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No.11220 : Anonymous [2017-07-12 23:17] [Report] 1499915868044.jpg (40953 B, 800x331) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
40953 B


No.11221 : Anonymous [2017-07-12 23:18] [Report] 1499915910780.png (152398 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
152398 B

Anyone have them?

No.11246 : Anonymous [2017-07-13 00:53] [Report] []

Please let this be real.

No.11529 : Anonymous [2017-07-13 23:33] [Report] []

Please post anything on him!!

No.11536 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 00:12] [Report] []

I wish that there was stuff not just another bs

No.11573 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 03:39] [Report] []

on lpsg, some are saying they've heard 'whispers' about his nudes being sold. I'm just hoping someone's kind enough to leak it

No.11583 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 05:24] [Report] 1500024252606.png (1467065 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.11594 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 06:30] [Report] []

Does he show his ass?

No.11647 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 11:42] [Report] []

Damn i wish this is real and not another scam to beg people to pay for bullshit

No.11651 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 12:14] [Report] []

First Kenton Duty, now this guy that's so fucking hot... This has to be my year lol
Only Jeremy Sumpter is left!

No.11657 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 12:35] [Report] []

>>11651 We need the Dhani Lennevald nude videos too

No.11704 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 16:43] [Report] []

My body is ready!

No.11722 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 18:24] [Report] []

>>11651 Have you seen Carter's videos?

No.11725 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 18:34] [Report] []

ewwwwwww, a circumcised jew

No.11739 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 20:13] [Report] []

What does he show exactly?
Is there a video or you just want some money from stupid people?

No.11742 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 20:46] [Report] []

>>11651 KD's dick is amazing-looking... I wonder what this guy's looks like? :-o

No.11755 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 21:25] [Report] []

>>11725 I can suck his circumcised jew cock in no time if you don't like it, idiot.

No.11757 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 21:29] [Report] []

The nudes are fake, if this goy does something nasty his god will punish him.

No.11758 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 21:30] [Report] []

>>11725 ipso facto

No.11768 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 22:24] [Report] []

>>11757 u lost?

No.11769 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 22:42] [Report] []

Jew, musulman, atheist or mexi-narco this guy is the hottest shit on earth, I can suck his balls dry, even there are rumours of him being 'gay friendly' on the set of Aliens in The Attic.

No.11770 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 22:43] [Report] 1500086601647.jpg (72527 B, 1024x424) [YIS] [GIS] []
72527 B

Some snacks while we wait for at least some captures from the videos

No.11771 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 22:44] [Report] 1500086640861.gif (1955979 B, 458x358) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.11772 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 22:44] [Report] 1500086672854.gif (950204 B, 319x450) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.11776 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 23:03] [Report] []

Some are saying that there are other leaks: Tom Felton, Sterling Knight, Jason Dolley and Mitchell Hope. No screenshots this time, sorry.

No.11779 : Anonymous [2017-07-14 23:06] [Report] []

Why there are two unmoderated posts? maybe the video links?

No.11789 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 00:25] [Report] []

>>11776 Where did you hear that?

No.11810 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 02:03] [Report] []

>>11776 OMG! Tom Felton?! Yess! Definitely would love to see that! Where did you hear all of this? IS this person going to show proof or something?

No.11829 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 04:41] [Report] 1500108117059.png (1119277 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.11837 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 05:44] [Report] []

Would really love to see that vid! He's hot!

No.11868 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 11:13] [Report] []

>>11775 SCREAMING @ Colfer being a top but. xD

No.11875 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 11:53] [Report] []

Someone is just begging for money

If you got something then post it
If not then shut your asshole and lets move on

No.11901 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 13:46] [Report] []

>>11742 Kenton Duty dick is sweeeet :3

No.11905 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 14:14] [Report] []

>>11776 Mitchell Hope? I can die happily now!

No.11910 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 14:29] [Report] []

>>11829 Do you have the vid?

No.11917 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 14:58] [Report] []

does anyone know a guy who can hack some ones facebook? lot of nudes pics in this guys facebook inbox and i need aceess his facebook. plsss need help

No.11922 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 15:11] [Report] []

>>11917 You are in the wrong thread honey.

No.11928 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 16:02] [Report] []

>>11922 which thread should i go ?

No.11959 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 21:16] [Report] []
No.11973 : Anonymous [2017-07-15 22:42] [Report] []

>>11917 You need to start a new thread, not post your request here because the topic of this one is the 'C-J leaks'.

