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No.66919 : Anonymous [2017-01-06 07:30] [Report] 1483705831032.jpg (0 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

So Austin Sikora (instagram aus_track) just opened a connectpal account: It's for real, he's promoting it in his instagram. Those who have money please let us know what he posts

No.66920 : Anonymous [2017-01-06 07:30] [Report] 1483705859384.jpg (0 B, 480x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.66921 : Anonymous [2017-01-06 07:31] [Report] 1483705875868.jpg (0 B, 564x560) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.66941 : Anonymous [2017-01-06 10:54] [Report] []

So does he posts like nudity or something worth it?

No.67028 : Anonymous [2017-01-06 21:37] [Report] []

Uh wow oops, my finger accidentally hit subscribe and it charged me/subscribed me without a are you sure or a debit card prompt screen, how shit is that fk you connectpal what garbage.

Anyway holy shit his connectpal is garbage it's just workout post of his chest up with a shirt on what the fuck

No.67078 : Anonymous [2017-01-07 03:23] [Report] []

So far his connectpal is expensive and tame.

No.67131 : Anonymous [2017-01-07 12:20] [Report] 1483809606831.jpg (0 B, 900x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

I would love to see the uncropped version

No.67271 : Anonymous [2017-01-08 00:55] [Report] []

>>67028 Lol that sucks...well on the bright side, at least you can keep us all up-to-date on what Austin is posting.

If it's just boring fitness shots, I hope the gays stay clear. These annoying straight dudes need to stop trying to use us for easy coin by posting tame shit. Either give us what we want or kindly fuck right off.

No.67289 : Anonymous [2017-01-08 02:59] [Report] []


They're all using it to get $$$ I feel like because I guess it doesn't state anywhere that they technically have to show dick but they're like "exclusive content ;]" =n=, another mediocre post today

No.67477 : Anonymous [2017-01-09 04:51] [Report] []

Does he even show ass? Or just chest?

No.67502 : Anonymous [2017-01-09 09:47] [Report] []


Literally so far, nothing below the waist has been shown. Not even legs I kid you not, all content has been just shirtless vids or pics that are all taken above the waist

No.70094 : Anonymous [2017-01-22 07:34] [Report] []

Has he added anything of interest on his Connectpal site? Or just the same junk?

No.70112 : Anonymous [2017-01-22 10:56] [Report] []

any nudes of him?

No.70206 : Anonymous [2017-01-22 20:01] [Report] []

So nothing worthwhile at all on his Connectpal yet?

No.70220 : Anonymous [2017-01-22 21:22] [Report] []

I was about to screenshot the comments of literally everyone complaining that his instagram is posting hotter content than his connectpal and at a faster rate than his instagram but it looks like he deleted them lmao. Guys, it's literally just fucking him IN CLOTHES. HIM IN CLOTHES. WITH LIKE TWO PICS OF HIM IN UNDERWEAR AT WEIRD ANGLES WITH NO BULGE. This motha fucker got the nerve to post pics of him IN CLOTHESSSS ON CONNECTPALLLL. But nah for real he's only made 8 post, all of them are pics of him in clothes except one, which is a vid of him working out, video is taken above the waist.

No.70255 : Anonymous [2017-01-22 23:55] [Report] []

Jeez, what a scam. He knows why people are joining his connectpal, and it is NOT to see photos of him wearing clothes, lol. I bought a couple of selfies of him over Instagram, then he said he was ceasing that and would be selling content like that over Connectpal, looks like that was not true. He should at least be showing ass for that amount each month, if not a bit more. Too bad, he's a gorgeous guy

No.70265 : Anonymous [2017-01-23 01:45] [Report] []

LOL wtf you bought selfies from him ? omg I used to support this guy but now that I fully see he's baiting his gay audience I just wanna unfollow his ass. what a douche.

No.73254 : Anonymous [2017-02-10 03:47] [Report] []

anything worthwhile on his connectpal yet?

No.73620 : Anonymous [2017-02-12 19:36] [Report] []

Anyone checked out his Connectpal lately? Has he added anything beyond the G-rated stuff people said was there before?

No.73650 : Anonymous [2017-02-12 22:57] [Report] []

>>70255 Buying selfies LMFAO...gurl wot? They'd better have been nude selfies you were spending cash on cause if not, you need to love yourself more!

No.75643 : Anonymous [2017-02-23 10:17] [Report] []

Trust me this kid isn't worth it. I contacted him to see if you would send any videos and I fucked up by threatening him. I'm now facing three misdemeanors and a felony charge. They located me from my IP address. If you've got something on this kid delete it. Don't even try contacting his bitch ass he isn't worth it.

No.75651 : Anonymous [2017-02-23 11:58] [Report] []


Wow, that's crazy. Sorry about all that, but could you tell us how things escalated to that point?!

No.75671 : Anonymous [2017-02-23 16:21] [Report] []

They were able to trace the images back to my IP address. I learned possessing, selling photos that I don't own or falsely obtaining is a serious thing. This little bastard ruined my life over a few fucking pics that honestly aren't that good. Do yourselves a favor delete and destroy I learned the hard way.

