Archive/Dongs 2019

male general ♥ bringing boys together ♥

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Dongs archived. Archive/Dongs 2021.



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No.27742 : Fredlen [2018-08-30 21:52] [Report] 1535680344401.jpg (367566 B, 1000x503) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
367566 B

Anything from Atlanta Georgia

No.27757 : Anonymous [2018-08-30 23:02] [Report] 1535684553637.jpg (201664 B, 947x1626) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.42677 : Anonymous [2018-10-25 11:09] [Report] 1540480164673.jpg (527653 B, 750x1040) [YIS] [GIS] []
527653 B

Anything in Atlanta boy Cody?

No.42681 : Anonymous [2018-10-25 11:16] [Report] 1540480594158.jpg (977045 B, 1242x1216) [YIS] [GIS] []
977045 B

Kurt. Hottie. Anyone know anything about him?

No.42710 : Anonymous [2018-10-25 13:01] [Report] []

Bump for Cody

No.42807 : Anonymous [2018-10-25 19:36] [Report] []

>>42681 I don’t think Kurt is very sexual :-/

No.42910 : Anonymous [2018-10-26 00:46] [Report] []

Kurt’s a pretty simple dude with a circuit bod. There not really much to him. He’s nice tho

No.42923 : Anonymous [2018-10-26 01:30] [Report] []

I was hoping to see some brothas in this thread, if you know what I mean.

No.42954 : Anonymous [2018-10-26 06:12] [Report] []


Kurt is def hot. Nice guy. Nice package. ;-)

No.42964 : Anonymous [2018-10-26 07:16] [Report] 1540552575661.jpg (1080023 B, 1242x1236) [YIS] [GIS] []
1080023 B

Him please.

No.43348 : Anonymous [2018-10-27 14:43] [Report] 1540665835394.jpg (927132 B, 813x1881) [YIS] [GIS] []
927132 B

Anything on Joseph?

No.43822 : Anonymous [2018-10-29 03:06] [Report] 1540796764477.jpg (189347 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
189347 B

Anything on @ndy Duongn ATL?

No.43876 : Anonymous [2018-10-29 10:37] [Report] 1540823861194.jpg (996311 B, 1732x1194) [YIS] [GIS] []
996311 B

Anyone have these 2?

No.44171 : Anonymous [2018-10-30 08:06] [Report] []

Nice homey. Verse. Nice ass and nice long skinny dick

No.44173 : Anonymous [2018-10-30 08:08] [Report] []

>>42681 Kurt!!!

No.45053 : Anonymous [2018-11-01 22:11] [Report] 1541124692017.png (6992613 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
6992613 B

What about Tyler?

No.45907 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 13:43] [Report] []

Hottie. Thought he was from Baltimore

No.46605 : Anonymous [2018-11-06 12:37] [Report] 1541525863908.jpg (1284723 B, 1086x1531) [YIS] [GIS] []
1284723 B

Anything on Tate?

No.46619 : Anonymous [2018-11-06 14:06] [Report] []

Tate is a Trump supporting, RepubliCUNT ass hole! Someone get his nudes and expose him

No.46686 : Anonymous [2018-11-06 18:19] [Report] []

>>46619 indeed

No.46894 : Anonymous [2018-11-07 13:08] [Report] []

>>46605 I want to see Tate yum

No.47008 : Anonymous [2018-11-07 21:17] [Report] []

>>46605 omg he used to send me nudes all the time! Besides the fact that he’s a trump supporter, he’s got a great dick!!

No.47412 : Anonymous [2018-11-09 08:43] [Report] []


No.47437 : Anonymous [2018-11-09 10:16] [Report] []

Show us tates nudes

No.47683 : Anonymous [2018-11-10 09:03] [Report] 1541858624605.png (0 B, 660x657) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

anything on this human perfection? (Gene)

No.47686 : Anonymous [2018-11-10 09:19] [Report] 1541859559781.png (353483 B, 485x706) [YIS] [GIS] []
353483 B

anyone recognize this guy? spoke to him on grindr in atlanta

No.48051 : Anonymous [2018-11-11 15:07] [Report] 1541966865918.jpg (1050313 B, 1070x1566) [YIS] [GIS] []
1050313 B

>>46605 anything on Tate’s nudes? He was bulging all over pride in this onesie

No.60194 : Anonymous [2018-12-23 16:06] [Report] []

Any good Atl boys?

No.63660 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 12:19] [Report] 1546363148085.png (3421866 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.63662 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 12:19] [Report] 1546363180622.png (2696383 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.63708 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 15:28] [Report] 1546374504337.jpg (64917 B, 820x615) [YIS] [GIS] []
64917 B


No.63709 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 15:29] [Report] 1546374552190.jpg (0 B, 615x820) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.63710 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 15:29] [Report] 1546374574498.jpg (0 B, 615x820) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.63712 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 15:30] [Report] 1546374655842.jpg (0 B, 615x820) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.63713 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 15:31] [Report] 1546374685597.jpg (91307 B, 615x820) [YIS] [GIS] []
91307 B

@geniegene_ps (the top)

No.63714 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 15:31] [Report] 1546374712894.jpg (0 B, 515x820) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.63769 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 19:03] [Report] 1546387393309.jpg (1177724 B, 1242x1750) [YIS] [GIS] []
1177724 B

Anybody have this Atlanta boy?

No.63778 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 19:54] [Report] []

>>63710 Love his cock

No.64991 : Anonymous [2019-01-05 01:10] [Report] 1546668608961.jpg (728742 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.64992 : Anonymous [2019-01-05 01:11] [Report] []

Want to see more people like above? Keep posting. Let's keep this thread going!

No.65647 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 14:37] [Report] []

>>43876 anyone have these two

No.65654 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:06] [Report] []

Who has this muscle bottom?

No.65655 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:06] [Report] 1546805210207.jpg (263040 B, 1241x1402) [YIS] [GIS] []
263040 B

Who has this muscle bottom?

No.65674 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:39] [Report] 1546807141360.jpg (0 B, 711x1302) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

More Gene

No.65675 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:39] [Report] 1546807190584.jpg (0 B, 1174x1318) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

More Gene

No.65676 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:40] [Report] 1546807225725.jpg (0 B, 1151x1311) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

More Gene

No.65677 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:40] [Report] 1546807259988.jpg (0 B, 1136x1266) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

More Gene

No.65682 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:45] [Report] 1546807530507.png (4594109 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4594109 B


No.65683 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:46] [Report] 1546807574689.png (3293147 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3293147 B


No.65684 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:46] [Report] 1546807609723.png (1983969 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1983969 B


No.65685 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:47] [Report] 1546807653729.png (2201320 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2201320 B


No.65688 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:49] [Report] 1546807749447.png (3608859 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3608859 B

Guy A

No.65689 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:49] [Report] 1546807789350.png (2475546 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2475546 B

Guy A

No.65690 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:50] [Report] 1546807825886.png (3499645 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3499645 B

Guy A

No.65691 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:50] [Report] 1546807858493.png (3631828 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3631828 B

guy A

No.65692 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:53] [Report] 1546808032532.png (2293655 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2293655 B

Nick (now in nyc)

No.65693 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:54] [Report] 1546808074162.png (2894043 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2894043 B


No.65694 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:55] [Report] 1546808113653.png (2328600 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2328600 B


No.65695 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:55] [Report] 1546808150413.png (2602348 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2602348 B


No.65701 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:57] [Report] 1546808265941.png (1856935 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1856935 B


No.65702 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 15:58] [Report] 1546808324463.png (2228357 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2228357 B


No.65703 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:00] [Report] 1546808434615.png (2880027 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2880027 B


No.65704 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:01] [Report] 1546808480418.png (2922368 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2922368 B


No.65705 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:01] [Report] 1546808507386.png (2759786 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2759786 B


No.65710 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:12] [Report] 1546809140172.png (3314374 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3314374 B

Nick B.

No.65711 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:13] [Report] 1546809186309.png (2894594 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2894594 B

Nick B

No.65712 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:13] [Report] 1546809228577.png (4300270 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4300270 B

Nick B

No.65713 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:14] [Report] 1546809258781.png (1806920 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1806920 B

Nick B

No.65715 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:15] [Report] 1546809303572.png (3602884 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3602884 B

Nick B

No.65716 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:15] [Report] 1546809346422.png (4194786 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4194786 B

Nick B

No.65717 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:16] [Report] 1546809385545.png (3484384 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3484384 B

Nick B

No.65718 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:16] [Report] 1546809418138.png (2462196 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2462196 B

Nick B

No.65719 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:17] [Report] 1546809465623.png (4400639 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4400639 B

Cute blond

No.65720 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:18] [Report] 1546809499229.png (2220629 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2220629 B

Cute blond

No.65721 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:18] [Report] 1546809532687.png (2572163 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2572163 B

Cute blond

No.65722 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:19] [Report] 1546809569620.png (2030366 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2030366 B

Cute blond

No.65723 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:20] [Report] 1546809647231.png (4329885 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4329885 B

Guy B

No.65724 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:21] [Report] 1546809668804.png (2756870 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2756870 B

Guy B

No.65725 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:21] [Report] 1546809697287.png (3142214 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3142214 B

Guy B

No.65726 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:22] [Report] 1546809726123.png (2775370 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2775370 B

Guy B

No.65727 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:22] [Report] 1546809750143.png (2761950 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2761950 B

Guy B

No.65729 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:23] [Report] 1546809830146.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Josh S

No.65730 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:24] [Report] 1546809861308.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Josh S

No.65731 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:24] [Report] 1546809889217.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Josh S

No.65732 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:25] [Report] 1546809935517.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Nick B

No.65733 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:25] [Report] 1546809956179.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Nick B

No.65734 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:26] [Report] 1546809978599.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Nick B

No.65735 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:26] [Report] 1546809999332.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Nick B

No.65736 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:27] [Report] 1546810062094.png (1795483 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1795483 B

Guy C

No.65737 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:28] [Report] 1546810109839.png (5455081 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5455081 B

Guy C

No.65738 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:29] [Report] 1546810151415.png (2984248 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2984248 B

Guy C

No.65739 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 16:29] [Report] []

I can post more later... Ha

No.65816 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 19:27] [Report] []

Wow hot!

No.65819 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 19:30] [Report] []

>>65739 keep them coming

No.65878 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 21:27] [Report] []

So hot.

No.65952 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 00:35] [Report] []

Any more of Jake?? So sexy

No.65988 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 02:39] [Report] []

yes please for the muscle bottom always wanted to see him

No.66034 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 08:05] [Report] 1546866348032.jpg (405878 B, 750x852) [YIS] [GIS] []
405878 B

Bump for C0dy Welch. He’s been boy hopping a lot lately.

No.66048 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 09:44] [Report] 1546872278830.jpg (1998147 B, 1242x2268) [YIS] [GIS] []
1998147 B

Anything on this ATL guy? Lives in NYC now but always claims videos are circulating of him

No.66050 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 09:53] [Report] 1546872832785.jpg (1033529 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.66299 : Anonymous [2019-01-07 19:36] [Report] []

Love it! More!

I've fucked most of these guys you posted.

No.66760 : Anonymous [2019-01-08 20:14] [Report] 1546996447675.jpg (797515 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
797515 B

We need more of Adam!

No.66773 : Anonymous [2019-01-08 20:51] [Report] []

>>66760 gross

No.66804 : Anonymous [2019-01-08 22:55] [Report] 1547006146062.jpg (137917 B, 640x853) [YIS] [GIS] []
137917 B

Anything on Ben H@rvey?

No.66827 : Anonymous [2019-01-09 00:49] [Report] []

Is Ben on Grindr?

No.66850 : Anonymous [2019-01-09 02:30] [Report] []

Hope the generous poster comes back with more :/ especially Jeff and Chris

No.67129 : Anonymous [2019-01-09 21:15] [Report] 1547086519994.jpg (690939 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
690939 B

Christian Gunn

No.67203 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 02:03] [Report] 1547103797772.png (0 B, 745x993) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

John Murphy?