No.12027 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 06:10] [Report] []

>>11776 I don't know if you talked with the same person as me but I've seen screenshots of the videos and they show face and everything so I believe what you said. The only downside is that the person who offered me the videos asked for 600$, crazy as fuck, I'm not going to pay that shit for crappy videos even if they are of famous guys.
Last thing, I don't know if the person didn't offered it to you or why you don't talk about the last vid, I'm not going to say any name but my spider sense tells me that if that video goes out some closeted actor is going to have problems with his closeted boyfriend (the little I know is that he was catfished using a fake guy on Instagram) and with the studios because they are trying to hook him up with his co-star.

No.12029 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 06:18] [Report] []

I must add: for the last video the guy wanted 200$! 200$ for that video alone! No way I'm going to waste money like that lol

No.12045 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 09:50] [Report] []
>12027 Can you share the screenshots? Thanks
No.12049 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 10:13] [Report] []

Carter wasn't catfished a guy. He mentions to the girl about wanting her to say his name while she fingers herself

No.12055 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 10:52] [Report] []


Okay, so your not-so subtle hint tells me which actor you're talking about. I just want to clarify, the person who was catfished... was it the closeted actor or his boyfriend? Either way I'd be happy... depending on the content I'd probably even be willing to pay $200. Definitely if it's the actor.

No.12067 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 12:31] [Report] []

Sounds like youve seen the video

No.12076 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 13:25] [Report] []

>>12049 So I take it you have the vid?

No.12117 : Anonymous [2017-07-16 18:29] [Report] []

12027 Here, I don't have any video because I didn't pay for them, 600$ (for Tom Felton, Sterling Knight, Mitchell Hope and Jason Dolley) or 200$ for the "other" guy alone it's a little too much, no way I'm paying that. Sorry but I can't say how or when I've seen the screenshots for all those videos because if I give details I will not receive new video leaks offers in the future.
>>12055 The catfished was the closeted actor (the 200$ one), if this video leaks is going to create a lot of problems between him and his closeted boyfriend and the studio our actor works for.

No.12232 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 08:33] [Report] []


Shit, put me in touch with this guy, I'll pay $200 for them right now.

No.12234 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 08:55] [Report] []

I think I know who you guys are talking about but I'm not 100% I'll give you Carters video if you tell me who it is. Leave a contact email.

No.12246 : jacksamson544(at)mail(dot)com [2017-07-17 10:01] [Report] []


Can you email me regarding this $200 video? Seriously willing to pay.


You have Carter but don't know who we're talking about? Why don't you ask the person who gave you the video?

No.12271 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 12:47] [Report] []

If anybody's got this stuff, I'm interested. grahamfst at gmail

No.12289 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 15:14] [Report] []

They're clearing trying to say this "closeted actor" crap is Tom Holland. Which is bullshit. They have nothing.

(Not saying he's not gay, I'm just saying they don't have the proof they're claiming.)

No.12315 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 16:53] [Report] []

You Mad?

No.12321 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 17:12] [Report] []

>>12315 Nope, just not delusional.

No.12336 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 18:57] [Report] []

The anon clearly said that he had seen the screenshots but that have nothing, is not like he's boasting that he have all the videos but that he's not going to share (like many are doing lately here). He just give us a heads up of what kind of content is circulating without our knowledge.

No.12370 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 22:50] [Report] []

Isn't it sad and pathetic...
Straight guys hack female celebrities & leak the pics for free for the joy of exposing them.
But gay guys get naked pics of male celebs & want to horde it all to themselves, so they can think there's something special about themselves, or sell 10 second/1 minute clips for hundreds of dollars...
Says something sad about us.

No.12378 : Anonymous [2017-07-17 23:40] [Report] []


Whats tom holland??

No.12392 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 01:17] [Report] []

>>12370 welcome to reality son

No.12401 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 02:04] [Report] []

Ha! And they probably believe in the Democrat's schtick of tax the rich & Bernie's socialism, but keep your hands off their porn stash. No sharing the wealth here.

No.12432 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 06:07] [Report] []

However, if the people who hacked the women tried to sell anything, you can bet your ass it'd be a huge scandal and come with law enforcement investigation. So easier to post it all free and anonymously. Though even that got some law enforcement attention.

Whereas when it's men being exposed they know they can charge because no-one is going to give a shit. Hell, look at Gawker - they condemned the Fappening for its invasion of privacy, and yet then had no problem posting Hogan's sex tape - and even refused to take it down when ordered to by a judge.

No.12433 : jacksamson544(at)mail(dot)com [2017-07-18 06:18] [Report] []


Yeah, I'll admit it's pathetic, but I've got the cash, so if it's out there I'm interested. But I've got my doubts that it's at all true... just a fool's hope really.

No.12450 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 08:42] [Report] []


This is the worst analogy I have ever seen.

