Archive/Dongs 2018

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No.16198 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 03:00] [Report] 1501657229222.png (1268 B, 310x163) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1268 B

anyone have any friends or know someone they want catfished for nudes? i can try haha

No.16245 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 08:22] [Report] []

I have a few. You can start with quentro85

No.16246 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 08:35] [Report] []


No.16257 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 09:24] [Report] []


No.16262 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 09:51] [Report] []

Jamesmccarthy77 Hot white guy

No.16266 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 10:04] [Report] []

Sc: parkersid
He's straigt

No.16267 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 10:14] [Report] []


No.16268 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 10:23] [Report] []

Luisspice - he's gay tho

No.16282 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 11:19] [Report] []

This guy... I know he must be hung & thick

SC: cmoo2
IG: cmoo2

No.16344 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 16:53] [Report] []

SC christopher_b25 he's "straight"

SC birchallnick pretty sure he's into guys

SC Timalambert I believe he's secretly gay

No.16352 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 17:35] [Report] []


No.16353 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 17:35] [Report] []


No.16354 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 17:37] [Report] []

harry.pgray hot british straight guy

No.16357 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 17:53] [Report] []


No.16361 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 18:02] [Report] []

IG: jlance

he's super hot and lives in Chicago

No.16377 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 18:56] [Report] []

SnapChat: r@sserib, replace the @ with an "a".

No.16380 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 19:09] [Report] []

sc: sir_kingjames


No.16386 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 19:51] [Report] []


18 blonde tatted country boy

No.16391 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 20:22] [Report] []

sc: reeled_rene


No.16414 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 22:28] [Report] []

anthony_carrasq (he's straight)

No.16419 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 23:03] [Report] []

Is there a way to privately send the username instead of posting here?

No.16423 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 23:13] [Report] []

c.dahlan (straight) PLS PLS PLS

No.16426 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 23:36] [Report] []

rafaelvictor88 (gay)

No.16427 : ernonun [2017-08-02 23:38] [Report] []


he's a model, @nthony p@rker <3

No.16430 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 23:42] [Report] []

smitt_ay - hot, straight, 23, great body, horny af

No.16431 : Anonymous [2017-08-02 23:42] [Report] []


No.16434 : thedude [2017-08-02 23:51] [Report] 1501732271596.jpg (89776 B, 562x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
89776 B

>>16198 how about Richie Rocco? He's gorgeous and always sending thirsty snaps.
@rocco5150 on Snap and IG

No.16445 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 01:03] [Report] []

Ljbaker13 (bi closet case)

No.16489 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 05:13] [Report] []

pinczuq - straight to the core

No.16490 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 05:19] [Report] []

crssy (gay)

No.16494 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 06:18] [Report] []

Rogeersolano, bugzzz14 and jnxace hot guys

No.16650 : Anonymous [2017-08-03 18:56] [Report] []

Same for snap and ig
He's straight and he's got an 8.5" uncut BEAST

No.16708 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 02:09] [Report] []

Jesus, guys. OP here. Ya'll know this doesn't work if 10 people add these people all at once, right? Literally 3 of them today have said "why did I just get added by like 10 people"... smh

No.16710 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 02:12] [Report] []

can you try to get nudes from @mrivas95

No.16763 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 07:06] [Report] []

Hey guys! Not OP here but I can get some too, but please post pics of them + if they're closeted/gay/or not.
I'll post if I get some, if you don't want sending their photo here, send it to me via snap

joheffron (don't worry this is a second account)
Please message if you're from here or not, okay thanks.

No.16765 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 07:08] [Report] []

how do u catfish someone on snapchat? wat if they ask u to send a video ?

No.16767 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 07:10] [Report] []


Massive cock so I hear from girls who have slept with him!

No.16809 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 10:32] [Report] []

I'm not catfishing, I'll use my real face, body, and dick.

