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No.59855 : Anonymous [2018-01-08 16:25] [Report] 1515446732568.png (10227947 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
10227947 B

Any of this hot hunk? He plays for the lgbt welsh rugby team. Think he has a bf so harder to get pics. He’s @chibikuma83 on Twitter

No.60068 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 04:48] [Report] 1515491336913.png (11563901 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
11563901 B

Anymore? He seems to tease a lot

No.60202 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 13:15] [Report] 1515521749162.jpg (94985 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.60223 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 14:10] [Report] []

Another self loving tweeter. Yawn

No.60259 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 15:14] [Report] []

He’s a really nice guy. Albeit a little odd.

No.60261 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 15:17] [Report] 1515529037363.png (6713380 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
6713380 B

He’s gorgeous!!!

No.60262 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 15:18] [Report] []

Quite a small dick but it’s teally chunky which is good.

No.60264 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 15:18] [Report] 1515529136508.jpg (256889 B, 1242x1122) [YIS] [GIS] []
256889 B

Anyone got anymore of this hunk? I’ve looked on the welsh rugby site and can’t see him

No.60278 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 16:17] [Report] []

Just look at his twitter - thirsty as hell and pretty much everything on there.

He's moaning about people asking for nudes now, yet is happy to have his kit off for attention

No.60287 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 16:34] [Report] []

You're all vile people

No.60300 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 17:05] [Report] []

^^ agreed. You're all fucking trash people for posting on here and sharing people's photos without their consent.

No.60312 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 17:20] [Report] []

What a sad bunch of people. Maybe I'd you gained some respect for other people you wouldn't need to beg for nudes online lol.

No.60317 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 17:44] [Report] []


No.60323 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 17:52] [Report] []

Agreed. Wonder when the last time any of you got laid was.

No.60327 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 17:58] [Report] []

This is a JOKE.
Another gay twitter UK, self posting and responding.
CRINGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE. Faking your own demand.

Look at his face, it's a fucking mess !

No.60349 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 18:43] [Report] []

He's kinda hot, wold love to see his dick/ass.

No.60364 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 18:54] [Report] []
No.60368 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 19:03] [Report] []


I've got a feeling that you are the same guy who is posting on all the uk twitter gays request threads slagging them off saying they're requesting their own pics for attention.

I seriously doubt any of them would do that, and I think you need psychiatric help since you clearly project a lot of insecurity, bitterness, and narcissism onto others. Also, maybe mention to your therapist that you spend your time on a website trading other people's nudes without their permission. See what they can do about that.

No.60378 : Anonymous [2018-01-09 19:14] [Report] []

There are hot guys on gay Twitter, then there is theses needy narcissists.
The hot guys are not getting posted about but these guys are. Makes you think they have to be self-posting and self-responding.

When will they stop. Just because you have some 'likes' on Twitter, does not mean you're real world hot, sorry.

No.61018 : Anonymous [2018-01-11 15:46] [Report] []

So no forntal/dick/ass pics of this guy?

No.61404 : Anonymous [2018-01-12 18:18] [Report] []

Doubt it

No.61410 : Anonymous [2018-01-12 18:25] [Report] []

Gross ! No thank-you troll. Please return to under your bridge.

No.61418 : Anonymous [2018-01-12 18:35] [Report] []

Starting to think he posted them for attention

No.61420 : Anonymous [2018-01-12 18:44] [Report] []

anyone got any of his on/off(?) boyfriend?

No.61455 : Anonymous [2018-01-12 19:59] [Report] []

Who’s his BF? The one he went away with?

No.61480 : Anonymous [2018-01-12 21:12] [Report] []

Just had a trawl through his twitter, it looks like his bf was/is jamiemarchant95. He's really cute too.

No.62041 : Anonymous [2018-01-14 08:52] [Report] []

Anymore on either of these?

No.62054 : Anonymous [2018-01-14 09:47] [Report] []

I love how his twitter went private for a few days and then he realised he won't get the RT's if it is so it's back to public

No.62078 : Anonymous [2018-01-14 10:48] [Report] 1515944896673.png (50527 B, 581x285) [YIS] [GIS] []
50527 B

He claims to have been in porn film in Japan.

No.62160 : Anonymous [2018-01-14 16:03] [Report] []


Someone find it yet?

No.62227 : Anonymous [2018-01-14 18:42] [Report] []

Anyone found the pornhub video yet? Hostel based in Japan

No.62238 : Anonymous [2018-01-14 19:22] [Report] []

OK, so if it wasn't astoundingly clear before then after his recent attention seeking tweet's it's pretty much confirmed that this is a self-indulgent post he created himself. And 99.9% of the comments defending him are in-fact himself.