No.67204 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 02:04] [Report] 1547103855604.jpg (475245 B, 2576x1932) [YIS] [GIS] []
475245 B

Zac Smith?

No.67271 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 09:42] [Report] 1547131345503.jpg (0 B, 732x802) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67273 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 09:42] [Report] 1547131367285.jpg (0 B, 729x752) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67298 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 12:16] [Report] []

Yes!! Bump for more of JM any of his hole!?

No.67350 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:44] [Report] 1547149487409.png (2814738 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2814738 B


No.67351 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:45] [Report] 1547149522499.png (2974365 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2974365 B


No.67352 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:46] [Report] 1547149577926.png (2945721 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2945721 B


No.67353 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:46] [Report] 1547149613090.png (2461402 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2461402 B


No.67354 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:47] [Report] 1547149662965.png (2532970 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2532970 B


No.67355 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:48] [Report] 1547149694312.png (2331236 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2331236 B


No.67356 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:48] [Report] 1547149719716.png (3019241 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3019241 B


No.67359 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:49] [Report] 1547149781900.png (3916576 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3916576 B


No.67360 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:50] [Report] 1547149815894.png (2604849 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2604849 B


No.67361 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:50] [Report] 1547149839742.png (1799982 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1799982 B


No.67362 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:51] [Report] 1547149872468.png (3938695 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3938695 B


No.67363 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:51] [Report] 1547149913467.png (3912208 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3912208 B


No.67364 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:52] [Report] 1547149951270.png (2618317 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2618317 B


No.67365 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:54] [Report] 1547150091498.png (2994009 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2994009 B


No.67366 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:55] [Report] 1547150122381.png (2219575 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2219575 B


No.67367 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:55] [Report] 1547150150491.png (2958561 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2958561 B


No.67368 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:56] [Report] 1547150179354.png (2203299 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2203299 B


No.67370 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:57] [Report] 1547150271129.png (2647340 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2647340 B


No.67371 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:58] [Report] 1547150298801.png (2430114 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2430114 B


No.67372 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 14:58] [Report] 1547150327276.png (3150046 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3150046 B


No.67375 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:01] [Report] 1547150467077.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67376 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:01] [Report] 1547150502660.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67377 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:02] [Report] 1547150530092.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67379 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:06] [Report] 1547150761773.png (2039753 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2039753 B


No.67381 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:09] [Report] 1547150983766.png (1894287 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1894287 B


No.67382 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:10] [Report] 1547151011953.png (2085243 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2085243 B


No.67383 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:11] [Report] 1547151064888.png (2834147 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2834147 B


No.67384 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:11] [Report] 1547151095191.png (3319135 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3319135 B


No.67385 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:12] [Report] 1547151125697.png (2355908 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2355908 B


No.67386 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:12] [Report] 1547151167579.png (2320226 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2320226 B


No.67387 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:13] [Report] 1547151228564.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67389 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:14] [Report] 1547151255023.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67390 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:14] [Report] 1547151285124.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67392 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:15] [Report] 1547151329304.png (3366367 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3366367 B


No.67393 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:15] [Report] 1547151357993.png (3407141 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3407141 B


No.67394 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:16] [Report] 1547151385743.png (3420814 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3420814 B


No.67406 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:23] [Report] 1547151835399.png (1937436 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1937436 B


No.67408 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:24] [Report] 1547151865278.png (1652194 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1652194 B


No.67409 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:24] [Report] 1547151894242.png (1792399 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1792399 B


No.67410 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:25] [Report] 1547151935673.png (1982054 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1982054 B


No.67412 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:29] [Report] 1547152144607.png (3488615 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3488615 B


No.67413 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:29] [Report] 1547152175922.png (2345729 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2345729 B


No.67414 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:30] [Report] 1547152204647.png (3098259 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3098259 B


No.67415 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:30] [Report] 1547152232741.png (4227124 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4227124 B


No.67416 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:31] [Report] 1547152297398.png (1364566 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1364566 B


No.67417 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:32] [Report] 1547152349519.png (2603830 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2603830 B


No.67418 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:33] [Report] 1547152403332.png (2333836 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2333836 B


No.67419 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:34] [Report] 1547152498179.png (3010933 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3010933 B


No.67422 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:40] [Report] []

Thanks!! #6 is hot

No.67424 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:41] [Report] 1547152901420.png (4340168 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4340168 B


No.67425 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:43] [Report] 1547153000790.png (2565991 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2565991 B


No.67426 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:44] [Report] 1547153048471.png (2607448 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2607448 B


No.67428 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:44] [Report] 1547153099646.png (3007347 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3007347 B


No.67429 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:45] [Report] 1547153147896.png (2380008 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2380008 B


No.67431 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:46] [Report] 1547153187618.png (2318741 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2318741 B


No.67432 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:47] [Report] 1547153252678.png (2649067 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2649067 B


No.67433 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:48] [Report] 1547153334038.png (2858761 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2858761 B


No.67434 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 15:52] [Report] []

There's another round...If you know any of these guys, spill the tea! Ha

No.67464 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 18:16] [Report] 1547162195393.jpg (131900 B, 689x746) [YIS] [GIS] []
131900 B


No.67465 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 18:17] [Report] 1547162253526.jpg (72326 B, 732x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67466 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 18:18] [Report] 1547162293305.jpg (35742 B, 517x799) [YIS] [GIS] []
35742 B


No.67467 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 18:19] [Report] 1547162370594.jpg (0 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.67470 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 18:39] [Report] 1547163577177.jpg (1467670 B, 1125x1332) [YIS] [GIS] []
1467670 B


No.67536 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 22:23] [Report] 1547177015209.png (564586 B, 540x922) [YIS] [GIS] []
564586 B


No.67564 : Anonymous [2019-01-10 23:24] [Report] []

More John Murphy ;)

No.67596 : Anonymous [2019-01-11 01:38] [Report] []

>>65692 isnt this a model? Ive seen him before

No.67631 : Anonymous [2019-01-11 04:37] [Report] 1547199457881.png (5776459 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
5776459 B

How about this handsome guy then? Think he lives outside Atlanta but close enough

No.68022 : Anonymous [2019-01-12 07:20] [Report] []

>>67945 it's not impressive, don't waste your time.

No.68024 : Triston Morgan [2019-01-12 07:25] [Report] 1547295952555.jpg (6150 B, 225x225) [YIS] [GIS] []
6150 B

Any of him?

No.68025 : Anonymous [2019-01-12 07:26] [Report] 1547296016892.jpg (126646 B, 905x1200) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.68044 : Anonymous [2019-01-12 09:19] [Report] []


Hot! Who is this?

No.68492 : Anonymous [2019-01-13 14:13] [Report] 1547406811782.png (339064 B, 540x526) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.69396 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 02:43] [Report] 1547624631234.png (253527 B, 461x404) [YIS] [GIS] []
253527 B

Smeagol is pleased with these offerings

No.69469 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 09:03] [Report] []

>>67470 updates?

No.69651 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 19:01] [Report] []

any on tate or ben harvey?

No.69655 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 19:11] [Report] 1547683880577.jpg (80423 B, 749x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.69699 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 22:12] [Report] []

>>69655 Damn

No.69709 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 22:42] [Report] 1547696564136.jpg (161372 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
161372 B

>>68024 Yes!! He's so HOT!! Nudes??

No.69714 : Anonymous [2019-01-16 23:06] [Report] 1547697964839.jpg (13086 B, 230x408) [YIS] [GIS] []
13086 B

Rentboy in ATL that goes by David

No.69747 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 01:00] [Report] []

>>67920 I hope so. Anyone have more info? Or more pics/vids?

No.69758 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:12] [Report] 1547709159569.png (640312 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.69759 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:13] [Report] 1547709185175.jpg (305119 B, 1124x1492) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.69761 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:14] [Report] 1547709240424.png (1194849 B, 749x993) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.69764 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:31] [Report] []

>>69759 any ass shots?

No.69765 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:34] [Report] []

>>69755 A nude with a popped collar, horizontally striped baggy boxers, and duck lips? Yep. It's painfully obvious this is from the 2000s/early 2010s.

No.69766 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:34] [Report] []

>>69757 umm...whys he gross?

No.69772 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:51] [Report] 1547711519074.jpg (1493628 B, 1242x1364) [YIS] [GIS] []
1493628 B

Got these two?

No.69773 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 02:52] [Report] 1547711538233.jpg (1266444 B, 1242x1386) [YIS] [GIS] []
1266444 B

Or him?

No.69803 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 03:51] [Report] []

>>69396 What the fuck? Is that GlitterForever17? Is she still crazy?

No.69816 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 04:55] [Report] []

>>67536 he's sexy! Nudes please!!

No.69823 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 05:34] [Report] []

This guy from Atlanta that lives in Chicago:

No.69886 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 10:08] [Report] 1547737705017.jpg (55524 B, 600x400) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.70047 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 18:14] [Report] []

>>70038 He's apparently doing a vid with Chris Crocker soon

No.70059 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 18:48] [Report] 1547768937393.jpg (23121 B, 348x439) [YIS] [GIS] []
23121 B

>>69396 She's my fave trainwreck at the moment

No.70065 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 18:59] [Report] []

>>70002 Does he do porn? I couldn't find anything.

No.70144 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 22:38] [Report] []

>>70076 I don't think that's him

No.70164 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 23:51] [Report] []

Anyone have more of Alexander?

No.70167 : Anonymous [2019-01-17 23:53] [Report] 1547787233498.jpg (129704 B, 720x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
129704 B


No.70183 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 00:22] [Report] 1547788937805.jpg (761146 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
761146 B

Any of this sexy man?

No.70193 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 01:15] [Report] []

>>70167 he has an OF

No.70210 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 02:59] [Report] []

>>70167. Is his onlyfans worth it? Not a lot posted.

No.70256 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 08:37] [Report] []

>>69786 who’s got the front?

No.70257 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 08:42] [Report] []

>>67470 what’s the tea on his d?

No.70336 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 14:04] [Report] 1547838287603.jpg (311234 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.70357 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 15:36] [Report] []

I guess no one has anything on Tate?

No.70367 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 16:13] [Report] []

>>70336 thanks. Any more?

No.70370 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 16:18] [Report] []

>>70336 what else did he send you?

No.70380 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 16:58] [Report] []

>>70336 looks nice and think

No.70381 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 17:01] [Report] 1547848911584.jpg (345211 B, 750x563) [YIS] [GIS] []
345211 B

Corey McGlothin (Corey cheeks) aka Zander Lane. Atlanta boy now doing porn, pretty typical. Not complaining though. Haha

No.70403 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 18:12] [Report] []

LMAO I wasn't expecting this thread to blow up like this

No.70435 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 20:43] [Report] 1547862197635.jpg (291921 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.70476 : Anonymous [2019-01-18 23:26] [Report] []

>>70435 any vids?

No.70584 : Anonymous [2019-01-19 11:01] [Report] 1547913677864.png (1315892 B, 1020x948) [YIS] [GIS] []
1315892 B

Anything on this sexy couple?

No.70738 : Anonymous [2019-01-19 19:35] [Report] []

>>69782 Anyone know his old cam name?

No.70828 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 01:33] [Report] 1547966000809.jpg (936924 B, 1125x1407) [YIS] [GIS] []
936924 B

How about him?

No.71026 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 16:09] [Report] 1548018573177.jpg (332510 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.71027 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 16:10] [Report] 1548018601955.jpg (218651 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.71028 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 16:10] [Report] 1548018626680.jpg (231161 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.71085 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 19:28] [Report] 1548030524244.jpg (552139 B, 750x1202) [YIS] [GIS] []
552139 B

Chatted this guy up at the bar the other night. He’s cute as hell and his bulge is quite substantial. Any chance someone has or knows anything?

No.71132 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 22:08] [Report] []

>>71027 damn is this really him? Have any more?! Thanks for posting! He's so sexy. Any stories?

