 : Anonymous [2016-09-04 11:19] [Report] []


it could also be that this is his dick and it was just away from the light source and someone dodged his dick to lighten it a little so it showed up better and it just looks kinda whack. with the dramatic lighting things already look funny, but that doesn't mean a whole new dick was shooped on.

there's already pictures of his dick in >>51572 and it's apparent that he got hard for some of them and also he's uncut. seems like it'd be a lot of weird effort to shoop a hard dick on him when that picture probably exists already and >>51571 is probably it?

No.51854 : Anonymous [2016-09-04 13:27] [Report] 1473010032495.png (1027354 B, 796x1324) [YIS] [GIS] []
1027354 B

sorry, but it's fake. Here is the real pic !

No.51858 : Anonymous [2016-09-04 14:27] [Report] []

lol still does it for me

No.67824 : Anonymous [2017-01-11 10:39] [Report] []


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