Archive/Dongs 2019

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No.5351 : Anonymous [2018-06-14 23:20] [Report] 1529032838714.png (389745 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
389745 B

anyone got the videos of Male Model C@sey J@ckson ?

No.5480 : Anonymous [2018-06-15 10:32] [Report] []

That would be hot!!

No.5843 : Anonymous [2018-06-16 10:44] [Report] []

Yo where this come from?

No.5844 : Anonymous [2018-06-16 10:47] [Report] 1529160464806.jpg (119595 B, 1053x1317) [YIS] [GIS] []
119595 B


No.5845 : Anonymous [2018-06-16 10:48] [Report] 1529160493824.jpg (86202 B, 1080x862) [YIS] [GIS] []
86202 B


No.6509 : Anonymous [2018-06-18 16:32] [Report] []

>>5351 Where did that capture come from? I can not find anything.

No.7966 : Anonymous [2018-06-23 17:41] [Report] []

>>5351 Are you sure it's him? I don't find anything with that pic.

No.8067 : Anonymous [2018-06-24 02:31] [Report] []

Yes it’s him. Same phone and case as in his selfies on his insta.

No.8078 : Anonymous [2018-06-24 03:48] [Report] []

is this shopped? it looks real-ish, but SOMETHING seems off to me.... could be wrong. lol been following him for ages, would legit be shocked if this comes out

No.8082 : Anonymous [2018-06-24 04:11] [Report] []

oh, my mistake, it seems real as there was a short vid posted in early may on lpsg, so it may be from that.

ofc, nobody has posted anything else since then and it's just a bunch of people asking for links.

hope this won't end up like the beau mirchoff and justin agustin threads :/

No.8158 : Anonymous [2018-06-24 12:26] [Report] []

>>8082 where is the short vid??

No.8282 : Anonymous [2018-06-24 23:43] [Report] []


i don't have it. it was posted in his lpsg thread via wetransfer and has been deleted and not reposted since :(

No.8780 : Anonymous [2018-06-26 12:37] [Report] []

Hes just too nice for me to post his vids and expose him :/

No.9287 : Anonymous [2018-06-28 01:20] [Report] []

If you truly have them please post them :(

No.9500 : Anonymous [2018-06-28 18:15] [Report] []

>>8780 Then get out of here pretentious asshole!

No.10042 : Anonymous [2018-06-30 16:19] [Report] []

wow, so hot. anyone have anything more?

No.11654 : Anonymous [2018-07-04 23:40] [Report] []

There was a new post on lpsg

No.11956 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 00:31] [Report] 1530851480597.png (361944 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.11957 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 00:32] [Report] 1530851532700.png (357866 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
357866 B

I need to see those videos! Somebody get them!

No.12033 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 09:35] [Report] []

Fuck he has a gorgeous face

No.12081 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 13:24] [Report] []

SOmeoneeeeee get the vids

No.12104 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 15:01] [Report] []

Yea more of him

No.12158 : Anonymous [2018-07-06 18:12] [Report] []

More por favor

No.14383 : Anonymous [2018-07-13 03:21] [Report] []

omg who has this

No.15428 : Anonymous [2018-07-16 19:14] [Report] []

>>14383 An LPSG user, who is only showing the screenshot.

No.16687 : Anonymous [2018-07-21 01:00] [Report] []


No.17683 : Anonymous [2018-07-25 01:07] [Report] []

this boy is a god

No.24483 : Anonymous [2018-08-18 14:39] [Report] []

anyone have this

No.38402 : Anonymous [2018-10-12 09:24] [Report] []


No.38522 : Anonymous [2018-10-12 16:49] [Report] []

i want more


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