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No.51909 : Anonymous [2016-09-05 02:42] [Report] 1473057770276.jpg (515635 B, 5184x3456) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
515635 B

I'm sure this is a longshot, but anyone have anything on Rex Woodbury? He is gorgeous!

IG: @rexwoodbury

No.51910 : Anonymous [2016-09-05 02:44] [Report] 1473057852074.jpg (78127 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
78127 B

A pull from his instagram page. That's a shelf butt if there ever was one. Please if anyone has anything, I'd be super grateful

No.52027 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 05:45] [Report] []

Reasons why you will never see his nudes:

  1. Rexford Woodbury is a rich kid. His dad is a multi-millionaire
  2. He went to an Ivy League school.
  3. He's a nerd and a boy genius. He works at Goldman Sachs at such a young age
  4. He doesn't have the time to send nudes to strangers or use Snapchat.

Only poor people send nudes.

Here's an article "Richer People Spend Less Time On The Internet"

Rich people spend their time doing rich people stuff - sailing, riding, etc
Poor people spend their time doing poor people stuff - tweeting 24/7

No.52039 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 09:42] [Report] []

I'm sure they exist but not likely to get posted.

If you live in the NYC area and were on dating apps within the past 6 months, you saw him. We matched but nothing came out of it.

He graduated from school in 2015 and started working at GS at 23/24...that's normal, it's not like he's a prodigy especially a co like GS where everyone is very smart

No.52048 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 10:18] [Report] []


He was on Tinder to get Instagram followers (still dating the same guy). It was before he got famous and interviewed by Fox News

No.52050 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 10:34] [Report] []

It actually wasn't Tinder where we matched but I believe it
Not sure how long he and his bf have been together though, they've only started tagging each other in pics the past 2 months or so (?)

No.52060 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 12:42] [Report] []

Damn, life ain't fair. Maybe he has a small dick? Lol

No.52101 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 19:48] [Report] []

His face is only OK to me, he looks a bit cartoonish with his too dark eyebrows and Ken doll smile. But that body is insane - fantastic height, arms, thighs and ass. Also his complete lack of gayvoice is kinda hot. A guy like him must have tons of nude selfies on his phone. Too his boyfriend seems all over him.

No.52117 : Anonymous [2016-09-06 22:34] [Report] []


Lol yeah him and his bf have porcelain faces. It's a little creepy. But their bodies are on point. Props for that.

No.52183 : Anonymous [2016-09-07 10:04] [Report] []

Rexford Woodbury...

Honestly, if you didn't tell me that was his real name I'd have thought he'd taken up acting gay porn on the side and that was his stage name. Good fucking lord.

No.52188 : Anonymous [2016-09-07 11:52] [Report] []


That's his real name. Watch his interview with Fox

No.52189 : Anonymous [2016-09-07 12:04] [Report] []

Porcelain is the perfect word to describe his looks unreal like it's been painted on

Whatever though, he could still get it haha

No.52198 : Anonymous [2016-09-07 14:57] [Report] []

If I didn't know about his background, I'd say he looks like those guys who appear on Corbin Fisher. Maybe one day he will ditch his career in finance to take dicks on camera, lol.

No.52274 : Anonymous [2016-09-07 22:00] [Report] []


I know... reread my post. I said, "Honestly, if you didn't tell me that was his real name I'd have thought he'd taken up acting gay porn on the side..."

Which means what you just said. If I wasn't aware that was his real name, I would have assumed it was made up.

No.52282 : Anonymous [2016-09-07 23:52] [Report] []

I've had the displeasure of talking with him before, and he's extremely racist.

He's not into guys who are Asian or Black, and even called them ugly.

No.52283 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 00:48] [Report] []

Can someone please catfish this guy?
IG: Brandonboon
He's super hot and in college!

No.52285 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 01:35] [Report] []
>> 1544

Who cares. This site is for nudes not politics. Every damn post is becoming CNN. I doubt you are using non-white guys to catfish with... Let's get back to what the site is for!

