Archive/Dongs 2019

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No.20026 : Anonymous [2018-08-02 20:20] [Report] 1533255604804.jpg (1283802 B, 1278x1472) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1283802 B

Any nudes on this guy from Colorado?

No.20027 : Anonymous [2018-08-02 20:20] [Report] 1533255627322.jpg (2089352 B, 1248x1464) [YIS] [GIS] []
2089352 B

His brother is banging too

No.20041 : Anonymous [2018-08-02 21:37] [Report] []

He used to do blow and hook up with Kevin Miller when Kevin lived in Denver. Dirty sluts barebacked all the time. Wouldn't be surprised if they are both HIV positive.

No.20089 : Anonymous [2018-08-03 00:25] [Report] []

Ugh, enough with these mean random rumors. No need.

No.20092 : Anonymous [2018-08-03 00:52] [Report] []

>>20041 seriously dude you again!? Whaat is your obsession with Kevin. Commenting on every fucking thread.

This troll should be banned from the site

No.20116 : Anonymous [2018-08-03 03:18] [Report] []

>>20041 it’s one thing to be a sad bitter gay, it’s another to casually invoke generations of misery and death to prove a point. Look inward dude; you are unhappy, and having sex with the hottest man in the world wouldn’t change that. The sooner you realize that, the better.

No.20299 : Anonymous [2018-08-03 21:26] [Report] []

Let’s get back to posting nudes and keep the bitchy comments to yourself


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