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No.88472 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 21:58] [Report] 1552701536246.jpg (1217094 B, 1125x1686) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1217094 B

Anything on this Brazilian thirst trap living in UK

No.56727 : Anonymous [2018-12-10 01:37] [Report] 1544423862350.jpg (183086 B, 1242x419) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
183086 B

Another Chicago gay. There’s got to be something out there on this one

No.75010 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 10:13] [Report] []

Let’s see them!

No.75057 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 12:51] [Report] []
>i'm an amazing person

instantly flaccid

No.88435 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 19:37] [Report] 1552693058306.png (1511370 B, 1440x2960) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1511370 B

Any nudes floating around on @zacherymattocks?

No.86729 : Anonymous [2019-03-10 07:22] [Report] 1552216928634.jpg (182006 B, 1081x1474) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
182006 B

T@ransoh@l on Instagram?

6 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.88226 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 06:48] [Report] []

>>88094 this thibk piece tho. Reminds me of this old bottom that begged me to fuck him when i was a freshmen in college. He had to be atleast 50. I declined obviously

No.88237 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 08:26] [Report] []

Fucking hell, reality will hit a few of you airheads so soon.

No.88238 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 08:26] [Report] []

Escorts are almost always tops. Tells how difficult it is for old bottom to get anyone.

No.88264 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 10:53] [Report] []

Wow. To think that so many in the lgbtq+ community died or fought for decades to provide the community as a whole the opportunity to be considered normal, to be accepted, to be recognized, and to be treated with respect, and yet some are so selfish and childish as to demean and belittle others in their own community. What you sow, so shall you reap.

No.88432 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 19:23] [Report] []

Someone here said they had nudes before, on the Birmingham l/Craig thread?

No.88433 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 19:27] [Report] []

Sorry but some of these guys could even try to grow some character. Hedonists who are all the time greedy and insatiable for new cock, dont care about STD and in almost every way are an antithesis of masculinity, why should I respect them? You behave like cheap street prostitute, you dont get any respect. And that is not unfair.

No.48011 : Anonymous [2018-11-11 13:53] [Report] 1541962405441.png (414108 B, 540x627) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
414108 B

Anything on this hottie? He lives in Miami

I remember seeing a threat about him but I couldn't find it. His Twitter user is the same as his IG

17 posts and 9 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.57825 : Anonymous [2018-12-14 04:30] [Report] []

Mmm not sure about the mustache, but his body is insanely hot, like damn!!

No.66259 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 18:08] [Report] 1546902536663.jpg (761451 B, 1638x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.66373 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 21:56] [Report] []

Wheres the bulge

No.70496 : Anonymous [2019-01-19 00:17] [Report] []

Damn, amazing body!

No.74554 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 05:02] [Report] 1548842558362.jpg (809064 B, 1080x1349) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88428 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 19:16] [Report] 1552691774562.jpg (308682 B, 1534x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []

closed No.75581 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 02:47] [Report] 1549093646831.jpg (0 B, 1080x1194) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anyone have anything on J@kipz? Found him a couple of days ago and apparently has an OF account

13 posts and 7 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.83173 : Anonymous [2019-02-25 20:29] [Report] []

Super hot

No.83253 : Anonymous [2019-02-26 06:15] [Report] []

what kind of vid did he post?teasing?

No.83356 : Anonymous [2019-02-26 14:42] [Report] 1551210155928.jpg (0 B, 660x446) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.85887 : Anonymous [2019-03-07 12:04] [Report] 1551978251227.jpg (0 B, 1125x1408) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88421 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 19:04] [Report] []

>>88406 thank you!

No.87998 : Anonymous [2019-03-14 11:16] [Report] 1552576596636.png (226305 B, 1906x470) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
226305 B

Anything on him?

