Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.62480 : [2016-12-07 13:31] [Report] 1481135497899.png (215052 B, 348x267) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
215052 B

Hey guys! Was wondering if anyone has Astrobuzz's (jo) show from CB? Also, looking for any good quality MfFrank's videos. I'd appreciate it, let me know and let's trade!

No.62493 : Anonymous5 [2016-12-07 14:41] [Report] []

got them both :P

No.62517 : Anonymous [2016-12-07 17:42] [Report] []

if there is an upstore link, i can DL it for it ;]

No.62526 : Anonymous [2016-12-07 19:04] [Report] []

would love to see this too

No.62530 : Anonymous [2016-12-07 19:48] [Report] []


So how do we reach you to get them?

No.62688 : [2016-12-08 14:03] [Report] []

>>62493 For those of you who have any of these videos, what's the best way to reach you? Send me an email at the address above or reply here. Much appreciated! :)

No.62704 : Anonymous5 [2016-12-08 16:05] [Report] []

I have a list of catfishes that I still need. Anybody good at that? I have 1 astrobuzz video and 3 mmfrank videos including cumshot

No.62707 : [2016-12-08 16:26] [Report] []

Who are you looking to catfish? Send me an email and we can discuss and trade. I have the day off so I have all day! lol

No.62869 : Anonymous5 [2016-12-09 22:41] [Report] []

IG: @rorywestfield

No.63391 : Anonymous [2016-12-14 02:14] [Report] []

where can we find these videos?

No.63539 : Anonymous5 [2016-12-15 03:19] [Report] []

waiting to see if anybody can catfish any of these dudes... I'd be willing to post publicly

No.78978 : [2017-03-14 15:38] [Report] []

To the person asking to bait:
IG: @rorywestfield, @romanroyale and
@jrmeriales, haven't got them yet but have a question for you. Send me a quick email and maybe we can trade other similar guys in the meantime. Thanks!

No.79079 : [2017-03-15 02:54] [Report] []

correction u can reach me at sorry about then error! hope to hear from you!

No.79083 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 03:11] [Report] []

I would probably pay to see these videos!

No.79190 : Anonymous [2017-03-15 18:08] [Report] []

can someone post a screen cap of his dick in the video?


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