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No.10878 : Anonymous [2018-07-02 19:49] [Report] 1530575394171.jpg (65441 B, 480x720) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
65441 B

Anything on this Chicago gay? His name is Ch@d. IG b@v@ri@ndre@mer. Hes so hot.

No.47556 : Anonymous [2018-11-09 18:45] [Report] []

He's hung. Seen snaps. Will try to get something soon for you.

No.47601 : Anonymous [2018-11-09 23:38] [Report] []

I follow him, that would be awesome

No.49745 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 16:39] [Report] []

Any update on this one?

No.49695 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 13:33] [Report] 1542393203526.jpg (528012 B, 1024x1545) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
No.49708 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 14:02] [Report] []

>>49695 Jorg Nink

No.49733 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 16:05] [Report] []

God he's hot!

No.46953 : Anonymous [2018-11-07 18:06] [Report] 1541632014796.jpg (120093 B, 585x936) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
120093 B

I know there was a thread about general porn models, but I thought I'd try one a bit more specific: SC guys who only did one solo video and never returned to the site. Did any of them go on to do stuff for other sites and studios? Start camming? Posting hot pics on social media? The usual. I know of at least two who did ("Davis" who did some hardcore scenes for Dirk Yates under the name "Mason", and "Sheldon" who appeared on MyFriendsFeet as "Hunter" and a wrestling fetish site as "Tak" but no sexy times sadly).

SC in particular had an unfortunate run of some really hot guys who ended up being one-and-done's a few years back, one after the other it seemed. And of course, the less attractive guys were the ones who came back for duo scenes. It's still happening but not as frequently.

First guy: "Alan" whose one and only scene debuted in January 2015.

6 posts and 6 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.49331 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 05:35] [Report] []

>>48027 J@s0n Br0d!, Ch!c@g0. Harry: Sc0tt @ndr3@s3n

No.49434 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 15:32] [Report] []

>>48026 Hell yeah Coty was hot...he had such a BIG cumshot too. Thought it was hot when he retold the story if him giving himself a facial lol Dumb bitch who was giving him a bj should have never stopped sucking that yummy dick!

No.49435 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 15:35] [Report] []

>>48027 Loved Cohen too. He was so horny during his beach side interview he couldn't wait till he got back to the studio to jerk off, so he did it in the backseat of the car lol It was hot and hebis another big cummer but all I could think was which lucky person is gonna get to rub down the backseat after it got covered in Cohens copious cum???

No.49512 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 19:14] [Report] []

>>49331 Awesome! Thank you! That's two down lol...

No.49522 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 20:30] [Report] []

>>49331 cant find jason

No.49727 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 15:52] [Report] []

>>49522 j _ br0d1e _ , no spaces or numbers.

Out of all the guys posted here so far Id love to find more of Alan :)

No.49581 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 01:09] [Report] 1542348595615.jpg (1922245 B, 1242x2550) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1922245 B

When I asked for pics without his dumb hat he got an attitude. Gurl who are you fooling! All that hair is gone lol

No.49582 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 01:10] [Report] 1542348607846.jpg (1458367 B, 1242x1683) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.49605 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 04:42] [Report] []

He’s ugly with hair and ugly without. The hat makes no difference

No.49609 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 05:02] [Report] 1542362541239.jpg (732787 B, 840x1115) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.49645 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 09:30] [Report] []

>>49609 umm....ya

No.49677 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 11:48] [Report] []

He’s a server and has waited on me a few times. Seems like a pretty nice guy to me...

No.49723 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 15:31] [Report] []

>>49609 yikes feel sorry for him he’s clearly got lots of body issues lol. He is from Michigan and was always trolling for anyone who would fuck him

No.49709 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 14:04] [Report] 1542395092688.png (5262124 B, 2880x1800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
5262124 B

Anyone know who camdude_599 friend is? they cam together sometimes.

No.47646 : Anonymous [2018-11-10 04:31] [Report] 1541842261849.jpg (56857 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
56857 B

Anyone could send his nude pics on wetransfer?

10 posts and 3 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.48438 : Anonymous [2018-11-12 11:00] [Report] []

Anyone got the full cumshot video?

No.48608 : Anonymous [2018-11-12 19:55] [Report] []

More please. So hot!

No.48657 : Anonymous [2018-11-12 22:47] [Report] []

Someone post that video of him shooting in his own face yummm

No.48866 : Anonymous [2018-11-13 17:16] [Report] []

Who is he?