No.71242 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 09:05] [Report] []

Considering some of the gays I know in ATL, I wouldn't be surprised if this thread reached over a thousand posts in pics alone. 👀

No.71342 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 15:31] [Report] []

>>71242 I hope so. I'm enjoying this. Haha. Surprised some of the well know guys havent been posted yet

No.71343 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 15:32] [Report] 1548102746362.jpg (776102 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
776102 B

He is beautiful! Does anyone have more?

No.71360 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 16:16] [Report] 1548105360426.png (9447055 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
9447055 B

Anything on this guy?

No.71361 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 16:19] [Report] 1548105548411.png (10175089 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
10175089 B

Any on him?

No.71420 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 19:48] [Report] 1548118126595.jpg (570316 B, 750x1134) [YIS] [GIS] []
570316 B

Brandon 1

No.71421 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 19:49] [Report] 1548118163229.jpg (397968 B, 750x504) [YIS] [GIS] []
397968 B

Brandon 2

No.71430 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 20:39] [Report] 1548121168474.jpg (418345 B, 750x497) [YIS] [GIS] []
418345 B

Brandon 3

No.71432 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 20:46] [Report] 1548121564691.jpg (511196 B, 750x1026) [YIS] [GIS] []
511196 B

Brandon 4

No.71445 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:39] [Report] 1548124785012.jpg (98690 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.71447 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:45] [Report] 1548125103552.jpg (649568 B, 750x989) [YIS] [GIS] []
649568 B

Another n!c

No.71448 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:45] [Report] 1548125150917.jpg (618040 B, 750x973) [YIS] [GIS] []
618040 B


No.71449 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:46] [Report] 1548125195441.jpg (475838 B, 750x971) [YIS] [GIS] []
475838 B


No.71450 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:47] [Report] 1548125278145.jpg (635582 B, 750x982) [YIS] [GIS] []
635582 B


No.71451 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:48] [Report] 1548125318433.jpg (0 B, 750x544) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Chr!st!an Rol@ndo

No.71452 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:49] [Report] 1548125381385.jpg (0 B, 750x778) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Chr!st!an 2

No.71453 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:50] [Report] 1548125434371.jpg (0 B, 744x990) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Chr!st!an 3

No.71454 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:51] [Report] 1548125460003.jpg (476464 B, 750x982) [YIS] [GIS] []
476464 B


No.71455 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:51] [Report] 1548125471817.jpg (312605 B, 750x530) [YIS] [GIS] []
312605 B


No.71456 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:51] [Report] 1548125482998.jpg (383458 B, 750x982) [YIS] [GIS] []
383458 B


No.71457 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:52] [Report] 1548125530503.jpg (507478 B, 713x1001) [YIS] [GIS] []
507478 B


No.71458 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:52] [Report] 1548125540221.jpg (532208 B, 662x1197) [YIS] [GIS] []
532208 B


No.71460 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:52] [Report] 1548125559017.jpg (475456 B, 750x797) [YIS] [GIS] []
475456 B


No.71461 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:52] [Report] 1548125579757.jpg (475110 B, 750x1191) [YIS] [GIS] []
475110 B


No.71462 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:53] [Report] 1548125604949.jpg (607427 B, 750x1000) [YIS] [GIS] []
607427 B


No.71463 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:53] [Report] 1548125623514.jpg (516011 B, 672x1177) [YIS] [GIS] []
516011 B


No.71464 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 21:54] [Report] 1548125677245.jpg (147295 B, 981x745) [YIS] [GIS] []
147295 B


No.71488 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 22:53] [Report] []

Keep them coming

No.71498 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 23:30] [Report] 1548131420356.jpg (45973 B, 400x533) [YIS] [GIS] []
45973 B

Dylan Weaver

No.71499 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 23:38] [Report] 1548131933350.jpg (160281 B, 679x1057) [YIS] [GIS] []
160281 B

>>70183 Stephen King

No.71500 : Anonymous [2019-01-21 23:39] [Report] []

>>71498>>71498 Insta handles for any of these people? Who is he? And who is Brandon?? So hot!

No.71559 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 04:31] [Report] []

Hot!! Keep them coming! Thanks for sharing!

No.71562 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 04:41] [Report] 1548150065590.png (471828 B, 481x854) [YIS] [GIS] []
471828 B

This hottie please!!!

I've seen him on grindr a few times, his IG is thekr4ck3n2


No.71597 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 08:01] [Report] 1548162060468.jpg (232758 B, 1043x1138) [YIS] [GIS] []
232758 B


No.71616 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 09:32] [Report] 1548167574280.jpg (278807 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
278807 B

Battyboicans on IG and twitter.

No.71617 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 09:34] [Report] []

>>71597 who is this? Very hot!

No.71618 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 09:35] [Report] []

>>71499 is that really him? I dont see his side tatt.

No.71619 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 09:36] [Report] []

>>65682>>65683>>65683>>65683 Ryan is hot! Wish you had his insta or last name also! Brandon is hot too, wonder what his insta is?

No.71654 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 11:11] [Report] 1548173503438.png (5483078 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
5483078 B

G.A. - Gustavo Alves

No.71655 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 11:15] [Report] 1548173751211.jpg (627703 B, 1909x1125) [YIS] [GIS] []
627703 B

Gustavo Alves 3

No.71701 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 14:37] [Report] []

>>71445 lol knew he had a baby dick

No.71722 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 16:00] [Report] 1548190830991.jpg (51772 B, 600x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
51772 B

N!ck F2hn??

No.71739 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 16:47] [Report] []

>>71701 looks pretty good sized to me. Nothing baby about it.

No.71754 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 17:58] [Report] []

>>65732 Anyone got more of N!c Br00ks?

No.71770 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 18:33] [Report] []

>>71739 just his immature attitude for a 40yr old guy still working behind a bar

No.71771 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 18:40] [Report] 1548200423048.jpg (793456 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
793456 B

Any of Zane?

No.71773 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 18:41] [Report] 1548200472383.jpg (322770 B, 1050x1233) [YIS] [GIS] []
322770 B


No.71814 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 21:21] [Report] 1548210083205.jpg (53042 B, 640x427) [YIS] [GIS] []
53042 B

Any of Truman?

No.71828 : Anonymous [2019-01-22 21:52] [Report] 1548211963680.jpg (530329 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.72159 : Anonymous [2019-01-23 21:45] [Report] []

I can't wait for Pride Month so we can have all the messy gays nudes

No.72176 : Anonymous [2019-01-23 22:28] [Report] []

Does anyone have any of Charles Kleine? He's huge.

No.72200 : Anonymous [2019-01-23 23:24] [Report] []

>>72176 hugely gross?
What ever happened when he kicked Jon to the curb a couple years ago

No.72271 : Anonymous [2019-01-24 04:18] [Report] []

>>71562 anything on this hottie, please!

No.72393 : Anonymous [2019-01-24 15:45] [Report] []

>>72200 I've been wondering the same! He and his friends used to do such hot shows on Cam4 way back when (and he's an exec at a huge ATL beverage company). Wonder what happened there.... They'd talk about how Elt0n loved Jon, would take them on trips, etc. Def confused what happened there and am sad that my screen grabs seem to have disappeared......

No.72439 : Anonymous [2019-01-24 18:09] [Report] 1548371376227.jpg (221429 B, 828x1410) [YIS] [GIS] []
221429 B

Any of either of these two?

No.72491 : Anonymous [2019-01-24 21:13] [Report] 1548382438100.jpg (701946 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
701946 B

Another Atl boy in the porn industry.

No.72500 : Anonymous [2019-01-24 21:23] [Report] 1548382988585.png (0 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

T Allen

No.72676 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 12:53] [Report] 1548438822229.jpg (1070357 B, 1125x1875) [YIS] [GIS] []
1070357 B

>>70435 anything else?

No.72886 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:06] [Report] []

>>71343 heard he’s poz

No.72888 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:07] [Report] []

>>65683 gets fingered on the dance floor

No.72889 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:08] [Report] []

>>42964 gets black out and goes home with just about anyone

No.72890 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:09] [Report] []

>>65703 sugar baby

No.72894 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:13] [Report] []

>>67392 not cute in person. Bad skin and weird personality

No.72896 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:16] [Report] []

>>67466 full of himself but irrelevant

No.72897 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:18] [Report] []

>>68024 constantly catching and recatching different STDs

No.72898 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 23:21] [Report] []

>>71420 likes golden showers

No.72944 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 03:31] [Report] []

Shit hole

No.73002 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 10:07] [Report] []

Didnt know this thread was for bitchy commentary, I thought we were appreciating some of the hot guys in Atl... I think I'll stick to posting pics and showing some hot guys.

No.73003 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 10:08] [Report] 1548515333796.jpg (569661 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.73138 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 15:44] [Report] 1548535482979.png (7318514 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.73140 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 15:45] [Report] 1548535559120.png (9459670 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.73142 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 15:50] [Report] 1548535810414.jpg (84808 B, 640x480) [YIS] [GIS] []
84808 B


No.73143 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 15:50] [Report] 1548535829950.jpg (145828 B, 720x1278) [YIS] [GIS] []
145828 B


No.73176 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 17:11] [Report] []

>>73140 who us he? So hot!

No.73256 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 20:53] [Report] []

Anything on @J0shuaHolcombe?

No.73264 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 21:25] [Report] 1548555913686.jpg (524083 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
524083 B

Battyboicans aka Cansler

No.73275 : Anonymous [2019-01-26 22:40] [Report] 1548560433084.jpg (113087 B, 619x851) [YIS] [GIS] []
113087 B

>>73256 Joshua

No.73343 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 02:46] [Report] []

More, more, more. Haha. I'm loving this thread.

No.73367 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 06:34] [Report] 1548588883718.jpg (438800 B, 1242x1699) [YIS] [GIS] []
438800 B

Who has pics or T on this one?

No.73382 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 07:49] [Report] 1548593357642.jpg (285965 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.73385 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 08:09] [Report] []

I have some of him too


No.73397 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 09:17] [Report] []

>>73385 share

No.73571 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 18:16] [Report] 1548630976944.jpg (320467 B, 732x548) [YIS] [GIS] []
320467 B


No.73573 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 18:16] [Report] 1548631004318.jpg (496477 B, 738x983) [YIS] [GIS] []
496477 B

Ethan 2

No.73574 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 18:17] [Report] 1548631047869.jpg (530949 B, 738x986) [YIS] [GIS] []
530949 B

This fuckboy used to live in Atl. Anything on him?

No.73616 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 21:57] [Report] 1548644275064.jpg (243268 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
243268 B

Ben Cantrell? Pics or Vids?

No.73618 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 22:05] [Report] 1548644717762.jpg (850697 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.73619 : Anonymous [2019-01-27 22:06] [Report] 1548644791282.jpg (80493 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
80493 B


No.73661 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 01:10] [Report] []

>>73618 Escort

No.73719 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 07:27] [Report] []

Let’s see more of Keith ha

No.73780 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 11:38] [Report] 1548693529949.png (2633928 B, 1693x919) [YIS] [GIS] []
2633928 B


No.73924 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 18:14] [Report] []

>>65732 A deleted post on here claimed he did porn. Is this true?

