Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.63719 : Anonymous [2016-12-16 10:28] [Report] 1481902136417.png (1555204 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1555204 B

Anyone know who this is/have more on him?

No.63749 : Anonymous [2016-12-16 16:05] [Report] []

Only ever been able to find the two vids of him ,

The one that this screen shot is from its only like 1 min long and another one of him being humiliated in a park by the same older guy in this vid thats about 3 mins long but nothing else sadly

No.63804 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 00:48] [Report] []

Umm where's the link for the second video because haven't seen that lol

No.63817 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 02:47] [Report] []

Ummm i found it on like xvideos and a few other sites ive seen it,
hes fully clothed in the second vid tho its really just a teaser i wish there were other vids tho

No.63859 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 12:20] [Report] []

That's lame, how is there not a vid of him being fucked lol

No.63928 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 19:59] [Report] []

I know !

I was hoping when i found the original 2 vids that there would be more to come but its been a year i think now and nothing :(

Oh well

No.63931 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 20:30] [Report] []

Do you mind sharing the videos?

No.63944 : Anonymous [2016-12-17 22:56] [Report] []

Cant be bothered searching for them,

honestly they arent hard to find just go onto xvideos and boystube and stuff they are everywhere been re uploaded a bunch of times.

Just search like blonde boy begging or being humiliated or something


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