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No.19250 : sausure [2017-08-13 12:45] [Report] 1502642706450.png (759770 B, 531x590) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
759770 B

I need the unsensored version of this pic from Larrikin Yakka, The book by Paul Freeman. Life depending on it.


No.19407 : Anonymous [2017-08-13 23:22] [Report] 1502680952115.jpg (2436146 B, 3024x4032) [YIS] [GIS] []
2436146 B

I don't like sharing this artists work but since your life depends on it lol. Here you go. Enjoy. I'm sure you've heard about the controversy over this pic. One models face on another's body blah blah blah. Still a great pic and both models are hot. :-)

No.19442 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 02:41] [Report] []


WTF? I haven't heard this. So are all his pics like this or just this pic?

No.19454 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 03:40] [Report] []

Hot, but very clearly a photoshopped dick

No.19458 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 03:49] [Report] []

I don't think the dick is photoshopped, but could be wrong. This pic is of Jack Tyerman. It's his body and dick but the pic has been photoshopped to have Griffin Avis Foster's face on it and lots more body fair was added. It's weird but the theory was that Jack posed full frontal for Mr Freeman before landing lucrative modelling contracts and asked for the pics to not be released. This seems to be the result of some sort of compromise. It's so odd because it's clearly been photoshopped and you can tell it's Jack Tyerman's body (and dick) anyway because the body and location match his other (non frontal) nudes in the book and you can see his tattoo.

No.19482 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 05:41] [Report] []

Body hair added not body fair. lol typos.
Also, you can tell it's not Griffin's body or dick because he has posed full frontal in other pics for Mr Freeman. His body is much hairier, (I assume this is why the extra body hair was photoshopped onto this pic). He also has an uncircumcised and smaller cock than Jack's, who's is shown here.

No.19493 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 06:51] [Report] 1502707860115.jpg (46454 B, 640x363) [YIS] [GIS] []
46454 B

It might be Jack's dick, but I think it's been edited to be bigger if nothing else. Compare the blurred picture of Jack to the version in the book.

No.19543 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 11:51] [Report] []

I've lost all respect I had for Paul. This is simply stupid.

One thing is to enlarge the penis like Rosser and Day do, but another thing is to photoshop another face and penis on it. Ridiculuos.

No.19544 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 11:51] [Report] 1502725894736.jpg (81161 B, 461x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
81161 B

My life depends on full frontals of Chris Bailey, from the new larrikin books! I can't find them anywhere!

No.19591 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 13:30] [Report] []

>>19407 Thanks so much! Does Jack have more frontals in this?
>>19493 I agree, the dick looks painted on. But it's certainly very strange cause Freeman's work is all about naturalness and I can't remember any other pic of his that looks like this.

No.19602 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 13:44] [Report] []

>>19458 What lucrative modelling contracts?

BTW, I found another pic by Paul that looks rediculously photoshopped.
So disappointed.

No.19611 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 14:05] [Report] []

>>19482 Maybe Jack demanded that both his head AND his dick would be photoshopped. Wasn't this picture already uploaded here once? I thought Jack looked uncircumcised there.

No.19625 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 15:08] [Report] []


Is this the only photo that's been edited like this or are there others?

No.19626 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 15:13] [Report] []

This is DEFINITELY Jack's dick (period). Griffin's uncut. And yeah, maybe he demanded his face be removed, but the dick is right there!

No.19628 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 15:14] [Report] []

He censored that one for social media. Someone in the group could post the original from the book? >)

No.19647 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 15:54] [Report] []

i can't even find this sexy knowing it's a frankenstein photoshop hatchet job.

No.19664 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 16:28] [Report] []

>>19628 what group?

No.19701 : Anonymous [2017-08-14 18:54] [Report] []

What is the difference between Larrikin and Larrikin Yakka? Which one is better? Which models can be seen?

No.19847 : Anonymous [2017-08-15 04:52] [Report] []

Was this photo the only one with frankenstein edit?

No.22306 : Anonymous [2017-08-28 11:36] [Report] 1503934613779.jpg (169216 B, 686x912) [YIS] [GIS] []
169216 B

Wow, THANKS! Didn't realized you had replied until today! Too bad about the controversy, guess we'll never know for sure. Maybe in the distant future more pics will be released.

Now, how about this pic? Is this pic also in the book? Is the same pic? Could you share it with us? And are there anymore "Jack's body / different face" pics included ?

No.22316 : Anonymous [2017-08-28 12:07] [Report] []

That pic is in the book. Exactly as it appears in your post.
I believe the earlier pic is the only edited pic of Jack. There are lot of pictures of him but that is the only frontal shot, hence the photoshopping. All his other pics are just face, body or butt. His penis is always covered.

No.22360 : Anonymous [2017-08-28 16:18] [Report] []


There might not be considered "lucrative" but he's definitely making his way into modeling. it's just that only in Australia / New Zealand. He's in the current face of "Academy Brand" latest campaign. and he's also featured in Calibre new campaing.

He's also done editorial work for GQ Australia and British GQ. And some catalogue work for David Jones, The Iconic and Calibre. And let's not forget his acting stint in Modern Family.

So, at least he's been doing a lot more than the rest of the other models featured in Freeman's books.

No.22437 : Anonymous [2017-08-29 00:06] [Report] []

that badly photoshopped pic doesn't look human.
also why would he care when he's already shown a dark frontal?

No.53208 : Anonymous [2017-12-19 23:50] [Report] []

any new pics from this book?


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