No.73925 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 18:15] [Report] []

Oh girl. Considering the Trashlanta gays I know, this thread could go on forever. xD

No.74004 : Anonymous [2019-01-28 21:56] [Report] []

>>73367 what’s under that speedo

No.74066 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 01:33] [Report] 1548743615020.jpg (204820 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
204820 B


No.74067 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 01:34] [Report] 1548743693092.jpg (56873 B, 601x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74123 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:50] [Report] 1548762635216.png (2462384 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2462384 B


No.74124 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:51] [Report] 1548762678249.png (3104366 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3104366 B


No.74125 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:52] [Report] 1548762721288.png (1267162 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1267162 B


No.74126 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:52] [Report] 1548762752421.png (1931222 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1931222 B


No.74127 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:53] [Report] 1548762791804.png (3560168 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3560168 B


No.74128 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:55] [Report] 1548762938028.png (5086119 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5086119 B


No.74129 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:56] [Report] 1548762980843.png (3250268 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3250268 B


No.74130 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:56] [Report] 1548763017783.png (4718159 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4718159 B


No.74131 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:57] [Report] 1548763066312.png (4150128 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4150128 B


No.74133 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:58] [Report] 1548763110679.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74134 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 06:59] [Report] 1548763152054.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74135 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:00] [Report] 1548763204850.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74136 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:01] [Report] 1548763306987.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74137 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:02] [Report] 1548763335352.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74138 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:02] [Report] 1548763370224.png (0 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74140 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:03] [Report] 1548763417688.png (2249615 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2249615 B


No.74141 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:04] [Report] 1548763479793.png (5123652 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5123652 B


No.74142 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:05] [Report] 1548763520218.png (2826746 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2826746 B


No.74143 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:06] [Report] 1548763575269.png (4519896 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4519896 B


No.74144 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:06] [Report] 1548763612486.png (4007454 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4007454 B


No.74145 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:07] [Report] 1548763651476.png (3860043 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3860043 B


No.74146 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:08] [Report] 1548763739376.png (5814913 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5814913 B


No.74147 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:09] [Report] 1548763773982.png (2964310 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2964310 B


No.74148 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:10] [Report] 1548763806312.png (3211903 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3211903 B


No.74149 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:11] [Report] 1548763861888.png (3296349 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3296349 B


No.74150 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:11] [Report] 1548763896615.png (4228696 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4228696 B


No.74151 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:12] [Report] 1548763922369.png (4009810 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4009810 B


No.74152 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:12] [Report] 1548763974874.png (5064639 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5064639 B


No.74153 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:13] [Report] 1548764034091.png (4515997 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4515997 B


No.74154 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:14] [Report] 1548764097318.png (4341251 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4341251 B


No.74155 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:15] [Report] 1548764139683.png (4103273 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4103273 B


No.74156 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:16] [Report] 1548764179323.png (2827032 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2827032 B


No.74157 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:16] [Report] 1548764212092.png (2711439 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2711439 B


No.74158 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:17] [Report] 1548764245433.png (4040196 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4040196 B


No.74159 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:18] [Report] 1548764287943.png (5449032 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5449032 B


No.74160 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:20] [Report] 1548764443093.png (2802672 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2802672 B


No.74161 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:21] [Report] 1548764481499.png (5103902 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5103902 B


No.74162 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:22] [Report] 1548764522967.png (5137549 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5137549 B


No.74163 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:22] [Report] 1548764554712.png (4518170 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4518170 B


No.74164 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:23] [Report] 1548764597488.png (5108823 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5108823 B


No.74165 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:23] [Report] 1548764634327.png (1931524 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1931524 B


No.74166 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:24] [Report] 1548764661332.png (2850016 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2850016 B


No.74167 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:24] [Report] 1548764696334.png (1987085 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1987085 B


No.74168 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:26] [Report] 1548764780903.png (3247342 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3247342 B


No.74169 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:26] [Report] 1548764818817.png (5750406 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5750406 B


No.74170 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:28] [Report] 1548764910002.png (5882740 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5882740 B


No.74172 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:29] [Report] 1548764941646.png (2017803 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2017803 B


No.74173 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:29] [Report] 1548764974286.png (3879455 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3879455 B


No.74174 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:30] [Report] 1548765035363.png (1297709 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1297709 B


No.74175 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:31] [Report] 1548765065987.png (2621261 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2621261 B


No.74176 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:31] [Report] 1548765097352.png (2540285 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2540285 B


No.74177 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:32] [Report] 1548765148039.png (5872644 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5872644 B


No.74178 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:32] [Report] 1548765178030.png (2475247 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2475247 B


No.74179 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:33] [Report] 1548765208869.png (4136105 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4136105 B


No.74180 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:34] [Report] 1548765256326.png (3197943 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3197943 B


No.74181 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:34] [Report] 1548765291757.png (5442439 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
5442439 B


No.74184 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:35] [Report] 1548765320137.png (4894232 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4894232 B


No.74185 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:35] [Report] 1548765349097.png (2092453 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2092453 B


No.74186 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:36] [Report] 1548765398098.png (2251290 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2251290 B


No.74187 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:37] [Report] 1548765425198.png (2512390 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2512390 B


No.74188 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:37] [Report] 1548765461941.png (4280264 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
4280264 B


No.74189 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:38] [Report] 1548765490104.jpg (210742 B, 1529x1137) [YIS] [GIS] []
210742 B


No.74190 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:38] [Report] 1548765530598.png (3008423 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3008423 B


No.74191 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:39] [Report] 1548765569631.png (2980990 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2980990 B


No.74192 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:40] [Report] 1548765611558.png (3500771 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3500771 B


No.74194 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:40] [Report] 1548765646250.png (3492842 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3492842 B


No.74195 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:42] [Report] 1548765773038.png (3461511 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
3461511 B


No.74196 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:43] [Report] 1548765809050.png (2263848 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2263848 B


No.74199 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:44] [Report] 1548765852072.png (2535311 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2535311 B


No.74200 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:44] [Report] 1548765880103.png (2210281 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2210281 B


No.74202 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 07:45] [Report] 1548765912697.png (1587284 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
1587284 B


No.74209 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 08:29] [Report] []

This thread is more giving than the san fran thread haha

No.74215 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 09:00] [Report] []

Could this thread be messier? And you know ATL is home to a ton of porn companies on the DL, so you know half of the gay men there have done porn at some point.

No.74221 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 09:12] [Report] []

Lmao. How long do you think this thread could go? It just keeps going and going. And I know several of these dudes.

No.74226 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 09:27] [Report] []

>>70435 More?

No.74235 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:15] [Report] []

>>74181 who is that?

No.74236 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:18] [Report] 1548775122985.jpg (95095 B, 640x1137) [YIS] [GIS] []
95095 B


No.74238 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:19] [Report] 1548775181779.jpg (120578 B, 640x1137) [YIS] [GIS] []
120578 B


No.74239 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:20] [Report] 1548775235410.jpg (44263 B, 640x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
44263 B


No.74241 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:22] [Report] 1548775334907.png (5080392 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
5080392 B


No.74244 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:26] [Report] 1548775577741.jpg (369989 B, 1278x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
369989 B


No.74245 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:26] [Report] 1548775607742.jpg (67588 B, 640x481) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74246 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:28] [Report] 1548775684434.jpg (88373 B, 640x854) [YIS] [GIS] []
88373 B

jacob's bf

No.74247 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 10:28] [Report] 1548775720423.gif (3006618 B, 180x320) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.74260 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 11:26] [Report] []

>>73382 any more of Joshua?

No.74342 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 16:48] [Report] []

>>74215 Like who?

No.74417 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 20:24] [Report] []

Anymore of will?

No.74434 : Anonymous [2019-01-29 21:21] [Report] []

>>73616 Anymore of Ben? He's a total slut, I know there's more

No.74551 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 04:53] [Report] []

>>74247 More on Jacob and his boyfriend please! There’s a wetransfer file or google drive out there someone please upload it lol

No.74582 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 08:02] [Report] []

>>67470 more?!

No.74645 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 13:21] [Report] 1548872468526.jpg (50538 B, 1219x321) [YIS] [GIS] []
50538 B

Rick and Griff have an onlyfans. Is it worth it?

No.74733 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 17:02] [Report] []

>>74645 No, a subscription will get you slightly more scandalous than Instagram and them begging for tips for more scandalous posts. If you do tip, those posts are lazy faceless pics and vids that still show next to nothing.

No.74746 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 17:37] [Report] []

>>74645 Both Gross! Disgusting attention seeking couple. I wouldn’t be surprised if they posted this themselves.

No.74801 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 20:08] [Report] []

>>74645 75 D O L L A R C U M S H O T I'll never get over that. Referring to a sex vid they did for another guy's OF where they charged for the initial video and an additional $75 for the actual cumshots. Heard it was lame and not even worth ten cents.

No.75005 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 10:05] [Report] 1548947108955.jpg (272469 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
272469 B


No.75197 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 19:35] [Report] 1548981318687.jpg (64599 B, 800x518) [YIS] [GIS] []
64599 B

When ATL boys grow up.

No.75236 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 21:13] [Report] 1548987222723.jpg (370937 B, 1080x1765) [YIS] [GIS] []
370937 B

N!ck 1

No.75237 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 21:14] [Report] 1548987250476.jpg (323486 B, 1079x1851) [YIS] [GIS] []
323486 B

N!ck 2

No.75238 : Anonymous [2019-01-31 21:14] [Report] 1548987279356.jpg (110118 B, 1080x795) [YIS] [GIS] []
110118 B

N!ck 3

No.75310 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 01:45] [Report] []

>>75236 He is such a dumb gay Trump supporter. He literally got an anal STD one time. Rash and everything.

No.75342 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 04:26] [Report] []

>>75310 yaaawwwwnnnnn

No.75344 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 04:43] [Report] []

>>752366 full version of these please!!

No.75360 : Buhdools [2019-02-01 07:41] [Report] []

>>75236 Does anyone have the full size of these?

No.75361 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 07:41] [Report] []

Can we expand this to Chattanooga guys?

No.75391 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 09:52] [Report] 1549032761150.jpg (543942 B, 750x1022) [YIS] [GIS] []
543942 B

What about this guy?

No.75392 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 09:53] [Report] 1549032822218.jpg (668074 B, 750x1041) [YIS] [GIS] []
668074 B

Anybody has tate?

No.75401 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 11:11] [Report] 1549037494860.png (2026648 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
2026648 B

Jamie r***son, Life student

No.75402 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 11:13] [Report] 1549037609582.png (2223822 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
2223822 B

Jamie r****son 2

No.75460 : Matt [2019-02-01 15:44] [Report] []
No.75501 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 18:36] [Report] []

>>75238 used to hookup with him. Definitely a douche, but hot. He was super dom. Only ever wanted to fuck bare. Blew huge loads from what I remember

No.75540 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 22:26] [Report] 1549077989583.jpg (112261 B, 852x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.75552 : Anonymous [2019-02-01 23:27] [Report] []

>>75392 ugh, please does anyone have Tate

No.75571 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 01:45] [Report] []


Word on the street, she got skeletons and basically exiled out of NOLA, but rebranded in ATL

No.75584 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 03:25] [Report] []

Y’all gettin catfished, some of these dudes are fake AF

No.75659 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 11:19] [Report] 1549124351685.jpg (96563 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
96563 B

If I had a $ for every for every video I've seen of Ethan Kopelman sucking dick.

No.75661 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 11:26] [Report] []

saw an old thread with some photos of hank and tom, possibly vids, anyone still have those? They expired on the old thread.

No.75674 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 12:01] [Report] []

>>75661 would like to see too. they love showing off an insta

No.75679 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 12:11] [Report] 1549127496797.jpg (170209 B, 750x976) [YIS] [GIS] []
170209 B

>>75659> Speaking of Ethan anyone has his boyfr... I mean Payne’s nudes?

No.75684 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 12:25] [Report] []

>>75659 what's the tea with this guy? I feel like he is everywhere

No.75735 : shetbag [2019-02-02 15:58] [Report] 1549141085724.jpg (478362 B, 1124x2001) [YIS] [GIS] []
478362 B

Okay... catch the motherfucking tea on THAT.

No.75762 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 17:37] [Report] 1549147044805.png (0 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.75763 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 17:39] [Report] 1549147148619.png (1377261 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
1377261 B


No.75765 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 17:48] [Report] 1549147734313.png (1503502 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.75772 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 17:57] [Report] 1549148249456.png (1231980 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.75773 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 17:58] [Report] 1549148316719.png (1352408 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.75774 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 18:03] [Report] []

>>73367 where are those nudes? And skeletons?

No.75786 : Anonymous [2019-02-02 18:15] [Report] 1549149347450.png (1334678 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
1334678 B


No.75900 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 00:46] [Report] 1549172809628.jpg (137436 B, 1119x1447) [YIS] [GIS] []
137436 B

Anybody know who this is?

No.75981 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 08:59] [Report] 1549202370920.png (404374 B, 540x727) [YIS] [GIS] []
404374 B

This guy please!!