No.52289 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 03:54] [Report] []

>>52282 So are we all sexist too because we aren't into women? Or Transphobic if we aren't into Transexuals? Last I check, most people can't control what they are into sexually. Grow a pair and STFU!
Sick of racism being thrown around in every situation someone doesn't like in hopes they can manipulate things to their favor. No one even knows what it means anymore!
But, not being attracted to a certain race or races does not make someone racist.

No.52298 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 08:06] [Report] []


No.52301 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 09:19] [Report] []

>>52282 this is the most unsurprising thing i've heard.

calling an entire race (or two) ugly makes you a racist, it's not a just a preference. a preference is saying i like guys from italy but am ambivalent towards non italians. but calling all non italians ugly is racist. if you don't see a difference b/w the two statement, then you're a racist too. if you don't like blacks or asians or hispanics or latinos, embrace it, don't hide behind the preference excuse

No.52308 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 10:52] [Report] []

>>52282 sorry you had the displeasure of speaking with him.

Also y'all, sexual racism is a real thing. Look it up lol

No.52311 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 11:37] [Report] []

>>52285 what a weird ass thing to say. There are some off people here.

No.52313 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 12:09] [Report] []

>>52301 thank you for having common sense

No.52318 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 14:42] [Report] []

>>52301 look, someone with an actual brain. Nice to see anonymity doesn't always bring out the ignorant edgelord type. Great post.

Take away someone's identity and they show their true colors. Countdown until some butt hurt queen gets in his feelings and gets racist in 3...2...

No.52321 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 15:52] [Report] []

Americans are so sensitive and pc cause you feel collective guilt for the misdeed of slavery. In East Asia, many people find blacks ugly, worship white people and think of themself and other Asians as inferior to whites. Many Asian mothers call their own children ugly and suggest plastic surgery to them. It's just not a big deal, though.

No.52324 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 16:14] [Report] []

>>52321 ok Donald Trump, you made everyone's point for them. It's racist and so is this dipshit who this thread is about.

No.52326 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 16:33] [Report] []

Having sexual presences like not necessarily being attracted to black or Asian dudes does not make you a racist. It's just what you like

Similarly if you like twinks versus super hairy dudes or younger guys versus daddies. It is just what someone enjoys getting off to or with and that's it. People are allowed to be attracted to what they are attracted to naturally

If the guy really said all black guys are ugly then he's a prick but just because he said he doesn't prefer black dudes does not make him a racist.

No.52332 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 17:40] [Report] []

I feel like I'm in the Upside Down. What a weird thread. The poster said the kid called two races of people ugly. That's a racist statement and makes him one. You don't have to be SJW to get it.

No.52340 : Anonymous [2016-09-08 19:19] [Report] []

>>52326 I agree. Saying blacks and asians are ugly makes this guy seem quite shallow but not racist imo. It's just a preference like many gays who find a lady's private parts disgusting. Just because it involves race, it's not wrong imo. Still surpriced someone of his caliber would not be more eloquent.

No.52377 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 00:04] [Report] []

If it is racist to not be attracted to people with a particular set of physical traits, some that may be defined as indicative of a particular race. Logically then, it sexist to be gay since you are not sexually attracted or hell, it would be ageist to not be sexually attracted to an older person. That is not to say that racism may not have any effect in ones sexual attraction at all, merely that the racism is a separate issue regardless of the perceived or actual impact on ones attraction. Sexuality is personal, and is up to the individual, that's what the gay rights movement is all about. The ability to be attracted to whomever you want to be attracted to.

No.52389 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 00:32] [Report] []


You're right. Definitely hiding behind the preference excuse. If he's not attracted to certain races that's really not unusual. That's not really the point either. Calling two entire races of people ugly is the issue. It's not just a preference. It's racist. Who even says that? As if no one would have a problem if a celebrity said they're not attracted to Jews and all of them are ugly.

