Archive/Dongs 2018

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No.46475 : Anonymous [2017-11-18 15:55] [Report] 1511038552290.jpg (83915 B, 1080x1252) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
83915 B

Anything on igperey or _david_castilla on IG? Hot spanish boyfriends, Ignacio has an onlyfans is there something interesting in it?

No.46549 : Anonymous [2017-11-18 20:40] [Report] []

not really bored content :(

No.47296 : Anonymous [2017-11-21 11:39] [Report] []

>>46475 both boring narcisistic gays
One was working in a bar in London for a while. The taller one
He's a steroids muscle btm and the shorter one is hung top. Was in a party once together. He was just getting high and so pretentious wouldn't play with anyone there or even get naked

No.47510 : Anonymous [2017-12-01 11:37] [Report] []

>>47296 "He was just getting high and so pretentious wouldn't play with anyone there or even get naked"


Dude you don't seem to have much self-awareness...

No.47526 : Anonymous [2017-12-01 12:20] [Report] []

that the guy work in circ@ in london ?

No.47705 : Anonymous [2017-12-01 21:13] [Report] []

The taller guy is a 'personal trainer' which means bartender/stripper and probably has turned tricks here and there. The shorter guy is an industrial engineer and afaik he has had legit jobs.


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