No.48960 : Anonymous [2018-11-14 00:19] [Report] []

>>47946 OMG those are great! We’d love to see if there’s more!

No.49681 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 12:45] [Report] []

>>48329 could you link the other post please?

No.48870 : Anonymous [2018-11-13 17:37] [Report] 1542148637388.png (1482038 B, 1479x894) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1482038 B

does anybody have the new show of mr smith with his friend? it seems they do a bit more than briefly touch cocks..

No.49453 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 16:30] [Report] []

love him but his manyvids is wayyyyy too expensive. i'd subscribe to his onlyfans if i knew what kind of content he posted...

No.49500 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 18:21] [Report] []

dont subscribe to his onlyfans.. it honestly sucks. a naked pic here or there, really brief clips, and only solo stuff

No.49503 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 18:53] [Report] []

Anybody knows his social media acct like insta, etc? He's hot!

No.49525 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 20:56] [Report] []

anyone record the crazy ticket?

No.48880 : Anonymous [2018-11-13 18:27] [Report] 1542151664092.png (1832292 B, 828x1792) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
1832292 B

Anything on this guy, think his name is Hugg? From Northern Island but now in London

No.49635 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 08:28] [Report] []


No.49431 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 15:26] [Report] 1542313570867.jpg (178147 B, 803x785) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
178147 B

Anything on this guy?

No.49441 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 15:49] [Report] []

He's better hairy

No.49623 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 06:41] [Report] []

Any pics out there?

No.49592 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 03:10] [Report] 1542355850096.jpg (42405 B, 750x564) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
42405 B

Anything on Arbani Dili? @arbandili_

No.49593 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 03:11] [Report] 1542355890850.jpg (58603 B, 640x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
58603 B

Anyone have anything on Mike Roulo? @mikeroulofitness

No.49586 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 01:28] [Report] 1542349729360.jpg (276392 B, 1221x1600) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
276392 B

who is this?

No.42091 : Anonymous [2018-10-23 17:53] [Report] 1540331635752.png (2965654 B, 1872x1807) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
2965654 B

Can someone Please download these and send a link to the videos?? Or if anyone already has them would appreciate it. Twink Joe

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.

No.43926 : Anonymous [2018-10-29 14:20] [Report] 1540837238188.jpg (1451986 B, 1125x1762) [YIS] [GIS] []
1451986 B

CAn Someone post a link to the 4 videos?

No.43996 : Anonymous [2018-10-29 16:48] [Report] []

Isnt this joey M? The model

No.44095 : Anonymous [2018-10-29 23:11] [Report] []

Can anyone share these videos if you have them?

No.44414 : Anonymous [2018-10-31 00:00] [Report] []

CAn someone download them and share them. Please

No.47361 : Anonymous [2018-11-09 02:02] [Report] []

Seriously please can someone download these and post the link to them

No.49580 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 01:07] [Report] []

Will someone with an up Store account pretty please download these and post them on here? Would really appreciate it like a lot

No.49569 : Anonymous [2018-11-16 00:20] [Report] 1542345618790.jpg (60607 B, 1028x972) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
60607 B

Anything on Patrick L3blanc

No.49069 : Anonymous [2018-11-14 10:37] [Report] 1542209877275.jpg (77876 B, 750x616) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
77876 B

I see him on Scruff sometimes and I’ve heard he’s a bareback top.

No.49554 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 23:25] [Report] 1542342336493.png (3119178 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
3119178 B

Shawn is super hot and great in bed.

No.49555 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 23:26] [Report] 1542342400047.jpg (548346 B, 2448x3264) [YIS] [GIS] []
548346 B

From his scruff profile.

No.49557 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 23:27] [Report] 1542342438965.jpg (487000 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []

No.49549 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 23:20] [Report] 1542342042173.jpg (248210 B, 749x1068) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
248210 B

Anything of this hot bottom in LA?

No.49547 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 23:19] [Report] 1542341944350.jpg (69516 B, 750x524) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
69516 B

Find me the identity of this untagged guy from a meme page?

No.49545 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 22:58] [Report] 1542340721061.jpg (207379 B, 1000x752) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
207379 B

Any of his ass shows guys?

No.49395 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 11:48] [Report] 1542300496978.png (849625 B, 954x1100) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP] [Reply]
849625 B

Anyone got this guys photos?

No.49542 : Anonymous [2018-11-15 22:50] [Report] []

b@n@nAb@sket on Insta.


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