No.52419 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 09:09] [Report] []

seriously, what a bizarre thread. people are missing the point, it's not that he likes white guys MORE (or "prefers" them) over blacks or asians but he's saying ALL blacks and ALL asians are ugly. that's the issue and that's a racist statement.

it's like a straight person saying ALL gay people are child molesters. that's a homophobic statement, it's not just that the straight person PREFERS straight people over gay people.

No.52453 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 15:09] [Report] []


You are taking the word of ONE person who claims he said that. It is equally as possible then that he said he just wasn't attracted to them, which the person then took as "he thinks they are ugly". We don't know, cause we weren't there. Yet you are jumping at calling him racist.

But, question: If he really was 'sexually racist' then you wouldn't be into him anyway and there would be no chance of getting together, so WHY THE FUCK PEOPLE EVEN WORRY ABOUT IT? No matter how much people bitch about this, no one is going to change who they are into just because someone wants to label it and portray it as "bad". Thats how homosexuality used to be, and sometimes still is, viewed. This is a pointless cause.

No.52460 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 16:04] [Report] []

It's surprising people argue about moral on this site. Like "OMG, he is racist, burn him!" LOL

No.52463 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 16:21] [Report] []


You keyboard warriors really do love typing in all caps to make your point. You okay, baby girl?

No.52464 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 16:24] [Report] []

>>52453 you know, now that you put into such basic terms, WHY WORRY? why should we worry about a gay man beaten and tied to a fence in Wyoming? Why worry about black slaves being lynched in the South? Why worry about a bunch of Hispanic and black people shot and killed in a club in Orlando? It's not anything was ever achieved from pointing out and speaking up against racism or homophobia.

No.52473 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 17:34] [Report] []

>>52463 you're so edgy and above it

No.52476 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 17:54] [Report] []

>>52464 Faulty comparison. Lacking an attraction to individuals of specific ethnicities is not equivalent to killing someone for their sexuality or the color of their skin. Let's not pretend otherwise.

No.52483 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 19:36] [Report] []


But did I lie?

No.52489 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 20:50] [Report] []

All I asked was if anybody had nudes of Rex; now for 3 days I’ve watched this thread spiral out and it's ridiculous. I don’t care if he IS racist; I don’t know him, I’m not looking to marry him, befriend him, our paths will likely never even cross. I just hoped maybe to see some more of that rockin body he has. Ass or dick pics, or stfu

No.52490 : Anonymous [2016-09-09 20:53] [Report] []

Soooo, I guess no one has pics of the rich racist ken doll looking dude???

No.52514 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 00:30] [Report] []

>>52476 you're missing the point. it's not that he likes white guys over blacks or asians, it's that he called them all ugly. the two statements are not similar. the former says "yeah i like white guys but i wouldn't say no to a black or asian guy if i think he's cute" while the latter says "no to blacks and asians because they're all ugly". like someone else said, if you can't tell the difference between the two, you're a big ol' white supremacy, make america great again racist like rex

No.52517 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 01:32] [Report] []


Exactly! This site is getting ridiculous. Feels like it's sponsored by The HRC now.

Let's stick to the nudes and that's it.

I'd make a comment about banning those who fuel the unnecessary political posts, but some over sensitive pussy will latch on and make a comparison to Trump or some other outrageous nonsense.

get back to what this site is for people!!

No.52540 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 07:33] [Report] []

I never cease to be amazed at people who go to a hot guys pictures chan and get all earnest about politics and race relations.

You got another billion forums for that.

No.52549 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 08:04] [Report] []

>>52514 i won't fuck fat people because they are disgusting, what does that make me?

i find the huge majority of black people to be hideous, same with indians. considering how many asians there are on this planet, the majority of the ones i'll ever see are going to be ugly. am i racist for not fucking ugly people? i won't fuck ugly white people either, the difference is that the majority of white people don't look, or act, like apes.

