Archive/Dongs 2018

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No.31607 : Anonymous [2017-09-28 11:39] [Report] 1506613171194.jpg (779630 B, 2448x3060) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
779630 B

what happened to the pumping muscle disqus page?

No.35259 : Anonymous [2017-10-10 16:28] [Report] 1507667291486.jpg (79242 B, 1280x720) [YIS] [GIS] []
79242 B

deleted... likely by the owner, although that disqus site was popular for a long time..

Here he is smelling this boys' pretty body

No.35320 : Anonymous [2017-10-10 20:14] [Report] []

Use the Reddit, Einstein.

No.35422 : Anonymous [2017-10-11 06:51] [Report] []

>>35320 So tell us that don´t know. How could reddit help us????
Do you feel smart with your comment??
Respect and help people instead of beeing a bully

No.35476 : Anonymous [2017-10-11 12:48] [Report] []

Does anyone have the list of the models social media accounts?
I'd like to see if they are down for flex shows

No.35558 : Anonymous [2017-10-11 19:31] [Report] []

>>35259 in the disquus page someone said that the model in that pic ('Roger M') was an escort and gave some details but it was immediately deleted by mods.

No.35564 : Anonymous [2017-10-11 19:39] [Report] []

>>35422 well, what you don't know is that there's a thread on the Reddit about what happpened to the disqus. But of course you are free to post here anyways, especially since sharing real names and social media is forbidden on the Reddit.

No.35643 : Anonymous [2017-10-12 03:38] [Report] []

Can someone can tell me what happened for disqus and where can find that new links ?

No.36160 : Anonymous [2017-10-14 07:32] [Report] []

I´m really not used to Reddit and think there is difficult to find what I´m looking for there.

Can not find anything about pumping muscle disqus page.

Someone, please shaer the links.


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