No.75982 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 09:00] [Report] 1549202410274.png (413709 B, 540x865) [YIS] [GIS] []
413709 B


No.76030 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 11:37] [Report] 1549211833312.jpg (187262 B, 735x1057) [YIS] [GIS] []
187262 B

>>75900 Luke something?

No.76077 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 13:19] [Report] 1549217984316.jpg (1205204 B, 1220x2136) [YIS] [GIS] []
1205204 B

Has this hairy god already been discussed?

No.76091 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 14:06] [Report] []

Any of Jarret Lane? I've heard he is a hung bottom.

No.76100 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 14:22] [Report] []

>>67424 number 16 is a cutie. love his twink looks with the compression shorts and it's so hot he doesn't shave it all off. looks like more of a man than some these other hariless queens

No.76116 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 15:49] [Report] []

>>66850 who are Jeff and Chris?

No.76136 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 17:14] [Report] 1549232048126.jpg (0 B, 750x751) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76137 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 17:15] [Report] 1549232136894.png (0 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76138 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 17:16] [Report] 1549232161827.jpg (0 B, 750x554) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76139 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 17:16] [Report] 1549232219611.jpg (0 B, 750x814) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76260 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 23:24] [Report] 1549254279133.jpg (551523 B, 1740x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76261 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 23:25] [Report] 1549254306579.jpg (330824 B, 1374x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76262 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 23:27] [Report] 1549254425868.jpg (269384 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76263 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 23:27] [Report] 1549254451744.jpg (305498 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76265 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 23:27] [Report] 1549254475729.jpg (221804 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76266 : Anonymous [2019-02-03 23:28] [Report] 1549254514122.jpg (221634 B, 2436x1125) [YIS] [GIS] []
221634 B

>>70167 Dalton

No.76444 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 12:31] [Report] []

>>46619 I’m not a trump supporter but I love tate, he’s a great guy. Sadly he doesn’t send nudes, I’ve asked 😬

No.76455 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 13:13] [Report] []

>>76262 more of him! Someone uploaded his vids a while back. Anyone still have them?

No.76504 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 15:26] [Report] []

>>76262 He’s fucked up in the head, but incredible top. sigh

No.76516 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 16:07] [Report] 1549314430110.jpg (38481 B, 640x360) [YIS] [GIS] []
38481 B

Anybody got Rico Pruitt's porn vids in full? My dumbass deleted the one that this screenshot is from and haven't been able to find the full version since. Only the previews.


No.76518 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 16:08] [Report] []

>>76262 is this not @l@n, that flight attendant?

No.76532 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 16:53] [Report] []

>>76262 No she’s a cheerleader, and apparently only into black and Latino according to her Grindr a while back.

No.76543 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 17:26] [Report] 1549319209801.jpg (116170 B, 750x864) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76544 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 17:27] [Report] 1549319229010.jpg (160915 B, 750x1029) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76566 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 18:42] [Report] []

What a sad sad threat of ugly people trying to bring down attractive people.

I can’t imagine how ugly some of you are, but you can leave the pretty people alone. They’re living their lives just fine without you... you on the other hand have nothing better to do?

No.76568 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 18:47] [Report] []

any pix of j@mie's 9 incher?????

No.76594 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:41] [Report] []

>>76516 He has a new hardcore series out called DM Diaries.

No.76600 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:54] [Report] 1549328040562.jpg (455890 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
455890 B


No.76601 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:54] [Report] 1549328085403.jpg (244381 B, 1125x1343) [YIS] [GIS] []
244381 B


No.76603 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:55] [Report] 1549328130678.jpg (239372 B, 1125x1418) [YIS] [GIS] []
239372 B


No.76604 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:56] [Report] 1549328178527.jpg (227481 B, 1125x1371) [YIS] [GIS] []
227481 B


No.76605 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:57] [Report] 1549328262548.jpg (218697 B, 1125x1383) [YIS] [GIS] []
218697 B


No.76606 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:58] [Report] 1549328312920.jpg (373226 B, 1125x1499) [YIS] [GIS] []
373226 B


No.76607 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:59] [Report] 1549328355139.jpg (188540 B, 1125x1450) [YIS] [GIS] []
188540 B


No.76608 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 19:59] [Report] 1549328381089.jpg (153884 B, 1125x839) [YIS] [GIS] []
153884 B


No.76609 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:00] [Report] 1549328423161.jpg (320295 B, 1125x1911) [YIS] [GIS] []
320295 B


No.76610 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:01] [Report] 1549328486292.jpg (172796 B, 1125x1473) [YIS] [GIS] []
172796 B


No.76611 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:02] [Report] 1549328521920.jpg (274511 B, 1125x1828) [YIS] [GIS] []
274511 B


No.76612 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:02] [Report] 1549328570663.jpg (261732 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
261732 B


No.76613 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:03] [Report] 1549328596149.jpg (144351 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
144351 B


No.76614 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:04] [Report] 1549328646417.jpg (234629 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
234629 B


No.76615 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:04] [Report] 1549328692451.jpg (242216 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.76616 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:05] [Report] 1549328739998.jpg (157430 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
157430 B


No.76617 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:08] [Report] 1549328898441.jpg (392099 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
392099 B


No.76618 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:08] [Report] 1549328930123.jpg (243381 B, 1240x1529) [YIS] [GIS] []
243381 B


No.76619 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 20:11] [Report] 1549329060526.jpg (273691 B, 1045x1585) [YIS] [GIS] []
273691 B

5: S. King

No.76654 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 22:05] [Report] []

>>76262 mmmm love his cock. More?

No.76663 : Sean [2019-02-04 22:28] [Report] 1549337313239.jpg (3232792 B, 3024x4032) [YIS] [GIS] []
3232792 B

Charles K>>47683

No.76664 : Sean [2019-02-04 22:30] [Report] 1549337410524.jpg (931831 B, 2320x3088) [YIS] [GIS] []
931831 B

another Charles K

No.76666 : Anonymous [2019-02-04 22:39] [Report] []

>>76516 I live for these softcore/hardcore web series. Better than 90% of porn out there.

No.76714 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 00:17] [Report] []
>Atlanta gays be deleting their Grindrs en masse after seeing this thread.
No.76720 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 00:41] [Report] []

>>76714. They love the attention. Be happy guys want them. They are hot. Work it!

No.76722 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 00:52] [Report] []

Lots of baby carrots in Atlanta lately.

No.76723 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 00:53] [Report] []


No.76997 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 20:51] [Report] 1549417904003.jpg (366661 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
366661 B

More Cansler

No.77031 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:09] [Report] []

>>43876 HOT!! any luck

No.77032 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:14] [Report] 1549426443510.jpg (15439 B, 400x270) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77033 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:18] [Report] 1549426720956.jpg (59300 B, 618x618) [YIS] [GIS] []
59300 B


No.77035 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:19] [Report] 1549426749630.jpg (57157 B, 524x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
57157 B


No.77037 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:19] [Report] 1549426774565.jpg (66402 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
66402 B


No.77038 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:19] [Report] 1549426799004.jpg (66648 B, 523x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
66648 B


No.77039 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:20] [Report] 1549426816157.jpg (95371 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
95371 B


No.77040 : Anonymous [2019-02-05 23:20] [Report] 1549426847807.jpg (71222 B, 525x700) [YIS] [GIS] []
71222 B


No.77084 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 01:58] [Report] 1549436324562.jpg (113929 B, 720x716) [YIS] [GIS] []
113929 B

Anyone got any photos of Cody Taylor?

No.77090 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 02:31] [Report] 1549438319669.jpg (73723 B, 768x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
73723 B

Anything of Boston?

No.77179 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 10:19] [Report] []

Anyone have Josh Webb’s since he wanted to draw attention to this bulletin on his Facebook?

No.77180 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 10:23] [Report] []

^Even though he def isn’t cute enough to be on here.

No.77183 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 10:24] [Report] []


No.77186 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 10:50] [Report] []

>>77180 post ‘em — you want to see my dad bod and my average dick - I don’t give a fuck. In the meantime all you cowardly motherfuckers posting other people’s nudes on here need to be called out.

No.77189 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 10:56] [Report] []

Anyone have Chase Cobb?

No.77193 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 11:17] [Report] []

>>77186 and you bringing attention to it on your fb is making it worse. You’re contributing to the problem. Just as guilty.

No.77197 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 11:37] [Report] []

>>77179 wanting to punish someone for “drawing attention” to this, hahah. You’re a prime example of the ugly coward behind the screen looking for unanimous nudes to get off to. Bless your heart.

No.77257 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 15:37] [Report] []

>>77197 no, I’m actually one of the guys who’s pics were posted.

No.77259 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 15:56] [Report] []

>>77193 and yet, here you are — sneaking around, anonymously looking at your friend’s dick pics on a revenge porn site. Such a fucking hypocrite. Say this shit to my face. I guaran-god-damn-tee you I’ll be happy to have this debate with you out in the open. You, however, are surely too much of a pussy to sign your name.

  • Josh Webb
No.77262 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 16:04] [Report] []

>>76600 who is this guy? IG?

No.77284 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 17:14] [Report] 1549491275906.jpg (138149 B, 902x1792) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77285 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 17:18] [Report] 1549491508316.jpg (615893 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77287 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 17:21] [Report] 1549491705862.jpg (183013 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77301 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 18:13] [Report] 1549494832815.jpg (791150 B, 2046x1536) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77309 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 18:52] [Report] 1549497125548.jpg (106771 B, 720x721) [YIS] [GIS] []
106771 B

>>77084 I second that, does anyone have any photos of Cody?

No.77340 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 20:59] [Report] 1549504755802.jpg (81715 B, 750x750) [YIS] [GIS] []
81715 B

Any photos of Matthew?

No.77344 : Anonymous [2019-02-06 21:15] [Report] []


Rude. Deff don’t like being fingered on the dance floor. Take me to the bathroom at least. I have some class. Shit.


No.77538 : Anonymous [2019-02-07 13:10] [Report] 1549563028168.png (5508291 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
5508291 B

Anyone have photos of @rcombs93

No.77544 : Anonymous [2019-02-07 13:31] [Report] []


IG for him?

No.77567 : Anonymous [2019-02-07 15:04] [Report] 1549569883976.jpg (1683456 B, 2592x1936) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77702 : Anonymous [2019-02-07 23:24] [Report] []

I hope you know how pathetic you all are :)

No.77747 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:48] [Report] 1549612107153.jpg (1032728 B, 1242x1287) [YIS] [GIS] []
1032728 B


No.77748 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:48] [Report] []

Brandon 2

No.77749 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:49] [Report] 1549612174279.jpg (930486 B, 3088x2320) [YIS] [GIS] []
930486 B

Brandon 2

No.77750 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:50] [Report] 1549612206008.jpg (652613 B, 1242x1711) [YIS] [GIS] []
652613 B

Brandon 3

No.77751 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:50] [Report] 1549612237690.jpg (510176 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
510176 B

Brandon 4

No.77752 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:53] [Report] 1549612381713.png (6112840 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
6112840 B


No.77753 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:53] [Report] 1549612412567.png (6207905 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
6207905 B

Tyler 2

No.77754 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:54] [Report] 1549612443690.png (5238659 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []
5238659 B

Tyler 3

No.77755 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:54] [Report] 1549612467312.jpg (102312 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
102312 B


No.77756 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:55] [Report] 1549612500663.jpg (1705749 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
1705749 B

Brendan 2

No.77757 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 02:55] [Report] 1549612533455.jpg (2476340 B, 3264x2448) [YIS] [GIS] []
2476340 B

Brendan 3

No.77763 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 03:59] [Report] 1549616361461.jpg (230079 B, 1540x1004) [YIS] [GIS] []
230079 B

Anyone got anything on Derek?

No.77794 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 08:17] [Report] []

>>77568 anyone have pics of him?