No.52550 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 08:10] [Report] []

>>52027 Yes, all those rich people who never sent a single nude and ended up on millions of hard drives during The Fappening. You're an idiot.

No.52561 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 11:03] [Report] []

>>52549 what that makes you is scum of the earth but it's nice that you own it

No.52569 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 11:52] [Report] []

>>52514 Even if Rex did say that all non-Whites are ugly (which we have no proof of, only the word of one poster here), that's not equivalent to going out and killing people for their race. They may both be racist acts, but they differ in degree. Being called ugly for your race will only cause emotional distress, it won't kill you. But again, we have no proof that Rex even said that, so what's the point of debating it?

No.52615 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 18:42] [Report] []

That nigger who accused Rex of being a racist. I made 3 hot fake Tinder profiles. Got matched with him but he never replied to any of my messages. I think he's just on there to get Instagram followers. Lots of people do that

No.52629 : Anonymous [2016-09-10 19:43] [Report] []


3 catfish proflies? You're dedicated.

No.52724 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 11:56] [Report] []

this thread is bringing out all the racists. i think it's time to burn this whole thread down

No.52725 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 11:59] [Report] []


>i don't like what people are saying
>censor it
No.52749 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 16:41] [Report] []

>>52615 Honey, let me tell you, if they don't respond send a wave of "hi hi hi hi" until they respond. Works like a charm every time for me. Sometimes these boys are bombarded with messages, so you need to grab their attention.

No.52750 : Anonymous [2016-09-11 16:43] [Report] []

Nearly 50 posts and the only 2 pics have been provided by OP. What a trainwreck.

No.84118 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 17:16] [Report] []

Y'all need to leave him tf alone. Y'all are some serious douches and probably just sayin all your crap cause you're Jealous or insecure. Leave him tf alone. Don't like him, then don't follow or talk about him. Simple as that.

No.84135 : Anonymous [2017-04-11 19:11] [Report] []

>>51909 This guy may have a hot body (don't know, never checked) but his gay face is a turn off!

And y'all are arguing over him...

Binch BYE!

No.84229 : Anonymous [2017-04-12 08:51] [Report] []

yes please?

No.84235 : Anonymous [2017-04-12 09:23] [Report] []

Where's his Fox interview?

No.85833 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 01:05] [Report] []

Just quit it already!
Y'all aren't even gunna get anything anyways, so lay off!!

No.85854 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 04:59] [Report] []

OP's picture should be in the wikipedia entry for 'date-rape' LOL

No.85867 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 08:52] [Report] []

"Y'all need to leave him tf alone."

Quick everyone... a little schoolgirl has told us to do something...

No.85876 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 10:49] [Report] []

This whole "leave him alone" bs is just that. If anyone who's ever read this thread knows, he very much wants the attention. He wouldn't continue to be on Tinder, while having a boyfriend for over a year, advertising his Instagram if he didn't want the attention. You can't invite attention without expecting blowback for your onerous dating habits and closed mindedness.

This guy is the epitome of white privilege. He believes that because he suffered as a closeted gay kid in bumfuck Murica that he cannot have prejudice, which justifies his "it's just a preference" crap. Before you jump and say I'm being a "reverse racist", people who color who think they can't be racist or prejudiced because they're someone of color are equally as bad.

All that being said, his face is seriously serial killer level creepy. As for his body, he tends to hide the front, probably because his boyfriend's body is banging and in comparison, his isn't as ripped and his fragile little ego and bushy eyebrows can't take it.

No.85903 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 14:18] [Report] []


hes not from bumfuck America. He's from a metropolitan area

No.85912 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 15:18] [Report] []

>>85903 so you agree with everything else but not that he's from bumfuck america? lol

No.86145 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 04:42] [Report] []

"A schoolgirl"

B*tch plz. I know the dude on a personal level and y'all who are just judging him not even know who he is, is just straight up stupid! I'm trying to stand up for em, delete this thread and lay off. How disappointing to see people like this, all because they want his nudes. Ha! Good luck! If anything you wish you were in my shoes cause the stories and funny times we have are just incredible. So please, I ask everyone kindly.. lay off this thread, and please delete it.

