Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.80708 : Anonymous [2017-03-23 07:28] [Report] 1490268495575.png (294469 B, 744x436) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
294469 B

anybody know he is? he's hot af

No.81620 : Anonymous [2017-03-28 06:12] [Report] 1490695957330.jpg (230922 B, 591x962) [YIS] [GIS] []
230922 B

His name is Kjell Pu, or Kjell-Andreas Pu. He's an amateur gay porn guy that does cam shows. His videos are on gayboystube, myvidster and chaturbate, as well as tumblr, mymusclevideos and xvideos. I've heard from others that he lives up in Arlington MA, is about 25 years. He's part Chinese and part Norwegian, and apparently did a bunch of gay porn and then regretted it. His stuff is regularly posted, and then taken down.

Looks like you've got some pics and videos of him already? Let me know if you want to share pics and videos!


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