Archive/Dongs 2017

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No.82855 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 15:42] [Report] 1491334920960.png (382761 B, 640x482) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
382761 B

Any nudes of Shaiman Lalich? He used to post a lot on youtube a few years ago.

Someone posted this on LPSG:

Does anyone have a longer version? All this shows is ass but it looks like it might have gone on longer.

No.82899 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 22:00] [Report] []

bump i have seen this full video before.
he has a nice dick. uncut
someone can easily get something off him on snapchat.

No.82900 : Anonymous [2017-04-04 22:02] [Report] []

snap and insta are shaimanlalich

No.82939 : Anonymous [2017-04-05 00:24] [Report] []

Used to watch his old youtube vids, always thought he was cute. Now hes lost most of his hair to baldness but I still think he looks good.

Im interested in that full video if its out there.

No.83924 : Anonymous [2017-04-10 16:05] [Report] []

anyone have the full vid?


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