No.86154 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 07:23] [Report] []

As a white twink, there is nothing worse than a white twink that loves to be all SJW/#BLM/Feminist/Anti-Trump/LGBTQ online and then has "no fats, fems, Asians, OR blacks. Just a preference" on their profile.

Like if you have a preference for a WASPY guys from the upper east side then go ahead and do you babe, but at least TRY to hide your prejudice and stop pretending to be all SJW and woke.

No.86177 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 09:47] [Report] []

I'm a fat, fem, half-black half-asian. Are you saying I don't have a chance at a long term relationship with this guy?

No.86178 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 09:51] [Report] []

I just looked at his instagram. He has a nice body, but I actually don't find his face that attractive. Not saying that I wouldn't take a look at the nudes though.

No.86179 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 09:54] [Report] []

The other thing I noticed about his instagram posts...he's really proud of himself and thinks you should be too!

No.86180 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 10:00] [Report] []

Sorry folks but I just watched the Fox interview. This dude looks like a really self-involved douchebag. His fall will be a hard one.

No.86183 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 10:26] [Report] []

What's the boyfriend's name? The boyfriend is HOT AS FUCK!

No.86189 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 11:53] [Report] []

>>86177 yes

No.86193 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 12:11] [Report] []

>>86180 What fall? He's not my type but I gotta admit his success is based on substantial foundations like talent and hard work. He's not Justin Bieber who is someone who's fall will be hard.

No.86269 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 21:36] [Report] []

I don't live in the same city as this guy. I'll probably never bump into him on the street. I don't know if he is rich, talented, hard-working or lucky. The internet allows people to believe whatever they want to believe. So instead of speculating about how successful he is, just bring on some nudes.

No.86270 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 21:41] [Report] []

I actually think Justin Bieber has talent. And unlike Rex Bottomtooth III, we've seen him naked.

No.86274 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 22:22] [Report] []

Rex is the biggest bottom this side of Arizona. I went to college with him.

He's the world's most arrogant, selfish asshole. Don't be surprised if he runs for office. All of the smarmy altruism is self serving - it's part of his nature.

That said, someone has pics of him and I wish they'd share.

No.86292 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 23:06] [Report] []

I have his nudes

No.86294 : Anonymous [2017-04-23 23:21] [Report] []

>>86274 That's all we need is more people like him trying to run our lives. Everything about him screams narcissism.

No.86301 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 00:56] [Report] []

>>86292 do we really have to ask or are you going to post them?

No.86312 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 02:30] [Report] []

Another liar said have his nude but never post that in the end 😂😂

No.86318 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 03:27] [Report] []

You're right, I'm not going to post them since y'all are deciding to be nothing but stuck up annoying douches, yet you wanna be a total dumbass hypocrite and say that he's arrogant and stuck up and self centered. You should be ashamed for the crap you all say about him and yet none of you know him!! And those of you claiming to know him clearly don't! So Stop being stupid and complete idiots, you're just making a fool of yourself. Like seriously! Grow up and get out of your parents basement and go find a guy or girl on your own. Instead of jacking off to random guys online and Instead of going online trying to get nudes from a guy you don't even know and yet keep talking sh*t about. So LAY OFF. And get your pathetic selfs outta here already!

No.86341 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 08:30] [Report] []

>>86318 LMAO! Dude, your ranting is so annoying you definitely made the time to Bitch and complain. Snooze button Zzzzzz

No.86346 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 09:08] [Report] []

>>86318 Too funny and very entertaining! Nobody believed you had nudes to share anyway. But why are you here? This entire board has hundreds of pages of guys that we would like to see naked. Your post about finding it objectionable to look at random guys naked could be attached to any thread.

