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No.43886 : Anonymous [2017-11-10 16:15] [Report] 1510348513021.jpg (114346 B, 737x921) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
114346 B

This guys so hot. Name is J0rg N1nk. Insta is N1nkj (1=i). Do you guys have anything? Photos? Info? Thanks

No.43902 : Anonymous [2017-11-10 17:30] [Report] []

Yess, so hot! Is he straight? Can't tell from his IG.

No.44032 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 03:54] [Report] []

>>43886 this guy is so not straight. He is a sissie bottom faggot. You can tell after a minute or two of scrolling through his pretentious IG feed. Lol. He sure has a very nice body but the face is just generic for being a German. I mean, I've seen a lot of legit German male models who look like they belong in a greek museum or something. There's a reason why he's not signed up to a major modeling agency. And you know the answer to that. 😉

No.44033 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 03:56] [Report] []

He has the face of a midget. You know how all midgets look the same?

No.44034 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 04:07] [Report] []

I know huh. You know how you can block words or phrases on Instagram comments? It's funny because when you try typing "faggot", it won't appear on his comments. I guess that says a lot about his sexuality. His posts are too contrived and calculated bc he's clearly trying to hide something.

No.44036 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 04:32] [Report] []

>>43886 just another social media famewhore promoting himself for more followers. 😂👌🏻 After checking his Instagram, I can tell that this is another shallow gay who only hangs out with the pretties and looks down on us uglies. I mean, if I were blessed with the good looks and an amazing life, I would not want to live life the way these unrealistic people live their lives. Instagram truly brings out the worst in these narcissistic people. For us, we are nothing but a thing that helps them catapult to success. Our "likes, follows, and comments" are what feeds their souls. We don't need any more of these fame-hungry queens. Choose who you make famous.

No.44053 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 06:18] [Report] []

whatever queens, hes damn hot to me. Does anyone actually know anything about him? Doe his nudez exist?

No.44068 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 08:08] [Report] []

>>44053 whatever barbara, yer a dumb fag to me. Do you actually know how stupid you are? Does your brainz actually exist?

No.44171 : Anonymous [2017-11-11 13:29] [Report] []

>>44032 please apply your high standards to other basic guys who are workshipped here (Chris Spearman, Trevor Signorino, Pietro Boselli etc.) None of them look high fashion or like a work of art but they have commercial appeal and the vast majority of people would call them hot. Not to mention the gays of Instagram that look like cartoons and have weird body proportions (Ian Spear, Rex Woodbury, Sam Cushing etc.) I dare to say, Jörg is among the top 10% hottest guys who get requested here.

No.44388 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 04:06] [Report] []

>>44171 I agree with you, he is very hot. But I also agree with >>43886: These guys don´t give a shit about us "fans, followers, worshippers" - as long as we give them fame (and sometimes fortune, unfortunately, due to their big numbers of followers or their onlyfans stuff).
But do they really care about us? No - it´s basically like in school again, when the most beuatiful 5% were the ones that were worshipped, and the rest had to struggle with their inferior complexes. And now we repeat this shit in our adult lives by giving them what they want, without getting anything in return. It´s not like they had any special kind of talent, and the good looks just come with it, by accident. The only "talent" they have is that they know how to look good on photos.

If you were sitting in the same bar with a guy like him, he wouldn´t even notice you´re there. So I end my little sermon like >>43886: Choose who you make "famous".

On the other hand - it will be funny to watch those guys in, let´s say, 15 to 20 years. By then, new perfect dolls with perfect bodies will emerge and be the kings of instagram. The beauties of today will be in their 40s, and I guess they won´t have their 100k followers anymore. No attention anymore. There will be a lot of work to come for future therapists.

No.44390 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 04:38] [Report] []

Enough with the philosophy. Do you have his dickpics or not?

No.44400 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 05:55] [Report] []

>>44171 Stop patronizing yourself. You're delusional. 😂🤣😂🤣😂

No.44401 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:08] [Report] []

>>44171 it's not always about the "looks", henny. That is if this guy in the OP even has got the looks. Lololol. Ever heard of facetune? Oh boy, it works wonders!! I agree with everyone saying that he's pretty much "basic". To be specific, a basic face with a personality of a plastic bag. And not to mention, he is a closeted fag. A fag who pretends to be straight just so he could continue using and wouldn't upset his gurls and gays "followers". This bitch ain't even that popular so I won't be surprised if he's the OP of this thread doing some self-promotion so his "followers" will grow more. It's crazy how these Insta famewhores get so crazy when they hit the 10k mark, then 20k mark. Those numbers are like drugs to them, they get addicted to it.

No.44404 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:19] [Report] []

>>4388>>43886 the way he writes his captions on Instagram is so cringey. Like, you can tell that that is not the way he talks irl and that he is pretending to be this "cool, masculine guy" but you can tell by his limp wrists that he is so fucking gay. Hahhaa also, please stop bumping this thread. We know he doesn't have nudes and that this is an obvious self-promo to grab some followers from this site.

No.44405 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:24] [Report] []

welp, I guess it's true that straight guys really do shave, and gay guys grow some body hairs and "gay-beard".

No.44406 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:29] [Report] []

>>43886 okay face, okay body. But something about him is not right. And I can't tell what it is...

No.44407 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:34] [Report] []

>>43886 meh! Not someone I would look twice when walking down the streets. The way he shaves his moustache is so 2007. 🤢 nobody does that thing anymoar where ya sorta overshave some parts to achieve that " ooh, I just drank a glass of milk" look. Soooo gayyy, sooooo boooringgg. NEXT!

No.44411 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:42] [Report] []

>>43886 imagine someone with a good body going skinny. Then you can tell if you think that that person is good looking or not. You see these top male supermodels who looks anorexic and all but still have that face of a god?!? This guy doesn't have "it". Weak face is what they call it in the fashion worldz. Brag when he's signed with big agencies and not some back of the alley agency from nowhere. Maybe people would have some respect for him if he would quit that "I am a top supermodel, I am so pretty, I look better than everyone else, I can get what I want" attitude.

No.44416 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:49] [Report] []

>>43886 I know nothing about this guy but can tell by his overflowing selfies and photos of him and his "handsome" guy friends that he is a narcissistic person who thinks that he is better than most of the people around him. I agree with the person who commented that he "loves hanging out with pretty people only". I don't follow & support this type of guys on social media. Not deserving of success in any shape or form. That's all. Byieee.

No.44420 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 06:52] [Report] []

>>44388 THIS. EXACTLY! you took the words right out of my mouth. 👍🏼

No.44442 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 08:05] [Report] []

he seems nice. does anybody know him? give us some info

No.44446 : Anonymous [2017-11-12 08:20] [Report] []

>>44420 You are welcome :)


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