No.12470 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 11:07] [Report] []

Lol what the fuck are you talking about

No.12490 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 12:13] [Report] []

Anything new ?

No.12523 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 16:15] [Report] []

Someone has the contact of the seller? I can pay it

No.12540 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 17:28] [Report] []

The amount of butthurt in this thread is really funny (people that thinks that X actor IS NOT FUCKING GAY and get pissed, people that want all of it right NOW for free, guys/gals pisses at the ones that give info on what's happening on the leak circles for not providing screenshot or videos for free, others talking about morals of why you must share RIGHT NOW or you are shit, etc)

No.12568 : CrimsonDragon [2017-07-18 19:47] [Report] []

Share pics/vids or STFU.

This smoke and mirrors crap of "oh I've seen/have xyz but I won't post anything" is ridiculous.

No.12569 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 19:48] [Report] []
>others talking about morals of why you must share RIGHT NOW or you are shit

Don't forget, they're talking about morality when it comes to sharing video of someone who was tricked and was recorded without their permission.

No.12574 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 20:03] [Report] []

>>12569 That's the reason I found those faggots funny lol "GIVEMEEVERYTHINGFORFREEEEEE OR STFU!..." That's why we can't have nice things, thanks guys!

No.12582 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 20:59] [Report] []

It wasn't a statement about morals. It was a statement about hypocricy.

No.12604 : Anonymous [2017-07-18 23:12] [Report] []

Is there a video?

No.12640 : Anonymous [2017-07-19 01:38] [Report] []

Is this guy even worth this going nowhere thread?

No.13059 : Anonymous [2017-07-20 20:02] [Report] []

It may be going nowhere right now, but remember it took months & endless posts until the Posey's finally leaked.

No.13116 : [2017-07-21 04:50] [Report] []

Email me if you have any of the nude videos of Carter Jenkins, Chord Overstreet, Jason Dolley, Sterling Knight, Mitchell Hope, Tom Felton, Jeremy Renner and Tom Holland.

No.13123 : jacksamson544(at)mail(dot)com [2017-07-21 05:50] [Report] []

Well, the guy who claimed to be in contact with the seller has gone quiet. That's a shame.

No.13238 : Anonymous [2017-07-21 17:35] [Report] []

>>13116 why

No.13252 : Anonymous [2017-07-21 20:00] [Report] []

I saw a tumblr video of Jason dolley, it's clearly not even him.

No.13269 : Anonymous [2017-07-21 21:17] [Report] []

>>13252 That's clearly not the video the anon was talking about

No.13270 : Anonymous [2017-07-21 21:37] [Report] []

I saw that tumbler video and I agree it most likely isn't Jason Dolley. However I don't think that tumbler account has anything to do with the videos talked about here.

No.13275 : Anonymous [2017-07-21 22:09] [Report] []

>>13252 that's prob not the video people are talking about.

No.13368 : Anonymous [2017-07-22 06:48] [Report] [] has carter

No.13396 : Anonymous [2017-07-22 09:40] [Report] []

Illegal stuff away cost more dammit

No.13421 : Anonymous [2017-07-22 10:15] [Report] []


And let me guess he is selling it

No.13469 : Anonymous [2017-07-22 13:20] [Report] []

Can you stop posting my emails on all of these. I tried to get out of this when Posey and Codys shit leaked. I never sold anything. I just looked for other stuff too.

No.13475 : Anonymous [2017-07-22 13:50] [Report] []

>>13469 But do you have Carter's vid?

No.13921 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 03:18] [Report] []

Gotta keep this alive till it pops up

No.14009 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 13:51] [Report] []

News from a Kj Apa Leak, this is getting good!

No.14034 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 16:01] [Report] []


No.14040 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 16:13] [Report] []

ENOUGH WITH THIS POST!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm sick and tired of seeing that dumb face of that effeminate dude always in the main page! And the updates on the thread are just insults! Not even links to the videos OP asked so the thread can die in peace! ENOUGH!

No.14042 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 16:39] [Report] []

Shut up you annoying prick.

No.14048 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 17:11] [Report] []

>>14040 Have you finished your tantrum? behave yourself or I'm going to take away your Ipad and ground you for the week :rolleyes:

I want those Kj Apa leaks so badly! He's gay or something?

No.14050 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 17:16] [Report] []

Yeah, again, the hostility on this board is getting out of hand. I feel like it's probably only a few people instigating it too, though I really can't say for sure. It would be nice if the mods could step in a little bit.

No.14071 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 18:19] [Report] []

>>14040 Add to that he's a fucking jew, this thread is the most disgusting thing I've ever seen.