No.77808 : Anon [2019-02-08 09:54] [Report] 1549637666579.jpg (0 B, 1125x1820) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Tobias Smith

No.77809 : Anon [2019-02-08 09:55] [Report] 1549637757477.jpg (0 B, 1125x1819) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Tobias smith

No.77810 : Anon [2019-02-08 09:56] [Report] 1549637795425.jpg (0 B, 1125x1821) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Tobias Smith

No.77829 : A [2019-02-08 12:32] [Report] 1549647161275.jpg (1153701 B, 1125x1388) [YIS] [GIS] []
1153701 B

Anyone have Kody B?

No.77890 : ThirstySF [2019-02-08 17:35] [Report] []

This is a hot fucking thread. I desperately want an SF thread like this!

No.77906 : Annon [2019-02-08 18:28] [Report] 1549668538655.jpg (396926 B, 1125x1519) [YIS] [GIS] []
396926 B

How about either of these two?

No.77907 : Annon [2019-02-08 18:29] [Report] 1549668568373.jpg (313897 B, 1124x1577) [YIS] [GIS] []
313897 B

Or this guy comes to Atlanta a lot, who has him?

No.77915 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 18:52] [Report] 1549669960724.jpg (0 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77916 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 18:54] [Report] 1549670042843.jpg (0 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77917 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 18:54] [Report] 1549670083444.jpg (0 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77918 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 18:56] [Report] 1549670183224.jpg (0 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77921 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 19:17] [Report] 1549671433415.jpg (169242 B, 750x767) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.77949 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 21:50] [Report] []

>>77808. I remember that dick. He is definitely hot, just insecure because he used to be fat. Which made him into a bitch now that he is fit and cute. So sad, because he probably could have been cool. Sex was also boring and kind of awkward

No.77954 : Anonymous [2019-02-08 22:04] [Report] 1549681473831.jpg (63289 B, 970x546) [YIS] [GIS] []
63289 B

Y’all are messy as hell but I love it!

No.77979 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 00:20] [Report] 1549689640076.jpg (991611 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
991611 B

Any of him?

No.77980 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 00:21] [Report] 1549689685573.jpg (266504 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
266504 B

More Cansler

No.78089 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 11:00] [Report] []

I’m not on this thread, but many of these guys are my friends. And sure I may have scrolled through because at some level we like the attention but most of them are not pornstars and even pornstars use pseudonyms for a reason. Some of you on this board who are posting names are giving search engines the ability to index these boys names with their nudes, which can come up in any public internet search for now on (even if they expire from this site). That’s terrifying.

I’m not absolved of showing/sharing nudes (my own or others) privately between friends, but I’m also not trying to ruin people lives like you brainless, desperate, ratchet fucktards.

No.78107 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 11:43] [Report] 1549730609134.jpg (63000 B, 720x620) [YIS] [GIS] []
63000 B

Anyone have Pics of this guy? I see him around all the time.

No.78123 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 12:48] [Report] []

I also know many of the folk on here, and unfortunately, most of them epitomize the worst of gay culture (conformist, racist, narrow minded, easily offended, entitled, etc.) that makes it so hostile to so many gays in Atlanta.

We should think of the countless number of people who many of the folk on here put down, disrespect, and discriminate against on a day to day basis. We should think about the strength it takes for so many LGBTQ people in Atlanta that consciously turn a cheek despite how many of these gays have made the dominant gay culture here toxic.

I can’t tell you how often I’ve heard absolute garbage come from many of these guys’ mouths about gays of color, HIV status, body type, education, income, etc. And guess what, it’s reflected in their actions, who they associate with, and the culture/values they imprint on Atlanta every single day.

I really wouldn’t wish this upon anyone who doesn’t want it. But man...there’s very very little good will for so many of the folks on here. I just can’t come to the defense of people who lack respect for diversity in the LGBTQ community.

Of course not all the folk on here are that way...but the overwhelming majority is. I’m sure nobody on here would think about themselves in the way I described, but look through their instagrams, Grindr histories, Facebook albums, etc. and tell me the trends you expect to see.

No.78158 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 15:08] [Report] 1549742889749.jpg (307114 B, 1242x1733) [YIS] [GIS] []
307114 B

Anyone know anything about him? He’s a like a pilot or something??

No.78160 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 15:09] [Report] 1549742941032.jpg (410368 B, 1242x1823) [YIS] [GIS] []
410368 B

Anyone got any nudes for this one?

No.78162 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 15:13] [Report] 1549743239020.jpg (0 B, 1234x1530) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Any nudes for this one? Heard he will sleep with anyone...

No.78189 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 16:30] [Report] 1549747811056.jpg (678846 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
678846 B

Someone has to have stuff from him. He is hot and very "popular" 😉

No.78227 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 18:31] [Report] 1549755096719.jpg (425197 B, 1242x1536) [YIS] [GIS] []
425197 B

Who is this sexy guy?? Would love to see his dick.

No.78228 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 18:34] [Report] []

>>65721 That ain’t his dick....

No.78232 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 18:39] [Report] []

Hi Rosalyn!!! Another harassment claim is filed with my lawyer.

No.78274 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 21:24] [Report] []

Anybody have anything on David Fernando? 🤤🤤🤤

No.78293 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 22:27] [Report] []

>>78089 Isn't this the attention these boys want? You don't get to post daily shirtless selfies on a public instagram and then complain when people want more. And don't even get me started on all the leased Mercedes, daddy hangers-on and fake money from these midtown queens. Over and outttt

No.78300 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 22:56] [Report] []

At the end of the day, karma sucks.

There may be some innocent victims on here. But a lot have effected the lives of so many others in hurtful ways (stigma around hiv/std, chub, Black, Asian, etc) that, I don’t feel bad.

What goes around, comes around in another form.

No.78312 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 23:33] [Report] 1549773181684.jpg (163352 B, 662x881) [YIS] [GIS] []
163352 B

Any on this 1?

No.78360 : Anonymous [2019-02-10 04:14] [Report] 1549790097398.jpg (27489 B, 176x267) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.78361 : Anonymous [2019-02-10 04:16] [Report] 1549790177271.jpg (39962 B, 400x556) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.78504 : Anonymous [2019-02-10 15:07] [Report] 1549829254227.jpg (217137 B, 1334x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
217137 B

Anyone got anything on this guy?

No.78536 : Anonymous [2019-02-10 17:01] [Report] 1549836083864.png (6542571 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
6542571 B

This hot stud from ATL on Insta?

heard he’s a huge power bottom

No.78541 : Anonymous [2019-02-10 17:23] [Report] []

>>78312 ew. self-post. ain't no one wanna see that

No.78576 : anon [2019-02-10 19:24] [Report] []
No.78577 : anon [2019-02-10 19:24] [Report] []
>78552> lololol
No.78580 : anon [2019-02-10 19:28] [Report] []

>>78293 you're an idiot. that logic makes no sense.

No.78585 : anon [2019-02-10 19:32] [Report] []

>>78541> bitter queen much?

No.78692 : Anonymous [2019-02-11 02:56] [Report] []

>>78585 so you're admitting it's a self post?

No.78703 : Anonymous [2019-02-11 03:46] [Report] 1549874779723.jpg (343391 B, 1242x1424) [YIS] [GIS] []
343391 B

Anybody have any of this straight guy? Lives in LA now

No.78894 : PhatGurl [2019-02-11 21:15] [Report] []

>>78889 I heard she fucked a gay guy when he was wasted and caught feelings.

No.78924 : Anonymous [2019-02-11 22:53] [Report] []


I heard she has fucked many of gay guys because they were not really gay. They were just pretending.

No.78925 : Anonymous [2019-02-11 22:55] [Report] []

Isn’t this supposed to be about male dongs? Why we talking about a woman on here? I wanna see some dicks not clit lips

No.78938 : Anonymous [2019-02-11 23:43] [Report] 1549946639041.jpg (0 B, 610x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.78942 : PhatGurl [2019-02-11 23:53] [Report] []

>>78925 she’s going to post some BS on here. I don’t want to see that fat clit either. Just be aware she’s not as wholesome as she seems. Once you sleep with one of her make pretend gay boyfriends you will also be on blast. Swim fan anyone?! This girl needs help!!

No.78949 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 00:18] [Report] []

>>78942 Well stop talking about her and move on. This is a site for guys. You seem obsessed with her. Sounds like she took one of your gay boyfriends. Let’s see some more dicks! Also you should think about removing your posts. It doesn’t fit on this site. There is a site for women on here somewhere.

No.78959 : Mad bottom [2019-02-12 00:55] [Report] []

Brandon is such a nice guy. He took me on my first date ever and to my first PRIDE ever. If you posted this without his permission I hope your dick falls off. May you rot in hell.
Honestly the same goes for if you posted anyones picture. Yall are sick.

No.78999 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 04:39] [Report] 1549964370091.jpg (826101 B, 1125x1126) [YIS] [GIS] []
826101 B


No.79025 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 06:53] [Report] []


  1. none of the pictures posted were done so in revenge
  2. "ip descramblers"

fuck off retard

No.79034 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 07:26] [Report] []

>>78959 do we know the same Brandon...

No.79037 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 07:33] [Report] []

>>78999 yes!

No.79075 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 10:02] [Report] []

All of these people complaining about these guys didn’t give permission to have their pics posted blah blah blah. Illegal blah blah blah. If you sent it out on the internet once, it’s no longer private. End of discussion. My pics are on here. I can’t say shit. I sent them out. Minus the negativity, this form is great. I love appreciating the naked bodies of the gays of Atlanta. If your pics are on here embrace it. Be happy someone wants to see you naked.

No.79221 : Anonymous [2019-02-12 18:14] [Report] []

Stream “bad idea”- Ariana Grande now on iTunes

No.79302 : Anonymous [2019-02-13 00:37] [Report] []

>>79075 You don't have to name your name, but can you point to one of your pics? Curious to know who this is. 👀

No.79491 : Anonymous [2019-02-13 17:24] [Report] []

>>70435 what else?

No.79492 : Anonymous [2019-02-13 17:25] [Report] []

>>71026 damn. More?

No.79579 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 01:35] [Report] []

>>78999 More Todd pls. Heard he was gay for pay. Can’t comfirm though.

No.79634 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 07:53] [Report] []

>>79579 heard the same

No.79648 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 09:03] [Report] []

>>79634 heard the same too

No.79650 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 09:05] [Report] []

>>79075 yassss... couldn’t agree more

No.79666 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 10:30] [Report] 1550158218150.jpg (834128 B, 750x1185) [YIS] [GIS] []
834128 B

Anything on chase Boston from ATL

No.79674 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 11:06] [Report] 1550160418872.jpg (679259 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
679259 B

Any on Kyle?

No.79675 : Anonymous [2019-02-14 11:09] [Report] 1550160565934.jpg (323637 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
323637 B


No.79877 : Anonymous [2019-02-15 05:05] [Report] 1550225146295.jpg (875756 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
875756 B

Anything of Ryan Carlino? He works at The Hideaway or Felix's...

No.80016 : Anonymous [2019-02-15 15:20] [Report] []

>>78293 congrats on capturing the epitome of rape culture in a single post. “If you’re going to post a shirtless gym selfie, you’re obviously asking to be violated completely”

No.80017 : Anonymous [2019-02-15 15:21] [Report] []
>rape culture
No.80110 : Anonymous [2019-02-15 23:57] [Report] 1550293071285.jpg (403928 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
403928 B

1: yall bitches need to stop being so damn dramatic, let's get back to enjoying these hot guys.

2. Who has some on Wade?

No.80111 : Anonymous [2019-02-15 23:58] [Report] 1550293108973.jpg (523392 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.80112 : Anonymous [2019-02-15 23:58] [Report] 1550293129660.jpg (498358 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.80386 : Battyboicans [2019-02-17 03:06] [Report] []

Y’all posting stuff of me off my Twitter lmaooo. I ain’t even sending it out :P at least follow me @battyboicans

No.80601 : anon [2019-02-17 16:26] [Report] []

>>80386> yea no we're good boo "lamooooo"

No.80605 : anon [2019-02-17 16:33] [Report] []

to the guy posting all of the photos with their first initial - godDAMN you are a next level TROLL. Super curious to know if the reason all of the photos say "no service" at the top because after 4 decades your mom finally kicked you out of her basement and refuses to pay your phone bill anymore? ugh, you are SO gross.

