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No.107142 : Anonymous [2019-05-07 08:37] [Report] 1557232627952.jpg (758184 B, 1080x2220) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
758184 B

Anything on this guy in London?

No.107607 : Anonymous [2019-05-08 10:41] [Report] []

i know his name is craig, hot bod

No.107963 : Anonymous [2019-05-09 10:13] [Report] []

He is crazy. Big dick, but completely mentally unstable.

No.107992 : Anonymous [2019-05-09 11:50] [Report] []

>>107963 what makes you say that? Lmao

No.108021 : Anonymous [2019-05-09 12:47] [Report] []


Wait is this the loon that used to be on tumblr? I was in [redacted] when he was and saw him on Grindr, apparently he was pretty infamous there

No.108141 : Anonymous [2019-05-09 19:46] [Report] 1557445581453.jpg (134598 B, 1080x1350) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.108142 : Anonymous [2019-05-09 19:46] [Report] []

>>108021 I think hes still on tumblr. Didnt think he had that big a presence tho.

No.108296 : Anonymous [2019-05-10 08:31] [Report] []

>>108141 what is this

No.110790 : Anonymous [2019-05-17 06:10] [Report] []

Is he a model?

No.111121 : Anonymous [2019-05-18 12:24] [Report] []

>>110790 a porn model maybe. He used to do cam shows.

No.111498 : Anonymous [2019-05-19 15:08] [Report] []

>>107963 you got pics? why was he mentally unstable

No.115492 : Anonymous [2019-05-30 05:46] [Report] []

>>111498 second this.

No.117692 : Anonymous [2019-06-05 00:31] [Report] 1559709093818.jpg (49225 B, 1080x2181) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.119105 : Anonymous [2019-06-08 13:56] [Report] []

He literally killed my puppy. Not even joking.

No.119124 : Anonymous [2019-06-08 15:10] [Report] []

Stop teasing us! Share your stories!

No.120555 : Anonymous [2019-06-12 08:44] [Report] []

>>119105 What!? That is horrendous!

No.123798 : Anonymous [2019-06-21 04:58] [Report] 1561107486346.jpg (145289 B, 960x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.126757 : Anonymous [2019-07-02 05:52] [Report] 1562061174613.jpg (91168 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.127503 : Anonymous [2019-07-04 18:19] [Report] []


Wtf is this hahahhahaha

No.157146 : Anonymous [2019-10-13 21:03] [Report] []

>>107142 London guys are so hot

No.192185 : Anonymous [2020-02-06 06:41] [Report] []

>>111121 Anyone have any caps?


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