No.88420 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 18:56] [Report] []


No.10611 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 03:28] [Report] 1530516482809.jpg (92488 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
92488 B

This is Dimitri from virtuaguy. Does anyone know if he did porn for other sites? Anything on him? thanks

No.10612 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 03:28] [Report] 1530516491339.jpg (110466 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.10689 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 10:09] [Report] []

he is hot

No.10783 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 15:21] [Report] []

>>10612 hot

No.11739 : Anonymous [2018-07-05 08:24] [Report] []

love him

No.88415 : Anything of this dude in LA [2019-03-15 18:43] [Report] []

beefy guy haha

No.88295 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 12:39] [Report] 1552667967953.jpg (1233775 B, 1125x1569) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1233775 B

Not sure if he’s been on here before but..

No.88411 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 18:37] [Report] 1552689423486.jpg (1525317 B, 1125x1565) [YIS] [GIS] []
1525317 B

He hangs out with all the onlyfans sluts so I’d assume he has stuff out there too

No.88131 : Anonymous [2019-03-14 21:26] [Report] 1552613187004.png (4258646 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
4258646 B

Anyone got this guys only fans?

No.65871 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 21:20] [Report] 1546827606552.png (1086424 B, 1115x628) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1086424 B

Can someone please share the videos of Cutl3rx and Log@n S1x?

No.88360 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 16:11] [Report] 1552680663796.png (291821 B, 668x424) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
291821 B

Fresh face in ATL. Anything?

No.88358 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 16:07] [Report] 1552680444251.png (1147916 B, 658x784) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1147916 B

Any tea on this Cali guy?

No.88354 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 16:03] [Report] 1552680235417.png (2081288 B, 978x1324) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2081288 B

Anyone ID this DC guy? Super cute.

No.88356 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 16:05] [Report] 1552680324223.png (1403889 B, 830x1234) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.65964 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 01:21] [Report] 1546842108034.jpg (231879 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
231879 B

Anything on this sexy circus arialist? His shows have traveled a lot so I’m sure someone’s met him (insta in pic)

No.66035 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 08:09] [Report] 1546866560703.jpg (481915 B, 595x742) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.66523 : Anonymous [2019-01-08 05:56] [Report] 1546944991746.png (2857820 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
2857820 B

Omg Avicadoo is so sexy

No.88352 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 16:01] [Report] 1552680080029.jpg (742278 B, 1242x1545) [YIS] [GIS] []

closed No.86655 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 23:57] [Report] 1552193824308.jpg (0 B, 1125x1420) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No thumbnail

Anything on these studs?

No.86657 : Anonymous [2019-03-10 00:01] [Report] 1552194079899.jpg (0 B, 1080x1081) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

They had a sexy ginger pup for a few months. Anything on either, or all 3 would be hot to see.

No.12018 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 07:59] [Report] 1530878353491.jpg (68883 B, 964x1259) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
68883 B

Anything on Mattia Pecchini?

33 posts and 22 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.82647 : Anonymous [2019-02-24 07:54] [Report] 1551012891433.jpg (127553 B, 840x1260) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.82648 : Anonymous [2019-02-24 07:55] [Report] 1551012913064.jpg (101038 B, 840x1260) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.82649 : Anonymous [2019-02-24 07:55] [Report] 1551012931730.jpg (93546 B, 840x1260) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86622 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 22:02] [Report] 1552186925925.jpg (1003015 B, 1280x1910) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.86656 : Anonymous [2019-03-10 00:01] [Report] []

super hot, t4p the new pics

No.88347 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 15:56] [Report] 1552679805520.jpg (374746 B, 1280x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.84855 : Anonymous [2019-03-03 20:10] [Report] 1551661853700.jpg (567910 B, 1080x1215) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
567910 B


2 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.85656 : Anonymous [2019-03-06 15:40] [Report] []

someone must have them. so hot.

No.85916 : Anonymous [2019-03-07 13:36] [Report] []

Need me some Likis

No.86585 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 19:17] [Report] []

nice dick and perfect ass. mmm.

No.86588 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 19:21] [Report] []

"super hot" is far too strong a phrase to describe this guy. I wouldn't even say he's cute.

No.86601 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 20:23] [Report] []


No.88306 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 13:28] [Report] []

he's been running around shirtless with some other twinky actor of mate


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