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No.102702 : Anonymous [2018-05-22 14:49] [Report] 1527014953051.png (3142873 B, 1280x1707) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
3142873 B

Remember Dustin? He got upset when someone here made a post saying he gained some weight. Then Dustin said he was quitting Tumblr forever, he was going to delete his account. I predicted that it was all for attention and that he would be back in less than two months. It only took him about a week before he started posting again lol.

Now he is literally begging people to give him money so he can go to a theme park, it's so tragic. He should start an onlyfans, work for your money Dustin don't beg.

No.102749 : Anonymous [2018-05-22 17:15] [Report] []

If only everyone would've been lucky enough for him to have actually deleted his tumblr. Think we got our hopes up. He's too desperate for attention to follow through.

No.103181 : Anonymous [2018-05-23 20:32] [Report] []

I mean, Dustin seems like a pretty patient and amazing guy who has been dealing with a hell of a lot of people judging him for how he looks, and here you all are, begging for nudes from literally everyone with even the smallest following, and then either slut shaming them or straight up insulting them. I only hope the opinions of a group of obsessed voyuers don't make him give you a second thought.

No.103230 : Anonymous [2018-05-23 23:54] [Report] []

>>103181 Oh please. Dustin is a narcissistic, selfish, egotistical, attention whore, who has a tantrum when things don't go his way and don't entirely revolve around him. Just look at this latest stunt of "i'm going to quit Tumblr because a single person said i got slightly tubby" then two weeks later "lol nevermind, everyone give me your money, you get nothing in return, just throw money at me and worship me".

And what is Dustin dealing with that literally every single other queer person has to deal with on a daily bases? This is exactly what i'm talking about, he always plays the victim, he tries to act like his struggles are unique and worthy of more attention, they are not. Dustin looks like generic white gay, there are thousands of them, his "struggles" are the struggles of thousands, except unlike Dustin the rest of us don't use it for attention.

No.103489 : Anonymous [2018-05-24 19:21] [Report] []

He’s cute for like a typical while guy. But really he’s such a drama queen... Like always pulling stunts with his melodramatics attempt s to quit the internet. Then a few weeks go by he comes back like “lol jk but give me money” and deletes any posts about quitting. Like come on Dustin! So tired of these guys that “delete” but come back when they want something. Even if it’s your birthday we aren’t going to create like a crowdfund to help you have a good vacation lol.

TL;DR let’s finally let some see some new nudes from this drama queen haha!

No.103532 : Anonymous [2018-05-24 22:53] [Report] []

I sure hope you know him IRL and he treated you wrong in person because your essays worth of hate seems a lot extreme if you only know him from social media lol just sayin.

No.103585 : Anonymous [2018-05-25 02:48] [Report] []

>>103532 Is that you Dustin? Lol

No.103704 : Anonymous [2018-05-25 10:29] [Report] []

>>103585 I'm an Asian guy living in Canada so last I checked no? A lot of y'all on here are just so salty it's disturbing.

No.103755 : Anonymous [2018-05-25 12:59] [Report] []

>>103704 Asian guy living in canada that looking at leaked nudes... yeah def not disturbing either lol okay I guess but go off

No.103822 : Anonymous [2018-05-25 16:35] [Report] []

>>103755 Eww you serious? I mean ok go ahead and stay hateful; heaven forbid you all are told to relax hating on someone y'all don't even know in person. Thanks for proving my point.

with love,
Asian Canadian :)

No.104418 : Anonymous [2018-05-28 02:07] [Report] []

So, are we gonna post his nudes or?


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