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No.54826 : Anonymous [2016-10-03 10:50] [Report] 1475506222215.jpg (167008 B, 750x869) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
167008 B

Anything on this flight attendant from Miami? He's former college football player so must have some pics floating around. Heard he was a man slut haha


We should make a section for these hoe flight attendants and their stuff ;-)

No.54877 : Anonymous [2016-10-03 18:21] [Report] []

I have nudes from this flight attendant named Shane Kinahan

No.54891 : Anonymous [2016-10-03 21:57] [Report] []

>>54877 post in separate feed? Thx

No.73108 : Anonymous [2017-02-09 09:29] [Report] 1486650573279.png (4981153 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
4981153 B

It "they" are bottoms, does that make Alan a "top"?

Anyone have pics?

No.82586 : Anonymous [2017-04-02 17:52] [Report] 1491169954385.png (4597060 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
4597060 B


No.82592 : Anonymous [2017-04-02 18:00] [Report] []

>>54877 Please share!

No.83156 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 13:26] [Report] 1491499567017.jpg (219370 B, 750x1033) [YIS] [GIS] []
219370 B

Hes in Brazil right now if anyone can catfish him

No.89252 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 18:16] [Report] []

He was on my flight to Atlanta 🙈🤤

No.89265 : mod38658 [2017-05-07 19:03] [Report] []

>>89252 but you're ugly and full of disease so you have no chance to even touch the tip of his fingernails so... 🙈🤤

No.89281 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 20:15] [Report] []

>>89265 use eng-rish pre-ase 🍜⛩🎏

No.89286 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 20:23] [Report] []

>>89265 CUNT! But seriously, Alan is becoming pudgy, his face is cute but he doesn't have the body of an adonis.

No.89295 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 20:51] [Report] []

Damn I got pics from him a few weeks ago but lost all my messages. I can't believe that I didn't save them. If I got them once, maybe I can get them again. He has a really nice ass.

No.89304 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:26] [Report] []

>>89281 you're a racist to your own race. Lolz. How can you be sure the guy you're talkting to is of a certain ethnicity? He can be from Europe, South America, or from the US. Like, who cares? You're probably the Asian one bc I heard some Asian people are racist to other Asians. Aaand I understand what he said about you being an ugly, loser fag. So fuck off with your tiny, rancid, disgusting penis that no one wants.

No.89305 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:29] [Report] []

>>89281 why so triggered? Hateful, racist fags aren't welcome here.

No.89307 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:35] [Report] []

>>89286 Yeah, you're obviously trying to change the topic about you being a creep by being a racist faggot. You C-O-M-P-L-E-T-E-L-Y, F-U-L-L-Y, U-T-T-E-R-L-Y understand what she said and your feelings got hurt. Go back to your basement if you can't handle people giving you a slap of reality.

No.89308 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:37] [Report] []

>>89281 100% only asians will say that to other asians.

No.89310 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:41] [Report] []

>>89281 I'm an american, and I'm pretty sure there are a bajillion people from different countries whose mother tongue isn't english. So why single out a particular ethnicity? Do you have a self-hatred abut you being asian?

No.89313 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:45] [Report] []

That racist cunt is stupid. I mean, this site is for sharing nudes and chatting about sharing nudes. Nobody cares if you write in perfect grammar or not. As long as you understand what the other people are saying, then it's fine.

I understand what he said about the racist cunt who "was on Alan's flight". Haha.

No.89314 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:47] [Report] []

>>89281 you have mental issues and shouldn't be allowed to lurk on the internet. You have stalking problems and a deluded mind. That's your diagnosis. Now go bye bye 👋🏼 we don't need hateful people here.

No.89315 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:48] [Report] []

>>89281 >>89252 you're disgusting

No.89317 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:53] [Report] []

>>89252>>89281>>89286 if you're really in the US, I hope you get deported or be thrown back to your asien country. If you're an asien fag who fantasizes about being in "Atlanta" on "the same flight as Alan" or you wanna come here in the US, I hope you won't get a visa and get blacklisted from applying for a visa. I hate asien fags who thinks their americans. Lelelel. Be nice so people will be nice to you.

