Archive/Dongs 2018

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No.71148 : Anonymous [2018-02-09 23:30] [Report] 1518237016506.jpg (82015 B, 553x864) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
82015 B

Can we get a hot san fran guys thread going?

No.71226 : Anonymous [2018-02-10 06:12] [Report] []

LOL I joined that guy's OF and it totally grossed me out. He literally farts out sperm loads. No thanks! It totally destroyed any attraction I once had for him.

No.71347 : Anonymous [2018-02-10 13:06] [Report] []

>>71226 who is he?

No.71348 : Anonymous [2018-02-10 13:08] [Report] []

Who is this guy? Sounds hot

No.71373 : Anonymous [2018-02-10 13:55] [Report] []

Who’s ass is that

No.71538 : Anonymous [2018-02-11 00:12] [Report] []

Bump for more of this guy’s ass. Any idea who he is?

No.71573 : Anonymous [2018-02-11 02:05] [Report] 1518332721387.jpg (28009 B, 375x500) [YIS] [GIS] []
28009 B

popular spot

No.71577 : Anonymous [2018-02-11 02:13] [Report] 1518333217459.jpg (1156174 B, 1242x1245) [YIS] [GIS] []
1156174 B

Anybody got anything on him. Names Daniel, went to high school with him and he got aroundddd

No.71714 : Anonymous [2018-02-11 14:38] [Report] []

>>71226 id like to see that

No.71726 : Anonymous [2018-02-11 14:56] [Report] 1518378978383.png (3447517 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
3447517 B

The closest I’ve seen of a nude for this guy

No.71727 : Anonymous [2018-02-11 14:57] [Report] []

Barf how is that sexy? I’ve seen videos where the cum coming out is brown...

No.71951 : Anonymous [2018-02-12 06:35] [Report] []

It's not sexy. Personally it turns my stomach. I don't want to see ANYTHING coming out of your ass! Had I known he was that graphic, I wouldn't have parted with my money. He fucks surprisingly gross tops too...most were fat.

No.71974 : Anonymous [2018-02-12 08:26] [Report] []

Whose onlyfans is it?

No.76604 : Anonymous [2018-02-27 01:46] [Report] 1519713993323.jpg (113758 B, 1008x976) [YIS] [GIS] []
113758 B

anyone have Michael Tempest@ now that he's doing porn?

No.79652 : Anonymous [2018-03-09 00:43] [Report] []

who'a the guy and what's his onlyfans?


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