No.14073 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 18:23] [Report] []

How all of you fags feel trying to get the video of some guy that got scammed? and to make things worse he now have a legion of fags jerking to it (a very selective legion of fags because the video didn't leaked).

No.14074 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 18:33] [Report] 1500935637144.gif (705540 B, 426x290) [YIS] [GIS] []
705540 B

Mmmmm... Kj Apa... I want to touch his sweet, sweet can...

No.14096 : Joe [2017-07-24 20:25] [Report] []

Can anyone else confirm KJ Apa nudes?

No.14111 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 21:36] [Report] []

What's a "KJ APA"? some kind of anime character or something? (Sorry, I don't want to Google)

No.14121 : Anonymous [2017-07-24 22:23] [Report] []

>>14009 Vids or only photos? if it's only photos get your leak and put it in your mother's vag. I just want videos or GTFO.
>>14111 You don't know KJ, your life must be sad you idiot.

No.14385 : Anonymous [2017-07-25 21:03] [Report] []

>>14121 how ironic lol

No.14386 : Anonymous [2017-07-25 21:04] [Report] []

Is there a source of this KJ Apa rumor? Or are we just wishlisting?

No.14415 : Anonymous [2017-07-25 22:56] [Report] []

Ignore the jerks. If anyone finds any captures from the videos, please post them. It may take a while for the full videos to leak.

No.14530 : Anonymous [2017-07-26 12:54] [Report] []

Besides Carter, we haven't seen for any other proof :(

I really want to see Felton and KJ if it's real! Also, I'm curious to know which disney star they have!

No.14549 : Anonymous [2017-07-26 13:55] [Report] []

Avan Jogia?

No.14581 : Anonymous [2017-07-26 15:26] [Report] []


The Disney actors are Sterling Knight, Mitchell Hope and Jason Dolley. It was back at 12117

No.14664 : [2017-07-26 20:58] [Report] []

Does anyone know who has the KJ Apa videos?

No.14666 : Anonymous [2017-07-26 21:04] [Report] []

I'd actually really like to see Mitchell Hope's stuff. Hope this stuff surfaces soon.

No.14685 : Anonymous [2017-07-26 22:53] [Report] 1501123997926.jpg (264667 B, 797x694) [YIS] [GIS] []
264667 B

>>14666 Mitchell is hot as hell. I can't count how many times I've fapped to his scene on Descendants where he's shirtless and in his boxers only.

No.14686 : Anonymous [2017-07-26 23:04] [Report] []

i love how so many of you start salivating as soon as an anon drops a name of another actor without screenshot proof.

y'all are too fucking easy.

i.e "I heard there's also Chad Michael Murray, Logan Lerman being tossed around"

No.14708 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 00:23] [Report] []

Lol, yeah. I mean, nothing surprises me anymore. I know lots of things exist out there. But ya might want to wait for something more substantive than just a random name drop

No.14712 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 01:07] [Report] []

I was just saying I'd like to see Mitchell Hope's stuff. I never said "Woah, this is all totally legit. 100% factual, let's see it." The chances of it not being legit are higher than it being legit, until we see some proof. If anything of him were to come out, I'd like to see it, he's pretty hot. No saliva here though.

No.14742 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 04:19] [Report] []

Logan Lerman would not be a surprise. A couple of years ago I read that he was hooking up with a lot of guys, some from internet. It was excessive enough that it scared his handlers and they told him to cool it. Maybe he went to on-line sex.

I wouldn't be surprised either if his best friend and maybe boyfriend Dean Collins would also have nudes, though no rumors yet.

No.14746 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 05:02] [Report] []

the carter one does look legit at least

kj's wouldn't surprise me either. i followed him for a while on insta (i liked riverdale) but it was honestly like following a twelve yo straight kid. he was so mind-numbingly foolish that i couldn't stomach it after a while. he's not funny nor talented and if someone were trying to bait him, it wouldn't surprise me at all if they were successful. but he's cute! lol, so there's so that.

i'd feel bad for mitchell, though. of the names so far, he's the one who would probably be most affected. disney will certainly want to keep him following the success of the descendants franchise. a leak like this might affect that.

it took a few weeks (months i think?) before the tposey and cody stuff to come out, so i guess we'll find out soon.

kinda wish some other hot young actors were included. colin ford from supernatural got all hot and seems to love showing off, wish it were him instead of one of the disney guys lol

No.14766 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 05:52] [Report] []

Lmao @ people who are on this board for the same purpose ragging on this guy for having wishful thinking. Grow up. This isnt your second chance at high school babes

No.14836 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 13:33] [Report] []

Yeah, that's part of the reason why I wouldn't want it to come out. Fear that he could get in trouble or lose his job. Tyler Posey didn't lose his job though, nor did Cody Christian or any of the other actors or actresses out there. But, then again, this is Disney we're talking about. But, he's really hot plays a lead role in the Descendants franchise which is pretty big right now, so I'm not sure. Speaking of the Descendants franchise, Thomas Doherty. He's hot as hell.