No.80607 : Anonymous [2019-02-17 16:37] [Report] []

>>80605 why so butthurt?

No.80823 : Anonymous [2019-02-18 10:53] [Report] 1550505184444.jpg (1310111 B, 2893x3126) [YIS] [GIS] []
1310111 B


Hungry ass!

No.80938 : Anonymous [2019-02-18 20:42] [Report] 1550540557146.jpg (157384 B, 826x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
157384 B

Anything on this one?

No.81374 : Anonymous [2019-02-20 01:34] [Report] []

>>42964>>71450 is this Scott H?

No.81652 : Anonymous [2019-02-20 21:37] [Report] 1550716621262.jpg (453983 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
453983 B

Anything on Al3x?

No.81701 : Anonymous [2019-02-21 00:37] [Report] 1550727459920.jpg (506191 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81704 : Anonymous [2019-02-21 00:43] [Report] 1550727789913.jpg (1220709 B, 1125x1375) [YIS] [GIS] []
1220709 B

Any nudes on Scott H?

No.81706 : Anonymous [2019-02-21 00:53] [Report] 1550728382040.jpg (735073 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.81707 : Anonymous [2019-02-21 00:53] [Report] 1550728407691.jpg (538322 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.82485 : Anonymous [2019-02-23 17:01] [Report] 1550959311515.jpg (83755 B, 601x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
83755 B

Anything on Andrew?

No.82709 : Anonymous [2019-02-24 11:01] [Report] 1551024095057.jpg (455311 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.82880 : Anon [2019-02-24 22:31] [Report] []

That Tyler guy does meth. He’s also the worst sex I’ve ever had. I lowered my standards for a bad time

No.83428 : Anonymous [2019-02-26 20:26] [Report] 1551230779092.jpg (0 B, 615x820) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail


No.83499 : Anonymous [2019-02-27 00:30] [Report] []

>>78123 would seem to me your very bitter. To judge someone off their grindr or any social media is reach deep. Not everyone is gonna be friends. Not everyone is going to be attracted to everyone. We all have our comfort zones that we don’t really step of and we all have our attraction. Your comment sounds like someone who’s advances were turned down and now your upset about, or your tried to be friends with a certain group etc and it didn’t work out. I don’t think this makes people bad people, judge mental, self absorbed etc it’s just how life work. But your comment deff makes your sound like everything you are everything that you are projecting on to others. A Judgment is a judgement regardless or who or what it is directed at.

No.83792 : Anonymous [2019-02-27 23:14] [Report] 1551327287747.jpg (563881 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83844 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 04:31] [Report] []

Anything on Wes? The blonde guy that loves in bareback?

No.83947 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:35] [Report] 1551389751817.png (2477282 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2477282 B

Adam 1

No.83948 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:37] [Report] 1551389844916.png (2659807 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2659807 B

>>66760 adam 2

No.83950 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:39] [Report] 1551389940707.png (2305891 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83952 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:47] [Report] 1551390458274.png (2873438 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
2873438 B

>>78189 kamal

No.83953 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:51] [Report] 1551390709469.png (2769094 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83954 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:52] [Report] 1551390733269.png (3564065 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83955 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 16:52] [Report] 1551390754158.png (2968456 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83971 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 17:40] [Report] []

>>82485 we need these!

No.83972 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 17:41] [Report] 1551393714213.jpg (1320412 B, 1125x1685) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.83991 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 18:28] [Report] 1551396514701.jpg (45180 B, 500x640) [YIS] [GIS] []
45180 B

anyhting on Justin?

No.84010 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 19:57] [Report] 1551401836731.jpg (1132007 B, 1125x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
1132007 B

Anything about or pics on this guy?

No.84033 : Anonymous [2019-02-28 21:35] [Report] []

>>83954 holy shit. You are amazing for posting these. He is so hot!

No.84200 : Anonymous [2019-03-01 16:31] [Report] 1551475901055.jpg (444723 B, 1125x1529) [YIS] [GIS] []
444723 B

What about this dide

No.84560 : Anonymous [2019-03-02 22:25] [Report] 1551583535067.jpg (371422 B, 1080x1218) [YIS] [GIS] []
371422 B

Anything on Anthony/Burt Burton?

No.85331 : Anonymous [2019-03-05 14:47] [Report] []

>>66050 google LOGAN CARTER he is doing porn now

No.86249 : Anonymous [2019-03-08 15:20] [Report] []

Let's keep this thread going!

No.86405 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 05:03] [Report] []

Do we have any naked pics to share of the following people?

Lee Hall
Nick Cassidy
Richard Deere
Jared Cantu
Evan Hill

No.86452 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 09:57] [Report] []

>>76607 Anything more from this guy?

No.86557 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 16:55] [Report] []

Brian Goldstein?

No.86595 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 20:03] [Report] 1552179801001.jpg (385260 B, 1125x1132) [YIS] [GIS] []
385260 B


No.86653 : Anonymous [2019-03-09 23:54] [Report] 1552193671499.jpg (1161506 B, 1125x1671) [YIS] [GIS] []
1161506 B

A.M. - Heard he has a big one. Anyone?

No.86832 : Anonymous [2019-03-10 14:20] [Report] []

We can't let this die! There has to be someone on this list you can share ^_^

Cameron Lineberry
Zane Harris
Zach Whorton
Sam Spector
Cody Pressley
Jamie Bennett
Zackary Funk
Ty Autry
Cameron Champion
Reed Gilbert
Chris Bartolomei
Patrick Christman
Clayton Ramsey
Donovan Dillard
Jandro Quint
Andrew Taylor
Jason Holcombe
John Gabriel
Ethan Hyde
Kaleb Green
Christophe Chaisson
Kevin Sedlacek
Manning McMullen
Alex Gibson
Nic Lanier
Ryan Carlino
Joseph Anthony
Josh Garver
Sean Stowe
Travis Michael Clark
Tyler Shaw

No.86880 : Anonymous [2019-03-10 16:14] [Report] []

>>86832 get a fucking life queen.

No.87167 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 18:54] [Report] 1552344845213.jpg (155182 B, 639x775) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87177 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 19:35] [Report] []

>>87167 Who is this a picture of?

No.87186 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 19:58] [Report] 1552348704666.jpg (133594 B, 640x719) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87213 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 21:41] [Report] 1552354911450.jpg (89330 B, 640x739) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87216 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 22:05] [Report] []

>>86832 fuck you

No.87237 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 23:24] [Report] 1552361096131.jpg (361727 B, 576x824) [YIS] [GIS] []
361727 B

Anyone have J.tyler? Hooked up with him a while ago, never got pics. Forget what the dick looked like.

No.87239 : Anonymous [2019-03-11 23:29] [Report] []

>>86832 lol eew. Ethan Hyde? Do you have no standards?

No.87290 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:30] [Report] []

Share more pics! I’ve shared alot and about to scrape the bottom of the barrel for the remaining. Even if not my type, they’re somebodies type who would appreciate them!

No.87291 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:40] [Report] 1552383644794.jpg (0 B, 1242x1589) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87292 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:41] [Report] 1552383666908.jpg (0 B, 1242x1984) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87293 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:41] [Report] 1552383695171.jpg (0 B, 1240x1967) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87294 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:42] [Report] 1552383743537.jpg (176627 B, 1190x675) [YIS] [GIS] []
176627 B

No.87295 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:42] [Report] 1552383768620.jpg (391970 B, 1185x1698) [YIS] [GIS] []
391970 B


No.87296 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:43] [Report] 1552383797201.jpg (795239 B, 1183x990) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87297 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 05:43] [Report] 1552383817102.jpg (317118 B, 1242x1636) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.87350 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 10:30] [Report] []

>>47686 that’s Evan F

No.87351 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 10:35] [Report] []

>>71460 top or bottom?

No.87366 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 11:38] [Report] []

>>71460 anymore of Mr. prince?

No.87534 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 21:29] [Report] []

>>86405 damn you as thirst as the powder on a latex glove. someone post these pics before he dies of dehydration.

No.88200 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 02:29] [Report] 1552631344946.jpg (276169 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
276169 B

>>86832 Sean Stowe

No.88201 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 02:29] [Report] 1552631370151.jpg (321162 B, 1440x2560) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.88227 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 06:55] [Report] 1552647315910.jpg (55649 B, 500x742) [YIS] [GIS] []
55649 B


No.88262 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 10:46] [Report] 1552661169793.jpg (1025024 B, 966x1327) [YIS] [GIS] []
1025024 B

Anything on these guys? Instasam330, Jamiefoss, or ijsilverman ?

No.88393 : Anonymous [2019-03-15 17:43] [Report] []


Who is this? He looks really familiar.... Anyone know him?

No.88799 : Anonymous [2019-03-17 06:02] [Report] []

>>76610 more of this guy?

No.88874 : Anonymous [2019-03-17 12:14] [Report] []

Any Atlanta Daddies?

No.89042 : Anonymous [2019-03-17 23:25] [Report] 1552879522589.jpg (74484 B, 730x853) [YIS] [GIS] []
74484 B

Anything of Aidan?

No.89520 : Anonymous [2019-03-19 10:29] [Report] 1553005765752.jpg (118053 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.89645 : Anonymous [2019-03-19 18:09] [Report] []

>>73275 >>73382 any more of Joshua?

No.90021 : Anonymous [2019-03-20 17:23] [Report] 1553117012176.jpg (962702 B, 1242x1235) [YIS] [GIS] []
962702 B

>>81652 Would love to see nudes of this stud

No.90051 : Anonymous [2019-03-20 20:48] [Report] []

More Atlanta! Bring it!

No.90287 : Anonymous [2019-03-21 15:00] [Report] 1553194817111.jpg (3748 B, 80x107) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90288 : Anonymous [2019-03-21 15:00] [Report] 1553194844036.jpg (3503 B, 80x107) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90290 : Anonymous [2019-03-21 15:01] [Report] 1553194871962.jpg (4800 B, 80x142) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90291 : Anonymous [2019-03-21 15:01] [Report] 1553194893569.jpg (4121 B, 80x107) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90292 : Anonymous [2019-03-21 15:01] [Report] 1553194915441.jpg (3378 B, 80x107) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90563 : Anonymous [2019-03-22 12:27] [Report] []

Anyone have any nudes of Chandler Crow? Would love to see his package.

No.90676 : Anonymous [2019-03-22 19:16] [Report] 1553296569137.jpg (679603 B, 2253x3000) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.90890 : Anonymous [2019-03-23 12:21] [Report] []

Literally anyone and everyone contributing to this page is trash. Expected in Atlanta but this is pretty fucking low.

No.90937 : Anonymous [2019-03-23 16:10] [Report] []

Y’all are doing the lord’s work.

Having found my own nudes here, thanks for the compliment in that they were worth sharing :)

If I may make a suggestion to anyone anonymously posting nudes from members of our community on a public forum, consider making a donation to one of our local LGBT organizations whenever you post. Help support a community where we can be so confidently sex-positive and continue to take the nudes you all love to share.

Sorry to be preachy.

No.91006 : Anonymous [2019-03-23 23:05] [Report] []

>>88262 I have some

No.91026 : Anonymous [2019-03-24 00:51] [Report] []


Are you going to share?

No.91562 : Anonymous [2019-03-25 22:19] [Report] 1553566740760.jpg (0 B, 1125x1975) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Donald 1

No.91563 : Anonymous [2019-03-25 22:20] [Report] 1553566825421.jpg (0 B, 1125x1793) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Donald 2

No.91765 : Anonymous [2019-03-26 15:30] [Report] []

>>90287>>90288>>90287 who is this, anyone have fullsize pics?

