Archive/Dongs 2019

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No.11079 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 05:04] [Report] 1530608697384.jpg (172160 B, 719x1280) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
172160 B

So what is his deal?

@=A / 5=s / 0=o / 3=e

I put an extra hard code since he's litterally lurking all the website talking about him.

So what do we think about him? is there any dirt on him?
I like him but sometimes I'm like wondering is he doing all of his last stuff on you now kissing his buddy because he wants to or because to appeal his "fanbase".

No.11174 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 11:36] [Report] []

He's an absolute sweetheart and a straight, open minded, testosterone driven 20something who wants to please his fan base that is at this point nearly all gay men. If more straight guys had his attitude this would be a much nicer world.

No.11365 : Anonymous [2018-07-03 23:21] [Report] []

is that ryan from the office?? wow dunder mifflin has seen some better times

No.11955 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 00:29] [Report] []

I love his cock.

No.12145 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 17:21] [Report] []

Photos please ?


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