No.89318 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:54] [Report] []

>>89286 the way you construct your sentence tells me that you're nothing but a pathetic gay

No.89319 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:56] [Report] []

>>89281 he's using the english language to comment. Do you see different language as we do? I see you love using stupid emojis so you're obviously >>89252

No.89320 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:57] [Report] []

>>89252 just die

No.89321 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:57] [Report] []

I'm from Brasil and people here are crazy

No.89322 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 21:59] [Report] []

>>89321 I'm from Toronto. Blame the racist fag because now we won't see Alan's nudes. 😪

No.89323 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:00] [Report] []

>>89281 you're irrelevant and you don't make any sense

No.89324 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:01] [Report] []

>>89252 I hope Alan jumps off the plane because there's a stalking creep on board

No.89326 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:02] [Report] []

>>89286 do us a favor and just slit your throat, will ya?

No.89327 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:02] [Report] []

Damn the popcorn eating while watching the drama unfold on this board lately is at an all time high!!!

The ratio of people being social justice warriors for no reason on a sharing board to the number actual pictures shared is so out of wack.

No.89328 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:03] [Report] []

>>89295 oh yeah? Please find a back up if then haha

No.89329 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:05] [Report] []

>>89281 wow, why so racist?

No.89330 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:05] [Report] []

>>89281 I believe you are the asian one because you use emojis a lot

No.89332 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:08] [Report] []

>>89281 you're probably an asian who have fantasies about marrying a handsome western guy(but guess what?!? It won't happen cause you fugly, son). You dislike the color of your skin, the shape of your face, and the way you talk that's why you're hating on other people who are like you physically.

No.89333 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:09] [Report] []

>>89281 >>89286 fuck off this thread!

No.89334 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:12] [Report] []

>>89281 you may speak english well but you're still an ugly, hateful, femme faggoty fag.

No.89335 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:14] [Report] []

Why people get so worked up on here about a stupid comment I will never understand.

Between this and the Sam Albright thread I just have to shake my head because all the useless back and forth has not yielded a single fucking picture!!

Side bar: Too many gays confuse preferences for racisism. If you really were as holy as you all imply you are -- would marry the most horrible looking person to you. But that's right, you wouldn't but god forbid someone else express their preferences and be called a racist.

No.89336 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:15] [Report] []

>>89281 daaamnnn, why are you being racist?You don't speak english that good as well

No.89337 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:16] [Report] []

>>89252 yer scary and creepy. No one wants ye here

No.89339 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:17] [Report] []

Just close this thread. It's pointless now because some racist people started barfing their racism here.

No.89341 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:18] [Report] []

>>89339 yep. Who would have thought gays would be so hyper sensitive...

No.89342 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:18] [Report] []

>>89281>>89252>>89286 you're a pathetic psychopath, who has an extreme dislike to oneself.

No.89349 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:35] [Report] []

You can be a bitch but racism is not welcome here.

No.89357 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 22:57] [Report] []

LOL, I don't even get what you psychos are arguing about. In the end, what matters here are dicks, asses and holes. Girls! Girls! You're both ugly!

No.89358 : Anonymous [2017-05-07 23:03] [Report] []

>>89342 Sorry, but we're not even the same person. Try again, whore!

No.89385 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 01:05] [Report] []

>>89358 It doesn't matter! Is that all you've got? "Whore" is actually a compliment so thanks! Try again, disgusting, peasant fag! Lolslolslols 😂🤣😂

No.89386 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 01:06] [Report] []

>>89357 you're uglier 😘

No.89387 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 01:09] [Report] []

>>89335 People come here to masturbate and cum and cum and cum butt there are some ugly faggots who loves creating drama by being a racist cunt. Your comment doesn't make any sense. You're comparing two different situations.

No.89400 : Anonymous [2017-05-08 03:39] [Report] []

>>89387 His comment makes 1000x more sense than your's, dumbo. You fags from the holier-than-thou department need to stop, you're the ones creating drama by playing the race card. Rasism is overrated, next!

No.89797 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 17:17] [Report] []

what actually happened? When I first came here the site was all about nudes but now you can wait a few days and behold a new thread full of angry people. cesspool this place is.

No.89847 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 21:00] [Report] []

>>89797 This place went downhill fast when traders and sellers discovered it. Now generosity is very rare here.

No.89899 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 02:30] [Report] []

Totally agreed


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