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No.89870 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 23:42] [Report] 1494387768849.png (746306 B, 678x675) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
746306 B

Adam Saleh Youtuber- Can only find 2. He says the video was for "adampackage(?) people", I can't make it out properly. You can tell it's him because he has pics and normal, recent videos of him in front of the same door. Suggested video in the link shows his 2nd video, whre you see him bulge for half a second. Maybe someone here has better eharing than me and can find out what site he used to make these videos.

No.89877 : Anonymous [2017-05-09 23:53] [Report] []

Wrong link, sorry. This one has the sound.

No.90013 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 13:57] [Report] 1494439063558.png (1045923 B, 1220x1722) [YIS] [GIS] []
1045923 B

Well supposedly some guy paid him 20 bucks to do a video but he share the video

No.90029 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 15:08] [Report] []

>>90013 I found out some more stuff, since I made the thread. He had a Youtube by the name of "Rippedadam" and "RippedAdam23". At the end of some of his vids on those Youtube channels, he had text saying he was selling videos of him in the showing, ripping jeans, cocky flexing, etc. Also found this vid, which might prove the videos are out there, but not labelled with his name or his alias's.

No.90134 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 22:48] [Report] []

>>90013 I think I have this video. I'll look for it.

>>89870 I had all of those videos on an old hard drive but it crashed. There was a couple where he stripped/ripped his clothes and flexed in boxers with a hard-on. One his flexed in the shower in white boxers. It sucked to lose those.

No.90148 : Anonymous [2017-05-10 23:53] [Report] []

>>90134 Hope you find the vid, would be awesome to see. Apparently his Youtube was popular, so more people must have the videos/or uploaded them and if he was doing all that for $20/40, he might've done a lot more for more money. :P

No.90307 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 19:43] [Report] []

isn't he the guy who goes on planes and purposely looks for trouble then spins it to seem as if he's been discriminated against?

No.90323 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 21:31] [Report] []

It's actually weird, I remember WAY back when I was in middle school or high school, I used to talk to him when he was just "RippedAdam" on YouTube and all his videos were about him showing off his body or videos of him fighting other kids. He used to have a site and everything where you could buy videos, but in retrospect he was like 16 at the time which is weird to think he was selling erotic vids. That shower video shows his balls at one point I'm pretty sure.

Long story short, I catfished him WAY back when I was fetus. One of the first guys I ever catfished. We were both underage at the time. He's actually like 2 years older than me. NO I don't have any pics at all. He was such a tool and still is. In a way it surreal to how different and popular he is now.

No.90324 : Anonymous [2017-05-11 21:36] [Report] []

Oh, also he used to be rippedadamtv, something like that. I don't remember, it was so long ago.

No.90489 : Anonymous [2017-05-12 19:11] [Report] []

i had the same experience as you pretty much, and it was weird as hell when he showed up again for that airplane video


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