Archive/Dongs 2019

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closed No.63486 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 00:58] [Report] 1546322320887.jpg (0 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
No thumbnail

Come on as a new year's present, someone post him.

No.63487 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 01:08] [Report] []

>>63486 OMG yes please! Btw did we ever find out his actual name?

No.63498 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 01:28] [Report] []


Is this the same guy? They look kinda similar and someone referred to him as "N1ch0l4s El14s or ty" and I remember people calling him Ty in the old thread. Also, someone asked if he swims.... coincidence?

No.63501 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 01:31] [Report] []

>>63487 Name's "Nich0l4s El14"

No.63502 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 01:38] [Report] []

You fucking idiots, he's on the DO NOT POST LIST. Can't you read?

No.63503 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 01:39] [Report] []


Fuck off cunt.

No.63530 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 03:26] [Report] []

Who is this guy?

No.63548 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 04:27] [Report] 1546334867666.jpg (153414 B, 961x539) [YIS] [GIS] []
153414 B

>>63502 I'm guessing this is from one of the mods since the post has been moderated while others before and after it haven't.

Isn't one of YOUR main responsibilities to check for anything from the DNP list, rather than just phoning it in all the time??? You're the fucking idiot (not to mention incompetent.)

No.63564 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 05:50] [Report] 1546339805144.jpg (0 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No thumbnail

eat my ass fuckers

No.63580 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 07:11] [Report] []

who is he

No.63581 : Anonymous [2019-01-01 07:17] [Report] []

>>63548 regular contributor, fuckboy


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