No.14883 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 17:49] [Report] []

>>14836 The fuck with his work, I want to see him nude, is he loses his gig with Disney is his own fucking problem! And I hope to see nudes os Boboo Stewart!
PS: Please, don't come at me with your shitty high morals, I don't give two flying fucks for Mitchell's work, I just want his nudes.

No.14945 : Anonymous [2017-07-27 22:54] [Report] []


yeah i agree

i don't wanna get into a debate about morals (the above poster made it clear what that kind of debate looks like + this board isn't for that tbh) but even though mitchell is the hottest of the names so far, i wouldn't want his leaked either. the others wouldn't be affected. he definitely would be.

ngl i would enjoy his nudes either way, but i also don't care if they don't leak for him, just imo

No.15109 : Anonymous [2017-07-28 16:32] [Report] []

Yeah, I'd enjoy his nudes too. He's super hot. I don't want to turn anything into a moral situation because that's really annoying to me. But, I'd feel really shitty if a guy lost his job because of that. He seems like a sweet guy. I wouldn't mind his nudes being lowkey passed around tho, not just posted on forums. But, if they do exist they'll come out eventually and we'll just have to wait and see what happens. But, I could be over thinking stuff and he just might not be affected by something like that at all.

No.15153 : Anonymous [2017-07-28 20:39] [Report] []

>>15109 TLDR: You aren't going to fuck him (M.H.).

No.15166 : Anonymous [2017-07-28 21:10] [Report] []

>>15153 I never said I WAS going to fuck him and nothing in any of things I've said in this thread have stated that I thought otherwise. I said he's hot, and that I didn't want his nudes to leak out of worry that he could lose his job. Nobody should have their job taken from them. Especially not because of something out of their control like that. But if they were to leak, I wouldn't be mad about it. Check Numbers: 14666, 14712, 14836. All me. None of them stating I want to fuck him.

No.15226 : [2017-07-29 02:38] [Report] []

I have the Carter Jenkins video. Email me if you have something to trade for it.
I also have videos of Spencer Lloyd from American Idol.

No.15337 : [2017-07-29 16:46] [Report] []

I have the Carter videos too, email me and we can make a deal. Thanks

No.15392 : Anonymous [2017-07-29 21:38] [Report] []

So, leak them already...

No.15394 : Anonymous [2017-07-29 21:57] [Report] []

>>15337 videos?

No.15400 : [2017-07-29 22:40] [Report] []

I Might add I have the Osric Chau leak too. Thanks.

No.15434 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 01:16] [Report] []

Why not post a screen cap of the Carter Jenkins and Osric Chau video so we know you have it. And not the sample that already leaked.

No.15477 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 05:50] [Report] []

>>15337 How many videos of Carter are there?

No.15488 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 08:33] [Report] []

Stop posting my fucking email on here. I replied to the people that emailed me but stop posting it.

No.15508 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 10:35] [Report] []

Are you Dan or Nicole? Do you not have the video?

No.15510 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 10:51] [Report] []

Should have clarified, I'm Dan. I do have the video and if you email I'll send it but just know If my email is mentioned anywhere else, it isn't me that posted it.

No.15523 : [2017-07-30 12:26] [Report] []

>>15510 Hey dude, why don't you stop with this shit? just let me do my fucking business you piece of shit! If anybody is interested we can talk, just email me, I don't ask money for the video is just that I can't post it here. Thanks.

No.15554 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 14:48] [Report] []

The people know who's is who now because I've sent it to several people already. Piss off trying to be funny because you're not.

No.15561 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 16:29] [Report] []

Can someone please just share and upload the Carter Jenkins videos to wetransfer? People just wanna see the guy work his dick not 'trade' or send obscene amounts of money to the supposed "owners" of the content...please and thank you to anyone who ends the madness and just lets us all enjoy.

No.15569 : [2017-07-30 17:10] [Report] []

>>15554 Wtf is the problem with you creep? stop stalking me!

No.15588 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 18:26] [Report] []

I think I've replied to everyone who emailed me. If I didn't just drop me another email. I got a lot so I probably missed you by accident.

No.15625 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 21:21] [Report] []

>>15588 Hello, any specific reason of why you can't post the video/link here?

No.15629 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 21:35] [Report] []

I'm confused to who is who.... who does the email belong to? Which is the email with the vids? Is it the poster with the email as the name or what?