Come on, claiming to be in a porno and pretending to act coy over, I'm dying inside on how pathetic this shit is. Porno's are pretty universal, we live in the age of the internet. Doing porn in one country doesn't mean it exclusively stays in that country. And what the fuck was the category, brunette 'Sloth' lookalike but without the hot bod gets slammed by more attractive Octopus monster. There's niche shit out there but I don't believe theres anything niche enough to want to see your saggy ass fucked.

Please stop bumping your own post day after day, people can see right through this fake shite and people are tired of it.

No.62561 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 12:58] [Report] []

Are you really that dumb that you couldn’t tell the Japanese porn thing wasn’t serious? Some really vile people here, he’s a lovely guy and definitely not the sort to post himself, referencing a post is a very different thing.

No.62569 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 13:19] [Report] []

Yeah it’s not Aaron bumping. It’s one of his followers. I’m that follower and I’ve been bumping to great success because I’ve had an image I’ve never seen before.

No.62571 : anonymous [2018-01-15 13:24] [Report] []

Reality check. To the self poster -
You are average at best, but pretty much basic.
I have seen better bodies on twinksRus and you are supposed to be a rugby player. What do you do carry the ball off at half time for the lads?

If you walked past anyone in the street I doubt they give you a second look.

No.62612 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 15:05] [Report] []

this man is a lonely individual please don't dish him he's very cute and doesn't deserve hassle

No.62635 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 16:07] [Report] []

Why are people so spiteful? If any of you bothered to get to know Aaron you’d:

A) know that he’d NEVER post on here himself
B) is a really decent guy who doesn’t deserve your vile hatred
C) is mature enough to say he’s not going to go on this website to check comments anymore and actually mean it.

Are you lives that invalidated that you need to be mean behind your phones/computer screens?

No.62639 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 16:14] [Report] []

I heard he was a great bottom. Someone find it

No.62675 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 17:25] [Report] []

yes a fabulous bottom he knows how to use it and so tight and always clean

No.62687 : Anonymous [2018-01-15 17:56] [Report] []

>>62635 it's funny when people are SO CERTAIN that someone wouldn't post on here. How would you fucking know? Even if you was his mum. grow up

No.62916 : Anonymous [2018-01-16 08:19] [Report] []

>>62687 because I know him and trust me. He wouldn’t dream of it

No.62932 : Anonymous [2018-01-16 09:05] [Report] []

Say NO to below average guys self-posting and bumping. You don't belong here, go home to twitter.

To Aarron creating his A.B.C. checklist and own personal yelp reviews. I'm embarrassed for you mate.

No.62982 : Anonymous [2018-01-16 11:51] [Report] []

anyone got any more pictures of aron? I'm sure there must be some more naked shots around?

No.62988 : Anonymous [2018-01-16 11:56] [Report] []

Oh jez. Only a self poster would say how good a bottom they were and how clean .

I am not sure there is anything worse than a self poster on here who then cheerleads themselves in the most obvious way.

Cringe !

No.63029 : Anonymous [2018-01-16 13:19] [Report] []

>>62988 there is, the worst thing on here is all the dickheads who keep insisting someone self posted. I don’t think he did because I think he’s hot so it’s not unbelievable that someone else would and they’d ask.

But even if he did, so fucking what? Just let the thread die. Currently many of you are being cunts to someone who may have done absolutely nothing wrong and regardless of your suspicions you have zero proof he has anything to do with it. Fucking grow up.

No.71022 : Anonymous [2018-02-09 16:13] [Report] []


No.78851 : Anonymous [2018-03-06 13:31] [Report] []


No.78940 : Anonymous [2018-03-06 19:10] [Report] []

What is it about UK Twitter gays and self posting here!? Did Sam Morris start this trend?
Never forget Sam posting in here saying “omg Sam is so hot he is literally perfect” and then linking the signup page to his own fucking website, followed by detailing how to get in contact with Sam if the website crashes or if the login doesn’t work. Not subtle, Sammy. Lol. UK Gays are the worst.

No.78943 : Anonymous [2018-03-06 19:26] [Report] []

Oh God this guy’s breath reeks to high heaven. Poor guy because he’s actually quite nice but please one of his friend tell him!

No.79036 : Anonymous [2018-03-07 01:59] [Report] []

I’ve not had an issue when kissing him

No.86421 : Anonymous [2018-04-01 05:38] [Report] []


No.104213 : Anonymous [2018-05-27 07:08] [Report] []

Filled him last night. Very hot ass

No.104307 : Anonymous [2018-05-27 14:19] [Report] []

@104213 did you fuck him BB?


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