No.92179 : Anonymous [2019-03-27 19:49] [Report] 1553730590617.jpg (210443 B, 1125x1168) [YIS] [GIS] []
210443 B


No.92180 : Anonymous [2019-03-27 19:50] [Report] 1553730618566.jpg (267688 B, 1125x1467) [YIS] [GIS] []
267688 B


No.92181 : Anonymous [2019-03-27 19:50] [Report] 1553730641342.jpg (334581 B, 1125x1468) [YIS] [GIS] []
334581 B


No.92182 : Anonymous [2019-03-27 19:51] [Report] 1553730664731.jpg (203482 B, 1125x1475) [YIS] [GIS] []
203482 B


No.92185 : Anonymous [2019-03-27 19:51] [Report] 1553730699286.jpg (167965 B, 946x1867) [YIS] [GIS] []
167965 B


No.92234 : Anonymous [2019-03-27 22:48] [Report] []

>>91006 who do you have? I have some too.

No.92347 : Anonymous [2019-03-28 08:45] [Report] 1553777112254.jpg (416471 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
416471 B


No.92463 : Anonymous [2019-03-28 17:06] [Report] []


So post what you have so we can all see

No.92551 : Anonymous [2019-03-28 21:50] [Report] []

>>92463 you can k 1 k me

No.92755 : Anonymous [2019-03-29 13:32] [Report] []

>>92551 what’s your k1k then ?

No.92840 : Anonymous [2019-03-29 20:23] [Report] []

>>92755 c o l l e g e b o y 2 3 2

No.93115 : Anonymous [2019-03-30 19:29] [Report] 1553988556368.png (1920128 B, 1080x2160) [YIS] [GIS] []
1920128 B

Korey anyone?

No.93162 : Anonymous [2019-03-30 23:41] [Report] []

What about Jason Marrett?

No.93296 : Anonymous [2019-03-31 12:11] [Report] []

Philip is so fucking annoying

Anyone have pics of Andrew Moon?

No.93468 : Anonymous [2019-03-31 22:45] [Report] []

>>93115 or Korey's boyfriend Joseph Anthony???

No.93700 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 15:38] [Report] 1554147496388.jpg (97825 B, 667x892) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93704 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 15:45] [Report] 1554147925831.jpg (126410 B, 742x1145) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93706 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:02] [Report] 1554148939296.jpg (0 B, 747x1102) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93708 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:08] [Report] 1554149326379.jpg (91645 B, 750x947) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93720 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:31] [Report] 1554150694385.jpg (52696 B, 571x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93723 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:36] [Report] 1554151000484.jpg (56771 B, 581x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93729 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:42] [Report] 1554151323310.jpg (64828 B, 621x1024) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93734 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:44] [Report] 1554151451146.jpg (60601 B, 649x945) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93736 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 16:45] [Report] 1554151520037.jpg (1039990 B, 3088x2320) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.93815 : Anonymous [2019-04-01 21:05] [Report] 1554167123373.jpg (0 B, 1242x1841) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Anything on this one?

No.94215 : Anonymous [2019-04-03 01:06] [Report] []

Does anyone have anything of Christophe Chaisson? He is super cute!

No.94216 : Anonymous [2019-04-03 01:07] [Report] []

Someone want to hook us up with Zachery Funk pics?

No.94570 : Anonymous [2019-04-04 06:25] [Report] 1554373500643.png (951466 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
951466 B

Any on Daniel martini?

No.94974 : Anonymous [2019-04-05 11:46] [Report] 1554479200472.png (1744249 B, 1080x2160) [YIS] [GIS] []
1744249 B


No.95204 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 02:11] [Report] 1554531078652.jpg (139561 B, 888x888) [YIS] [GIS] []
139561 B

Anything of Nathan? (@nathanboi734)

No.95274 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 10:09] [Report] 1554559769337.jpg (180657 B, 788x795) [YIS] [GIS] []
180657 B

Garrett? I’ve seen the vids of him that Dalton sends out of him getting pounded, never seen the nudes.

No.95276 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 10:10] [Report] 1554559808520.jpg (1026367 B, 828x994) [YIS] [GIS] []
1026367 B

Marco Darko anyone?

No.95279 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 10:14] [Report] 1554560066172.jpg (707938 B, 828x1051) [YIS] [GIS] []
707938 B

Rumor she had a small dick? Anyone confirm?

No.95335 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 12:51] [Report] 1554569498405.png (586832 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.95336 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 12:52] [Report] 1554569530915.png (974516 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.95337 : Anonymous [2019-04-06 12:52] [Report] 1554569560659.png (659568 B, 640x1136) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.95534 : Anonymous [2019-04-07 01:32] [Report] 1554615179657.jpg (975237 B, 1242x1839) [YIS] [GIS] []
975237 B

I second the request for Nathan. Someone has to have something!

No.95561 : Anonymous [2019-04-07 03:29] [Report] []

>>94974 are the other photos behind this one going to be shared?? I hope they are Dalton

No.95588 : Anonymous [2019-04-07 07:30] [Report] []

Ryan’s dick is perfect. It gets it done right and isn’t painfully huge. Goldie locks dick!

No.95810 : Anonymous [2019-04-07 19:21] [Report] []

>>95588 Who’s got pics?

No.95994 : Anonymous [2019-04-08 08:42] [Report] []

Invasion of Privacy. Misdemeanor. Georgia Code Title 16 Chapter 11 Article 3 Part 1 16-11-90.

No.96011 : Anonymous [2019-04-08 09:13] [Report] []

>>95994 you are retarded

No.96058 : Anonymous [2019-04-08 11:45] [Report] []

U mad? Haha.

No.96252 : Anonymous [2019-04-08 22:48] [Report] 1554778136875.png (1480692 B, 1080x2160) [YIS] [GIS] []
1480692 B

Any of him?

No.96464 : Anonymous [2019-04-09 17:05] [Report] 1554843921997.jpg (446873 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
446873 B

Anything on Robby/Robert?

No.96525 : Anonymous [2019-04-09 21:38] [Report] 1554860295614.jpg (0 B, 750x757) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

Witnessed him take multiple loads. Someone post pics...

No.96560 : Anonymous [2019-04-09 22:59] [Report] []

>>96525. That's hot. I want to see that

No.96570 : Anonymous [2019-04-09 23:20] [Report] []

Y’all are all fucking sick freaks.

No.96587 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 00:08] [Report] 1554869335288.jpg (484719 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
484719 B

Who has pics of KC Green naked? Not his porn stuff

No.96588 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 00:09] [Report] 1554869394597.jpg (625726 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] []
625726 B

Anything on Wes? Heard he's hung

No.96839 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 17:01] [Report] 1554930106367.jpg (0 B, 1224x1632) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.96841 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 17:07] [Report] 1554930439962.jpg (0 B, 1200x1600) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.96842 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 17:08] [Report] 1554930537452.png (0 B, 1124x1986) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.96894 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 21:38] [Report] []

Hot. Keep it going

No.96908 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 22:25] [Report] []

>>96525 he’s such a sexy boy.

No.96928 : Anonymous [2019-04-10 23:18] [Report] []

>>96841 damn good for him

No.96954 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 00:29] [Report] []

>>96842. He did a video with Austin Wolfe? Oh my. That's hot.

No.97028 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 09:36] [Report] []

>>96954 lol he also hooked up with Aaron Schock in Miami last year. Doubt that one’s on video though.

No.97044 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 11:14] [Report] []

>>96954 I don't think they ever released the full thing. I know Austin posted the first one, but it was never finished.

No.97048 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 11:30] [Report] []

>>96842 Austin is old news. Post the ones of him with locals

No.97049 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 11:31] [Report] []

>>97028 who has he not hooked up with...

No.97067 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 12:48] [Report] 1555001290438.png (2083604 B, 984x1460) [YIS] [GIS] []
2083604 B

Who has some of him?

No.97068 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 12:56] [Report] []

>>96525 Apparently he's dating someone now...

No.97127 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 15:36] [Report] []


Who is it? I feel like I've seen him around.

No.97134 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 16:09] [Report] []

Ex stripper settles down with ex porn star lol. What a joke. No sympathy for either since they both go around fucking anyone who can give them G or K. Give a bad name to the gay community here.

No.97232 : Anonymous [2019-04-11 21:57] [Report] []

How many videos did him and Austin make? I saw the one from the Atlantis cruise last year

No.97269 : Anonymous [2019-04-12 01:21] [Report] []

Anything on his boyfriend AJ?

No.97317 : Anonymous [2019-04-12 07:34] [Report] 1555068889378.jpg (137198 B, 767x749) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.97320 : Anonymous [2019-04-12 07:50] [Report] 1555069843652.jpg (1266336 B, 1131x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.97383 : Anonymous [2019-04-12 13:26] [Report] []

It’s fucked up for putting them out there like this.

No.97398 : Anonymous [2019-04-12 14:34] [Report] []

What’s his porn name?

No.97469 : Anonymous [2019-04-12 18:40] [Report] []

>>97383 why? It’s not like we putting them on blast. They are hot, love looking at their bods. They having fun, it’s nice to appreciate them.

No.97694 : Anonymous [2019-04-13 14:25] [Report] 1555179959122.jpg (483442 B, 934x1059) [YIS] [GIS] []
483442 B

Anyone have anything on Jamie Bennett?

No.97780 : Anonymous [2019-04-13 21:19] [Report] []

Someone post more of him. He’s hot.

No.97783 : Anonymous [2019-04-13 22:00] [Report] 1555207206835.jpg (295563 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.98190 : Anonymous [2019-04-14 23:49] [Report] 1555300149205.jpg (127508 B, 538x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
127508 B

Anyone know Scott’s porn name?

No.98436 : Anonymous [2019-04-15 22:23] [Report] 1555381396693.jpg (816641 B, 1046x2023) [YIS] [GIS] []
816641 B

Who has something on Paul Andrews? Not from his porn days... Or his boyfriend Harrison?

No.98583 : Anonymous [2019-04-16 10:43] [Report] 1555425794468.jpg (30449 B, 234x486) [YIS] [GIS] []
30449 B

anything on this hottie Colin Cole?

No.98650 : Anonymous [2019-04-16 16:15] [Report] 1555445706696.png (5165316 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
5165316 B


No.98651 : Anonymous [2019-04-16 16:15] [Report] 1555445754682.png (6304260 B, 1125x2436) [YIS] [GIS] []
6304260 B


No.98662 : Anonymous [2019-04-16 16:43] [Report] []

There is a new boy bartending @ Zocalo named Hugo. Anything on him? Ig @starringhugo

No.98698 : Anonymous [2019-04-16 18:56] [Report] []

Sex with him was always really good. That dick is 👌

No.98786 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 00:27] [Report] 1555475225569.jpg (285258 B, 1691x1700) [YIS] [GIS] []
285258 B

Anyone know Sam’s porn name?

No.98788 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 00:28] [Report] []

Any videos of AJ?

No.98810 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 01:38] [Report] []

>>98786 Jamie Aero. Great dick. But he is only into barely 18 looking twinks who want to use him.

No.98882 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 07:13] [Report] 1555499594017.jpg (155434 B, 962x1280) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.98947 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 10:44] [Report] []

>>98583> def a good lay. kinda awkward tho.

No.98949 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 10:56] [Report] 1555512972146.jpg (274871 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.99119 : Anonymous [2019-04-17 22:49] [Report] 1555555763894.png (414135 B, 431x768) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.99456 : Anonymous [2019-04-18 22:58] [Report] 1555642733322.jpg (85810 B, 958x959) [YIS] [GIS] []
85810 B

As busy as she stays, I know someone has to have pics of her in action?

No.99578 : Anonymous [2019-04-19 09:30] [Report] []


No.99632 : Anonymous [2019-04-19 13:15] [Report] 1555694158397.jpg (55036 B, 540x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
55036 B

Anyone got any dick pics of Cody Harden?! I know someone has got to have something...

No.99797 : Anonymous [2019-04-20 01:19] [Report] 1555737545341.jpg (421068 B, 1080x1240) [YIS] [GIS] []
421068 B

Anything of Josh? (@jnixx17)

No.99798 : Anonymous [2019-04-20 01:21] [Report] []

I would love to see something of Nathan (@nathanboi734)

No.99800 : Anonymous [2019-04-20 01:22] [Report] 1555737747770.jpg (891191 B, 1242x1226) [YIS] [GIS] []


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