No.15648 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 22:50] [Report] []

I'm confused too. Has anyone received the vids?

No.15654 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 23:40] [Report] []


I dropped another email hours ago but haven't received any reply.

No.15658 : Anonymous [2017-07-30 23:57] [Report] []

Ive sent emails still havent heard back though

No.15687 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 02:34] [Report] []

You probably won't hear anything back. Sounds like another post of people claiming they have it with no proof which unfortunately is happening a lot. I'll just wait for it to go finally leak patiently instead of emailing people with no replies

No.15688 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 02:39] [Report] []

I have emailed back every single person who asked for it. If you read up, I just asked that you email again if you haven't received it yet because I've either missed it through all the emails I got or the yahoo app wasn't working properly

No.15703 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 06:09] [Report] []

Or instead of people bombarding you with emails, you could just upload it to Dropbox/google drive, post the link in this thread and let people download it? Simple solution. Thanks :D

No.15709 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 06:58] [Report] []

I am not posting any download links. I did that when I baited Ryan Kelley and got contacted with death threats and all sorts. Not happening. You want it, you email. I'm not stopping anyone posting it who I've emailed it too.

No.15711 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 06:59] [Report] []

Unless you can provide me with a protected and private file hosting website.

No.15720 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 08:19] [Report] []

>>15711 WeTransfer is free and anonymous. Don't even need to sign up.

No.15729 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 09:01] [Report] []

Don't use WeTransfer; they save your IP address.

No.15746 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 10:38] [Report] []

>>15729 What's the difference? You can get people's IP addresses from emails too, right?

No.15751 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 11:11] [Report] []

>>15729 yea but they're not gonna use that IP to harass you.

No.15766 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 12:16] [Report] []


No.15781 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 12:43] [Report] []

Did Carter think he was snapping a girl or guy?

No.15795 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 13:25] [Report] []

^^^ I was wondering the same thing. Did he "talk" to a boy or a girl?... I don't know if it was on this thread (too lazy to check lol) or on another thread, but someone stated that one of these leaks might actually out an it this one?

No.15805 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 14:02] [Report] []

If you are asking for e-mails, someone can trace your IP too, I thinks the best option is to ask for somebody to upload it, wetransfer it's the best option. How many Mb's the video? I can send you an E-mail and I can post it.

No.15806 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 14:06] [Report] []

>>15709Give me your mail and I will leak it, I posted the guy fucking the dog video so the IP or anonymity is not a problem.

No.15829 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 15:45] [Report] []

>>15781 girl. asks her to finger herself

No.15830 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 15:53] [Report] []

>>15795 Someone said he was catfished by a girl (CJ).

No.15860 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 19:10] [Report] []

>>12370 wow...that's a damn good point

No.15861 : Anonymous [2017-07-31 19:13] [Report] []

does someone actually have Osric?

No.15934 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 01:47] [Report] []

Such a shame it won't leak. I've been waiting patiently for it but I don't see it leaking for some good time. I got excited when I saw KJ Apa's name and again when I saw Chord Overstreet but guess it's gonna be a few months before anything actually leaks

No.15939 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 02:06] [Report] []

Where did the KJ rumour come from anyway? Because I'd give Carter and Jeremy renner to see those 👀

No.15962 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 04:50] [Report] []

I have a feeling that KJ's name was just randomly thrown into the bunch. But, seriously who has Jeremy Renner's?

No.15973 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 06:25] [Report] []

Jeremy has a secret snapchat that he uses to sext with girls. I have no idea how the first person found it lmao.

No.15980 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 07:06] [Report] []

Guys can finger themselves too.

No.15981 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 07:07] [Report] []

Any more details about Carter & Austin's fling? or Carter & Chris?

No.15986 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 07:53] [Report] []

I hope Jeremy renner leaks soon

No.15988 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 08:01] [Report] []

i want Jeremy renner to leak

No.16017 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 10:05] [Report] []


Yeah that was all b.s. from an aspiring fanfic author.

No.16095 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 16:05] [Report] []

>>15973 Jeremy Fucking Renner texting with GIRLS??? Lol! I hope that was sarcasm bro!
I would pay a lot for a Jeremy Sumpter leak, I bet he packs a lot of meat between his legs.

No.16100 : Anonymous [2017-08-01 16:34] [Report] []

No it wasn't a joke. I was baiting him as Janice Griffith. He's so gullible 😂

No.16209 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 03:48] [Report] []

Wish someone would tell A-List that her watermarking sucks! You only see dude's dick a few seconds, and half of that it's hidden behind the damn annoying watermark.

