Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.55309 : Anonymous [2016-10-08 11:23] [Report] 1475940197120.jpg (36580 B, 235x350) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
36580 B

Does anyone have the fratmen - Brantley Up-Close video?

No.55426 : Anonymous [2016-10-09 11:12] [Report] 1476025934515.jpg (34566 B, 500x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.55434 : Anonymous [2016-10-09 12:10] [Report] []

where is that video! Please!

No.55524 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 09:31] [Report] []

CAn someone help

No.55525 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 09:41] [Report] []

lol this kid went to my high school

No.55527 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 10:02] [Report] []

It was a video from 2013. All links are deleted.

No.55537 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 13:06] [Report] []

Has anyone found the video online?

No.55557 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 16:17] [Report] 1476130670544.jpg (57812 B, 480x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
57812 B

he's hot! Come on guys!

No.55560 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 16:25] [Report] []

damn. Such a stud! Any newz about said vid?

No.55570 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 17:55] [Report] []

I know this will not help much, but the video is available on EMule P2P network. I've downloaded it but I can't upload the file here because it's too big, like, I've spent 12 hours uploading a 60Mb file to a sharing site... Imagine how many hours I have to wait to upload a 700Mb file with this shitty and intermittent connection!

No.55581 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 19:12] [Report] []

@4832 could you convert it to a smaller size?

No.55582 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 19:14] [Report] []
>4832 Please!
No.55586 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 21:18] [Report] []

could someone upload it?

No.55593 : Anonymous [2016-10-10 22:33] [Report] []

>>55525 What's his name and social media?

No.55626 : Anonymous [2016-10-11 08:41] [Report] []

>>55570 may you upload it?

No.55630 : Anonymous [2016-10-11 09:33] [Report] []

>>55626 has anyone found it?

No.55671 : Anonymous [2016-10-11 17:12] [Report] []

No news?

No.55706 : Anonymous [2016-10-12 02:32] [Report] []

He started lifting competitively and got really gross and musclebound

No.55742 : Anonymous [2016-10-12 13:12] [Report] []

any video?

No.55765 : Anonymous [2016-10-12 19:57] [Report] []
No.55883 : Anonymous [2016-10-14 06:27] [Report] []


No.57584 : Anonymous [2016-10-31 01:12] [Report] []

Thanks a million for the video link!! Anyone know his real name or links to his bodybuilding competition pics?


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