This thread reminds me so much of the Michael Erin threads. Clearly this guy Rex is a total narcissist who figured this board would fill up with guys talking about how hot and how "special" he is. That didn't happen.

But the one thing you can count on about narcissists is that there are in fact nudes to be found. No doubt Rex has a great body. So let's see it!!

No.86350 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 09:29] [Report] []

>>86318 Wait. You're angry because people are judging this guy without knowing him. But you just called a bunch of people annoying douches, hypocrites and idiots without knowing us. Ironic -- and very adult of you!

No.86354 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 10:06] [Report] 1493042761448.jpg (278750 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] []
278750 B

To get back on topic, look at this dude's legs. Come on, this pic without the shorts has to be amazing.

No.86357 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 10:37] [Report] 1493044631879.jpg (389493 B, 1080x1324) [YIS] [GIS] []
389493 B

How could you not want to reach out and touch that?

No.86387 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 12:35] [Report] []

I seriously had to come to this stupid site just to stand up for him and tell you to delete this thread. Since it is the internet, it was fairly easy for us to find this and after he and I read through it, it was just terrible. What is the point of even trying to get nudes. Trust me there's none out there. So please stop wasting your time and delete this thread please along with "perverted crushes."
We don't like what's happening on this

No.86393 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 13:09] [Report] []

>>86387 Seriously? Your post was actually a joke..right?? First of all, how did you even find this "stupid" site? Do you google your friend's name consistently to "help him out?" Do you find it offensive that guys find him good looking?

And as far as standing up for him, he seems like he would be capable of doing that on his own. Sounds like alot of jealousy on your part.

By the way, got any nudes of yourself that we can see?

No.86394 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 13:14] [Report] []

>>86387 surejan.gif

it's not like anyone on here has been trying to hide the thread from him, you act like you're a sherlock by finding this thread. his name and ig have been on here since day 1. congrats, you know how to set a google alert!

No.86398 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 13:36] [Report] []

>>86387 "What is the point of even trying to get nudes?" 1. He appears to have a great body. 2. I need material to pleasure myself with later.

No.86402 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 13:46] [Report] []

Again I must ask: Where can one find his 'famous' Fox News interview (the one that doesn't come up anywhere when searched for)?

No.86408 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 14:16] [Report] []

To those talking about him getting a fancy job at some fancy place because of his extra-smartness are forgetting about the most important contributing factor: Nepotism. /thread

Why do yall have to leave hispanics/latinos etc out of your "no blacks, no asians, etc" semi-racist comments. We all get our fair shame of hate comments.

As for the guy. He's okay from the neck down, but that face. He has that Donald burns gay-face. Poor people are way more attractive.

No.86410 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 14:25] [Report] []

legit, people arguing and defending him... look at what website you're on... show his dick or gtfo

No.86414 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 14:51] [Report] []

>>86387 Since you said, "after he and I read through it," so I thought I would say Hi Rex. You have a killer body. And congrats on your degree and job. Now, it appears that you have developed quite a fan base. So how about something for the fans? Any speedo pics you could share? Or how about something showing just a little "plumbers butt?" Come on! We are dying here!

No.86420 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 15:20] [Report] []

>>86402 Just google "Rex Woodbury Fox Interview." You can watch it from multiple sources.

No.86458 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 19:50] [Report] []

I actually think it would be kind of cool if Rex is reading all of this and getting a kick out of it. So seriously Rex, you're a hot guy. Post some good stuff already!

No.86475 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 22:09] [Report] []

I am reading this. But you can stick to what I post publicly. I.e. My Instagram post. I appreciate my friends and family notifying me of what's on this site, but I'd appreciate it if you'd not look for nudes of me. Also the things some people have said about me are very hurtful, so Please take those comments down. And thank you for taking an interest in my body? I guess? Hahaha, I worked hard for it!
Have a good night!

No.86487 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 23:27] [Report] []

Hurts that the truth is coming out, huh?