No.16227 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 06:03] [Report] []

>>16100 You got proof to back up your claim ?

No.16355 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 17:50] [Report] []

You have to pay for it here and apparently it's only 23 seconds. Here's at least one

No.16363 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 18:03] [Report] []

I heard they are all over Tumblr but can't seem to find anything....

No.16418 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 22:50] [Report] 1501728602807.png (1237484 B, 980x828) [YIS] [GIS] []
1237484 B

someone leaked the video at lpsg's forum. you can barely see the penis

No.16441 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 00:49] [Report] []


Im the one who "leaked" it on there. I'm not home and on my phone, I have it on a Dropbox but I won't let me upload, give me an hour girls.

No.16466 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 02:53] [Report] []

Agreed about the watermark, but he does have a nice dick! But it's very apparent that these are a compilation of all the different vids. So there must be quite some out there.

No.16468 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 03:10] [Report] []


seems like a trailer of sorts... who has the originals? LOL

No.16472 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 03:23] [Report] []
No.16473 : [2017-08-03 03:39] [Report] []

Here's the Carter Jenkins video.

No.16477 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 03:48] [Report] []

>>16418 Um, who is it?

No.16483 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 04:20] [Report] []

That's what alist does. He cuts bits out of longer videos and sells them so when people want more, he can sell the rest of the videos and get more money.

No.16514 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 09:12] [Report] []

does anyone have Jeremy Renner?

No.16515 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 09:31] [Report] []

Apparently Jeremy's vid is out. Would love to see it!

No.16517 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 09:31] [Report] []

I'm praying that JACOB ARTIST and VARUN DHAWAN are part of this new set of leaks if it's true that there are more.

They were supposed to have stuff the first time around and nothing came of it.

Varun is sexy as fuck, i cant even handle it.

No.16540 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 10:37] [Report] []

I just want the 2nd Cody Christian vid to leak...

No.16586 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 14:42] [Report] []

>>16515 Where did you hear it?

No.16588 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 15:03] [Report] 1501786988226.jpg (96100 B, 848x464) [YIS] [GIS] []
96100 B

>>16472 >>16473 Thanks a lot both of you!!!! :3
Shit, his dick is perfect, shit... HE's perfect as fuck! I would give everything to suck that dick!

No.16592 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 15:21] [Report] []

>>16586 Someone on lpsg said they saw it.

No.16753 : [2017-08-04 05:53] [Report] []

Does anyone have the new Carter Jenkins videos that Alist is selling? It's supposed to have stuff that wasn't in the leaked video. Email me if you have it or know anything about it. Or if you know anything about other videos of celebs that Alist is selling.

No.16982 : Anonymous [2017-08-05 06:44] [Report] []

I seriously want Tom Felton and Jeremy renner to leak

No.17110 : Anonymous [2017-08-05 20:10] [Report] []

I've heard of a David Henrie leak, hope with all of my soul that this rumour is true, that would be the ultimate leak.

No.17123 : Anonymous [2017-08-05 21:23] [Report] []

David Henrie got married last April. If this rumor is true either this happened sometime in the past or his marriage isn't going so well. I'd like to see it though, there are some pictures and gifs showing a nice bulge and a lot of floppage. Or maybe his younger brother Lorenzo who is 21?

No.17169 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 05:59] [Report] []

we need Mitchell Hope and Tom Holland's to surface now.

No.17180 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 07:08] [Report] []

tom Holland and tom Felton is what I need

No.17380 : Anonymous [2017-08-07 00:49] [Report] []

Has anyone seen any teasers from ALIST? Either stills taken from the videos or compilation video like he did with Carter Jenkins? Keep looking and post if you find one. That's his MO.

No.17443 : Anonymous [2017-08-07 06:19] [Report] []

anything new?

No.17638 : [2017-08-08 04:35] [Report] []

Could someone who knows please post a list of what celebrities A-list has videos of here? I know somebody must talk to him/her and have some info. Maybe that would make it easier to try and find the leaked videos.

No.17890 : Anonymous [2017-08-09 08:49] [Report] []

is there going to be any leaks soon or?

No.17901 : Anonymous [2017-08-09 09:36] [Report] []

here are a bunch of videos from ALIST.!T41HRRzL!gwBxFpG9RKGrW7QuZSVORg

No.17911 : FireBreather [2017-08-09 10:24] [Report] []


damn, here I was getting all excited because I thought this was something new.... pfft.

No.17930 : Anonymous [2017-08-09 11:51] [Report] []

Those videos have been out for months.

No.17973 : [2017-08-09 13:32] [Report] []

Thanks for posting those. I had already seen all of them, but I'm sure some people haven't seen them. Thanks again.