*Hey guys! Not OP here but I can get some too, but please post pics of them + if they're closeted/gay/or not.
I'll post if I get some, if you don't want sending their photo here, send it to me via snap

joheffron (don't worry this is a second account)
Please message if you're from here or not, okay thanks.*

No.16833 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 12:53] [Report] []


No.16867 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 17:12] [Report] []


No.16911 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 21:04] [Report] []

>>16708 lol which guys have you added?

No.16918 : Anonymous [2017-08-04 22:04] [Report] []

>>16763 so do you bait straight as well?

No.16922 : NOT OP [2017-08-04 22:33] [Report] []

Hey! This isn't OP but I can bait gay guys too.
If you want me to bait someone gay, add me on snapchat. If you post it here less chance of being baited.

Add me on snapchat joheffron
When you add me send the snap user and pics of the guy you want baited.

No.16989 : Any12 [2017-08-05 08:21] [Report] 1501935682810.jpg (171622 B, 985x803) [YIS] [GIS] []
171622 B

jay_rx8 : str8 has a girlfriend

No.17037 : NOT OP [2017-08-05 12:46] [Report] []

Seriously guys don't add them, they don't accept anymore.

If you guys want results add me on snapchat and tell me.
Add me then message me: user, pics, gay or straight.
Fyi I can only do gay, bi, closeted

No.17207 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 10:26] [Report] []

Not one picture posted :/

No.17268 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 17:07] [Report] []


No.17269 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 17:08] [Report] []


No.17270 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 17:14] [Report] []

sc: dylanleong0321

No.17271 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 17:15] [Report] []


No.17280 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 18:18] [Report] []

Don't know sc but insta jamieplatt1, tomdlondon, dansowten
Jamie & Tom are both gay, Dan is either bi or closeted.
All UK guys

No.17311 : Any12 [2017-08-06 20:11] [Report] []

snapchat : brenmike16 - 23/ gay slim top

No.17312 : Anonymous [2017-08-06 20:18] [Report] []

can you catfish this little str8 dude?

No.17445 : Anonymous [2017-08-07 06:54] [Report] []

tootoot78. might be in a relationship tho

No.18109 : Anonymous [2017-08-10 03:13] [Report] []

Please catfish tmwap on snapchat. I heard his dick is huge

No.21176 : Anonymous [2017-08-24 03:43] [Report] []

Bump for nudes lol

No.21317 : anon [2017-08-24 16:34] [Report] []

sebastian_shady on sc or sebastian_nc on instagram

No.21340 : Not Not not OP [2017-08-24 18:48] [Report] []

RIP to OP/Not OP lmao

And it's true, unless you're OP, stop adding the peoples on IG/snap. It'd increase suspicion levels and decrease success levels...

No.21349 : Anonymous [2017-08-24 19:21] [Report] []

Trey Waldman

No.26255 : Anonymous [2017-09-12 08:42] [Report] 1505220128091.png (3590432 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
3590432 B

jalexanderfit try this guy. He's really hot but looks for real girls lol

No.51904 : Anonymous [2017-12-15 11:12] [Report] []

SC: Patrickmadsen
SC: asehlstrom
SC: johanssonjack

No.51910 : Anonymous [2017-12-15 11:22] [Report] []

Garland93 banging body and straight
Jack_bates91 straight

No.51938 : Anonymous [2017-12-15 13:15] [Report] []

sjc1891. Gay from UK!

No.52282 : Anonymous [2017-12-16 16:43] [Report] 1513460614789.jpg (30760 B, 400x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
30760 B

SC - smkbailey
Twitter - smkbailey

Straight.... I think

No.52332 : Anonymous [2017-12-16 19:50] [Report] []

Mujoselava on Snapchat. Used to do camshows and should be easy to get nudes from.

No.83942 : Anonymous [2018-03-23 20:44] [Report] []

No images posted. What’s the point? X

No.83980 : Anonymous [2018-03-23 23:20] [Report] 1521861646390.jpg (9092 B, 225x225) [YIS] [GIS] []
9092 B

I saw this guy from another post Hes straight
His Snapchat is breyden1andonly

No.83991 : Anonymous [2018-03-23 23:44] [Report] []



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