Archive/Dongs 2019

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No.45864 : Anonymous [2018-11-04 12:04] [Report] 1541351056243.png (1578189 B, 948x1182) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
1578189 B

Any frontals of scott (twitter: r1s1ng / insta: sr1s1ng ... replace 1 with i)? he posts about grindr all the time so someone must have the goods!

No.52248 : Anonymous [2018-11-24 18:24] [Report] []

>>45864 I think he's the kind to only send ass pics.....

No.52703 : Anonymous [2018-11-26 01:20] [Report] []

>>52248 nooo, there have to be frontals out there. Please! Someone!

No.62403 : Anonymous [2018-12-29 17:32] [Report] []

>>52703 he’s on Grindr and scruff if anyone is interested

No.62447 : Anonymous [2018-12-29 19:38] [Report] []

>>45864 his Grindr stats are 30 years, 6’3”, nyc

No.62900 : Anonymous [2018-12-30 17:41] [Report] []

>>62447 anyone have anything?

No.63011 : Anonymous [2018-12-30 22:40] [Report] []

Love the Speedo pic in another thread. Can’t find it tho. Bump for more

No.63084 : Anonymous [2018-12-31 01:31] [Report] []

Would love some as well if anyone has any

No.63315 : Anonymous [2018-12-31 16:53] [Report] 1546293232836.png (3649521 B, 750x1334) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.63547 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 04:16] [Report] []

>>63315 Did you message him and get the nudes???

No.63549 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 04:44] [Report] []


No.63924 : Anonymous [2019-01-02 09:11] [Report] []

What happened to the last post that was awaiting moderation? Did someone get them?

No.64272 : Anonymous [2019-01-03 06:26] [Report] []

>>63315 anyone happen to try?

No.65270 : Anonymous [2019-01-05 18:04] [Report] []

Did anyone get anything?

No.65920 : Anonymous [2019-01-06 23:43] [Report] []

Hopefully someone can get them he looks yummy

No.66585 : Anonymous [2019-01-08 10:48] [Report] []

Hath the nudes been procured?

No.66914 : Anonymous [2019-01-09 09:36] [Report] []

Did anyone get it?

No.67662 : Anonymous [2019-01-11 07:53] [Report] []

Anyone tried?

No.69145 : Anonymous [2019-01-15 10:36] [Report] []

Any NYers hit him up on Grindr or Scruff?

No.70879 : Anonymous [2019-01-20 06:05] [Report] []

>>63315 love this photo

No.72544 : Anonymous [2019-01-25 00:21] [Report] []

Anyone got something?

No.74529 : Anonymous [2019-01-30 02:57] [Report] []

Nobody has anything or tried to get anything?

No.78303 : Anonymous [2019-02-09 23:02] [Report] []

Was anything gotten by anyone yet?

No.84096 : Anonymous [2019-03-01 04:44] [Report] []

>>63315 he looks so hot

No.87312 : Anonymous [2019-03-12 07:45] [Report] []

>>45864 anyone succeed?

No.90719 : Anonymous [2019-03-22 23:50] [Report] []

>>45864 wow would love to see his ass

No.91106 : Anonymous [2019-03-24 10:38] [Report] []

Would love to see his dick!!!

No.94180 : Anonymous [2019-04-02 23:18] [Report] []

Anyone have it?


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