Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.82074 : Anonymous [2017-03-30 20:58] [Report] 1490921910023.jpg (83382 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
83382 B

It's been a while since I've seen anything new of this guy. Anyone have some of his stuff or know if he's posting somewhere?

No.82121 : [2017-03-30 23:31] [Report] 1490931077392.jpg (714310 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
714310 B

His name is Josh. I have some pics and videos of him.

No.82141 : Anonymous [2017-03-31 01:24] [Report] []

sweet, would you be willing to share?

No.82255 : Anonymous [2017-03-31 18:05] [Report] []

Damn this got buried quick. Are you willing to upload them somewhere? It share privately via email?

No.82287 : Anonymous [2017-03-31 21:17] [Report] []

thanks man. how about the videos? and any chance of getting them without all the watermarks?

No.82378 : Anonymous [2017-04-01 11:05] [Report] []

Any news on vids?

No.82626 : Anonymous [2017-04-02 22:47] [Report] 1491187631280.jpg (113956 B, 504x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.82636 : Anonymous [2017-04-02 23:40] [Report] []

Could the guy with videos upload them somewhere? You'd be my hero dude

No.82708 : [2017-04-03 15:39] [Report] []

Sorry I'm having trouble finding them. I'll upload when I can.

No.82733 : Anonymous [2017-04-03 19:31] [Report] []

>>82708 cool, many thanks!

No.82912 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 23:04] [Report] []


These are hot. Any more off his ass/hole?

No.83100 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 02:03] [Report] []

your watermarking those pics sucks dude. really ruins the experience of getting off to them lol. but thanks anyways

No.83177 : [2017-04-06 16:00] [Report] []

Oh would you prefer nothing at all? Or like some of the idiots here...would you prefer I charge?

No.83200 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 17:55] [Report] []


the nudes of this dude are literally everywhere. if you want to find them without the creepy watermark, google reverse image search is your friend. hell, i think there's even a few threads in archive/dongs. >>83177 isn't offering anything you can't find with 10 minutes of googling.

No.83207 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 18:40] [Report] []

I've never seen several of the images he has. I'd love to have them without the watermark, so if you know a place please let us know. But I'm happy he's kind enough to post them even with the marks. And I'm super hopeful he'll be a champ and find and post the vids.

No.83214 : [2017-04-06 19:49] [Report] []

Just tryin' ta get people to my tumblr :P

No.83226 : Anonymous [2017-04-06 21:01] [Report] []

>>83214 That's totally cool, np! And it's a sweet tumblr. But now that you have our attention it'd still be nice to see the originals. Is there no way you'd share them privately or something? Believe me I'm not ungrateful for you sharing them at all, despite my asking this lol

No.83241 : [2017-04-06 22:55] [Report] []

I've removed the water marks cuz everyone seems to be messaging me non stop about it. eyeroll

No.83248 : Anonymous [2017-04-07 00:13] [Report] []

>>83241 Seriously, you're my hero dude, don't mind the complainers. If you ever find the videos, please do share.

No.84417 : Anonymous [2017-04-13 18:21] [Report] []

>>82708 any luck with this so far?

No.85394 : Anonymous [2017-04-18 16:00] [Report] []

hopeful little bump in case there is more out there

No.85712 : Anonymous [2017-04-20 13:25] [Report] []

Someone's got to have his vids on hand? I've seen so many screencaps from different vids

No.85968 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 22:48] [Report] []

i have loads of vids and pics of josh

No.85975 : Anonymous [2017-04-21 23:49] [Report] []

>>85968 awesome, can you upload and share them somewhere?

No.85991 : Anonymous [2017-04-22 04:05] [Report] []

im willing to sell them?

No.86012 : Anonymous [2017-04-22 08:11] [Report] []

>>85991 lol

No.86019 : Anonymous [2017-04-22 08:30] [Report] []

>>85991 well i'm not really down for paying. but maybe some sort of trade if i've got stuff of someone you want? have any contact info?

No.86489 : Anonymous [2017-04-24 23:49] [Report] []

>>85991 come on, be a pal and just post 'em for your fellow pervs

No.86738 : Anonymous [2017-04-26 09:00] [Report] []

whats your email

No.87900 : Anonymous [2017-05-02 04:07] [Report] []

anyone open to sending me his pics/vids? onedayless @


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