Does anyone have any of the newer leaked videos from A-list or other people? Any chance you could post them here?

No.18097 : Anonymous [2017-08-10 00:45] [Report] []

I was thinking that I hope this ALIST guy sells a bunch of copies. The more copies he sells, the more likely that one of the buyers will leak them or share them with someone who will leak them. It will also encourage ALIST to catfish some more guys. It still could be a while before a leak occurs. Didn't the first batch of leaks come out several months after they first went on sale? That's what I heard anyway.

No.18252 : Anonymous [2017-08-10 18:07] [Report] []

Did the A-List Phillip Chbeeb vid ever leak? If so, I missed it. Anyone have it?

No.18360 : [2017-08-11 00:22] [Report] []


I have the Phillip Chbeeb videos. Email me if you have something to trade for them.

Anybody who wants them and has something to trade can email me.

No.19130 : Anonymous [2017-08-13 05:05] [Report] []

anyone got tom felton or jeremy renner?

No.19304 : Anonymous [2017-08-13 16:11] [Report] []

Is the Tom Holland vid rumor true?

No.19314 : Anonymous [2017-08-13 17:03] [Report] []

>>19304 Probably not.

No.19356 : Anonymous [2017-08-13 20:32] [Report] []

If and when a photo leaks we will know for sure if the Tom Holland rumor is true. However, this is supposedly from ALIST and the rumors have been pretty accurate.

No.19576 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 12:51] [Report] []

tom felton has been my crush since harry potter days. I hope his leak

No.19896 : Anonymous [2017-08-15 09:56] [Report] []

bumping this in hope someone has something

No.20046 : Anonymous [2017-08-15 20:17] [Report] []

can anyone reupload carter please <3

No.20201 : [2017-08-20 00:35] [Report] []

Email me if you really want the Carter Jenkins video. We'll try to work something out.

No.20223 : Anonymous [2017-08-20 02:29] [Report] []

>>20205 shoutout to you hunnyyyy unlike that hoe above. "We'll work something out" bitch please just share the fucking video.

No.20228 : Anonymous [2017-08-20 03:38] [Report] []

>>20205 Thank you! Now that scamming bitch above can stop trying to rip people off.

No.20240 : [2017-08-20 05:15] [Report] []

I posted the Carter video here weeks ago you cunt. It's not my fault if people were too stupid to download and save it. I share plenty of stuff bitch. I share a lot more than I ever get back because so many people lie about what videos they have and make up shit that they've seen that doesn't even exist. So kiss my ass.

No.20277 : Anonymous [2017-08-20 09:29] [Report] []

does anyone have jeremy renners cock? lol

No.20793 : Anonymous [2017-08-22 12:25] [Report] []

someone please upload jeremy renner

No.22256 : Anonymous [2017-08-28 05:29] [Report] []

I want someone to leak

No.22884 : Anonymous [2017-08-30 18:49] [Report] 1504133371004.jpg (28911 B, 495x414) [YIS] [GIS] []
28911 B

This was posted on 4chan, I imagine it's fake but hold out hope the rumors in this thread get proven right...

No.22914 : Anonymous [2017-08-30 20:30] [Report] []

>>22884 Such an obvious fake. That pic is not the dimensions of a snapchat pic. And secondly, that's not the snapchat font. And third, the picture quality is beyond terrible. A young, Hollywood actor, isn't going to have such a shitty phone.

No.22952 : Anonymous [2017-08-30 22:21] [Report] []

>>22884 screnshotting


No.23099 : Anonymous [2017-08-31 17:46] [Report] []

>>22884 So, we have to think this is some screenshot from WHAT? fake and a bad one at it.

No.37089 : [2017-10-17 03:49] [Report] []

Does anyone have the video where Carter Jenkins cums?

No.38364 : [2017-10-22 03:36] [Report] []

Email me if you want to talk about Carter or if you have more information on his other videos and the video where he cums.

No.38868 : Anonymous [2017-10-23 22:48] [Report] []

More Carter, please!

No.48022 : [2017-12-03 00:51] [Report] []

I will pay if you have the rest of the Carter Jenkins videos and the cumshot. Send me proof if you have them.

No.67555 : [2018-01-29 06:11] [Report] []

Get Carter Jenkins to do a Skype video where he shows ass (and spreads it), jerks off, and cums and record it. I'll pay $500 for it. But you will have to send some screen shots as proof. I'm serious. Any girls (or guys with fake girl videos to use) who want to do this contact me. I will pay if you can do other celebrities too.

No.67613 : Anonymous [2018-01-29 11:54] [Report] []

>>67555 ok now you're just being delusional.


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