No.75705 : Anonymous [2017-02-23 19:35] [Report] []


I am wondering about what you said. You won't get your IPs traced by just possessing an image in your personal files. Images per se don't carry IP addresses.

No.75746 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 00:17] [Report] []

>>75705 I agree. If images were linked to IP addresses, all those celebrity leaks would have been resolved by now.

No.75747 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 00:22] [Report] []

Not sure how you were able to get in trouble with this whole thing.
Did it happen after he gave you photos? did you give him photos? Did you try to catfish him and that's why you got in trouble? It's very confusing

No.75770 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 04:08] [Report] []

What were the offenses and in what state? If you were just "threatening" him, I'm assuming you didn't do anything beyond possessing photos (ie. distributing them for commercial gain). "Falsely obtaining" a photo isn't a crime either - tort law or otherwise. I'm not following here.

No.75772 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 04:09] [Report] []


I am thinking now that maybe you're Austin yourself. Simple possession won't get you traced especially when not being shared. It's like you're campaigning to actually delete all the pics of every users here who has any pics of Austin.

Btw, I don't have any pics of you Austin if you're thinking I have. =P

No.75789 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 08:48] [Report] []

>>75772 i think you are right, maybe its Austin himself. Hello sexy :)

No.75801 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 11:33] [Report] []

>>75772 I think you are right, that " If you've got something on this kid delete it" and "Do yourselves a favor delete and destroy" gives it away lol

No.75804 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 11:54] [Report] []

lol another example of another pretty but dumb as a brick model

No.75861 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 17:13] [Report] []

K you bitches are nuts, I sent him an email showing him what was out there, then I asked for him to send something or else. A few weeks later they came to my house and arrested me for 3 misdemeanor charges for "revenge porn" and then a federal charge because it happened in a different state. I came on here to warn you thats it. Also yes they can trace your IP address hookers! You leave a digital footprint.

No.75895 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 20:20] [Report] []


You left your "digital footprints" because you contacted him and tried to harass him because of your wording "send something or else". Your big mistake is that he got threatened and not because you simply have the pics. The previous ones that you send here made a different notion because of how you told your story like "If you've got something on this kid delete it".

Because if they can trace things simply by possessing images I'm sure celebrities like Tyler Posey and others would be feasting from the thousands who downloaded their nudes in anybody's personal computers.

No.75900 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 21:36] [Report] []

>>75861 omg! Shut up already! You can't keep you mouth shut even on here. So not surprise it happened to you! Plus the big mistake is going back to him and being a snitch! So cry about it somewhere else.

No.75917 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 23:40] [Report] []

anyway, who is the seller or who has his pics here?

No.75919 : Anonymous [2017-02-24 23:54] [Report] []

They can't trace you through images but they can trace you through email. Why would you blackmail anyone through email? Why blackmail anyone at all?

No.75983 : Anonymous [2017-02-25 11:17] [Report] []

I'm just posting to say who gives a fuck about this ugly rat and to bump this up so everyone can be reminded his that they shouldn't be sub'd to his shitty ConnectPal lmfao

No.76000 : Anonymous [2017-02-25 13:32] [Report] []

He's hot af physically,but ugly attitude ,too bad

No.76425 : Anonymous [2017-02-28 06:19] [Report] []

>>76000 I left him several DMs, he cant even be bothered to replying. I think hes a narcissist

No.76696 : Anonymous [2017-03-01 21:35] [Report] []

>>76667 omg please post more!

No.76706 : Anonymous [2017-03-01 22:54] [Report] []


this ain't from his connectpal is it ?

No.76711 : Blake [2017-03-01 23:30] [Report] []

His agency contacted me and threatened legal action. Either someone here snitched or Austin is actually in this thread. I removed his image.

No.76712 : Anonymous [2017-03-01 23:36] [Report] []

Removal requested, do not post new media.

No.76715 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 00:15] [Report] []

What did the pics that were deleted show??
I can't believe I missed it!

No.76720 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 01:15] [Report] []

>>76715 Nothing.

No.76736 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 05:26] [Report] []

who posted the deleted pic/s? Were those nudes or another shirtless pic like ones on his IG

No.76750 : Anonymous [2017-03-02 08:25] [Report] []


I say Austin is in this thread. Check the ones above I have already some suspicions.

No.82455 : Anonymous [2017-04-01 20:47] [Report] []

He posted on Insta that there's new material at Connectpal. Anyone here a member? Is the new stuff any good? Or still just G-rated stuff?

No.83101 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 02:44] [Report] []

Anyone check his Connectpal lately? Anything worthwhile?

No.84507 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 04:30] [Report] []

He posted yet again on Instagram that he has added new material at ConnectPal. Anyone a member there, is it worth joining?

No.84601 : Anonymous [2017-04-14 19:10] [Report] []

Anyone? :)

No.84959 : Anonymous [2017-04-16 15:40] [Report] []

a u s t i n s 1 k 0 r a keeps posting on Insta that he has added new material to his Connect Pal.

Is anyone a member and can comment on the quality/nudity level? People said a few months back that it was even more clothed than his Insta, nothing but workout videos. Has that changed?


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