Archive/Dongs 2020

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No.108326 : Anonymous [2019-05-10 10:24] [Report] 1557498279019.jpg (60641 B, 450x800) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
60641 B

Just saw B3nj@m1n Turl@nd on stage in Sydney tonight, he’s gorgeous.
It looks like there are several nude shots and videos (with cumshot!) of him.
Does anyone have them and can share please?

No.108714 : Anonymous [2019-05-11 12:18] [Report] 1557591497436.png (9419719 B, 1242x2688) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.110089 : Anonymous [2019-05-15 03:36] [Report] []

There’s a lpsg thread on him that has some of what you’re after. Do a search on there.

No.112876 : Anonymous [2019-05-23 19:53] [Report] []

Thank you!
Anyone has the cumshot video??

No.113422 : Anonymous [2019-05-25 11:17] [Report] []

More of him?

No.113462 : Anonymous [2019-05-25 12:49] [Report] []

Who is he?

No.115039 : Anonymous [2019-05-29 08:57] [Report] []

He is an australian artist (singer, dancer, actor)

No.115930 : Anonymous [2019-05-31 07:47] [Report] []

cumshot video please!!

No.116339 : Anonymous [2019-06-01 10:01] [Report] 1559397698852.jpg (725989 B, 1242x1214) [YIS] [GIS] []
725989 B


No.118331 : Anonymous [2019-06-06 11:14] [Report] []

So adorable! I hope there is more than this. Any videos?

No.121218 : Anonymous [2019-06-13 22:19] [Report] 1560478788000.jpg (555499 B, 1217x1203) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.142777 : Anonymous [2019-08-18 09:49] [Report] []

Any videos ou photos?

No.164349 : Anonymous [2019-11-10 19:33] [Report] []

With that face, he looks like he belongs in that dingo loving Irwin family. Ugh. Aussies in general make my scrotum shrivel up. It's the accent.

No.164420 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 01:23] [Report] []


lol are you the same guy who posts in all the aussie threads about how you ate the australian accents?


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