Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.60028 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 09:21] [Report] 1479738118811.png (1396889 B, 1366x738) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1396889 B

i'm not the only one who simultaneously watch porn vids like this right? lol

No.60051 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 13:57] [Report] []

When did this turn into bloggeneral?

Anyway to answer the I don't myself. I like gining total attention to the hot guy onscreen and not having to look all over to keep track of what's happening.

Also since this thread serves no real purpose i'll go ahead and ask this. I want to expand my porn collection and is wondering if anyone knows of any good less popular sites which contain solos. Also looking for sites which are run by a guy selling his own xxx videos.

If anyone does reply, thanks in advance!

No.60052 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 13:58] [Report] []

we're bad people

No.60055 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 14:10] [Report] []

Damn please share the first (left) guy.

No.60095 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 18:48] [Report] []

OP Please share the links/videos from the left and right guys!

No.60096 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 19:10] [Report] []

Please share all the videos? Where did you download them from?

No.60099 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 19:26] [Report] []


No.60137 : Anonymous [2016-11-21 23:22] [Report] []

pls share these 3!!

No.60177 : Anonymous [2016-11-22 04:02] [Report] []

Not OP but I'm pretty sure that those videos were from KC (kam*_*_*brey co*_*_*llins; remove those asterisks and underlines). A lot of good stuff there.


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