No.86491 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 00:01] [Report] []

>>86475 does it hurt when your true self is reflected back at you? good.

that's a tiny percentage of the hurt people of color feel when they see gays like you harp on about wanting full equality but would rather die before have another human being think you'd be interested in someone who doesn't look white.

No.86502 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 00:40] [Report] []

>>86475 "but I'd appreciate it if you'd not look for nudes of me." Are you saying not to look for nudes of you because there are none or not to look for nudes because you wouldn't like them made public? I'll keep them private. Just send them my way!

Now that you hold the record for running a marathon in a suit, would you care to try for the record for running only in a jock?

No.86504 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 00:43] [Report] []

>>86491 I like asian guys, and black guys. And who doesn't love hot hispanics as well?

No.86505 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 00:46] [Report] []

Rex, I'm going to assume that you in fact aren't the biggest bottom this side of Arizona. But will you be running for office?

No.86517 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 02:06] [Report] []

>>86504 That is THE most patronizing thing I have read all year. Stop trying to save face, we know you don't like dark meat! Even if you find non-European features unattractive (and I'm sure I've watered down your original comments), at least have some street smarts (as against book smarts) to not say that to random people on hookup apps as you do not have the advantage of anonymity.

No.86534 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 03:37] [Report] []

We all some nasty bitches here.

What was this thread about anyways?

No.86567 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:02] [Report] []

>>86504 thanks for that, i haven't laughed that hard in a long time.

No.86572 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:23] [Report] []

>>86517 Just to be clear, Rex didn't write the post about liking asian, black and hispanic guys. I was just commenting that I like them.

No.86581 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 11:52] [Report] []

Hey Rex, truly you do have great body. But if I may suggest, keep wearing your sunglasses, it does great job hiding those bushy eyebrows. I hope this doesn't offend you.

Yours sincerely,

Rice and Noodles

P.S. you look meeh without sunglasses

No.86583 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 12:15] [Report] []

>>86491>>86517 Please, Marys, play the race card somewhere else. I bet he also discriminates against fat and ugly people. WHO CARES?

No.86589 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 13:03] [Report] []

>>86583 obviously, a lot of people care. just because you can excuse racism, doesn't mean do

No.86590 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 13:04] [Report] []


You cared enough to comment?

No.86599 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 14:00] [Report] []

I personally like your eyebrows. And your chest. And your legs. And your ass doesn't look bad either.

No.86622 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 17:16] [Report] []

106 comments and not one nude?! Stop speculating on some teenager. Losers.

No.86641 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 18:59] [Report] []

>>86622 What in your background or your day-to-day life is making you a jackass to people you don't know? If you don't like the thread, just move on to the next one. I'll continue to speculate about nudes...just to piss you off even more.

No.86660 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 21:39] [Report] []

>>86590 I only care about his body, not even his face. These moral fags try to derail this thread again and again. I'm not black, I don't care about racism.

No.86668 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 22:27] [Report] []

Am I missing something? How do you guys know it's actually him speaking?

No.86688 : Anonymous [2017-04-25 23:56] [Report] []

>>86583>>86660 Your antics and slants only work on people who are actually offended by them. So spare us your keyboard shenanigans, neither of you would have the balls to repeat a word you've just posted IRL.

No.86689 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 00:01] [Report] []

So much drama for such a basic looking guy, he's not even average.

No.86707 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 02:08] [Report] []

>>86668 I doubt it's him. But you can see people showing their true color here, I find it simply entertaining!

No.86718 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 03:59] [Report] []

>>86688 I'm only offended by your sermons. Stop it.

No.86870 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 22:51] [Report] []

This thread is soo messy, like a really trashy version of already-trashy Bravo shows.

No.86876 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 23:16] [Report] []

This is probably the dumbest thread on here, and that is quite remarkable. Over 100 posts of mentally impaired people arguing about Nothing real at all. Amazing.

No.86889 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 23:51] [Report] []

I like this board because they let everybody's voice be heard. Each comment was important to somebody.


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