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No.118611 : Anonymous [2019-06-07 00:41] [Report] 1559882473527.png (752353 B, 889x710) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
752353 B

He's back on CB!! Someone record his crazy ticket show, please! I don't have the software to do it with audio (Jaksta has stopped working for me on CB for some reason).

No.118694 : Anonymous [2019-06-07 08:20] [Report] []

What's his name on CB?

No.118740 : Anonymous [2019-06-07 11:33] [Report] []

how do you record CB shows?

No.118952 : Anonymous [2019-06-07 23:50] [Report] []

His CB name is boner (followed by the number) 5150. I used to be able to record Chaturbate shows using Jaksta but it doesn't work for me anymore. Pisses me off! Anyone know of another way? Obviously I could do a screen recording but that's kinda ghetto and doesn't record any of the audio. I've resorted to just joining upstore and downloading from their archives, but obviously that's no help when it comes to crazy ticket shows. Boner shoots the best loads!

No.119142 : Anonymous [2019-06-08 16:51] [Report] []

He's the cumshot from that show.

No.119322 : Anonymous [2019-06-09 08:01] [Report] []

>>119142 Woof, thank you!! Kind of a waste of a cumshot shooting it directly into his mouth like that. I love when he paints his chest with it. God this guy is a stud!

No.119325 : Anonymous [2019-06-09 08:04] [Report] []

>>119142 Can I ask what you used to record that? I'll start paying for crazy ticket shows again once I have a way to record them.

No.119383 : Anonymous [2019-06-09 12:51] [Report] 1560099114001.jpg (1743586 B, 1125x2054) [YIS] [GIS] []
1743586 B

his IG

No.119423 : Anonymous [2019-06-09 15:11] [Report] []

I thought his gf was his mother. Are looks old af

No.119438 : Anonymous [2019-06-09 15:28] [Report] []

>>119423 Are you telling me that 3rd picture in those thumbnails is his girlfriend?


No.119608 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 00:06] [Report] []

He has a kid too?? Anyway, he's back on CB as of midnight EST! Get ready for that crazy ticket show ;)

No.119615 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 00:23] [Report] []

He just said his gf is the one who got him into doing CB shows. Which means she's probably in the house with the kid while daddy's out in the garage masturbating and cumming into his own mouth for tokens lol. What a world we're living in. I wonder if the gf is a Kohl's shopper? : P

No.119616 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 00:35] [Report] []

>>119438 jesus- idk if they lady is lucky to have him or.. maybe shes a sugar mama??

No.119630 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 01:23] [Report] []

She is beyond lucky to have him. He doesn't know his own worth. That's what I love about hot midwestern guys!

No.119703 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 07:27] [Report] []

This is the guy who was arrested for trying to jerk off a guy in the bathroom right?

No.119731 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 09:01] [Report] []

Close...he put his dick under the divider in an attempt to get blown. I can't believe some dumbass cop actually arrested him after seeing how fine he is. I'd have dropped all charges immediately & then dropped to my knees.

No.119873 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 15:41] [Report] []

>>119142 wow are you SnowNinja? Where do you post your stuff now? Would love to see more

No.119881 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 15:58] [Report] []

>>119731 Was he filming this or was he looking to get blown by a dude for fun?

No.119910 : Anonymous [2019-06-10 17:07] [Report] []

>>119731 can you tell us more... link of the news?

No.120046 : Anonymous [2019-06-11 00:08] [Report] []

damn his Instagram is private now...
what did you do

No.120124 : Anonymous [2019-06-11 04:37] [Report] []

He most likely got flooded with new fag followers from this board. If you people were smart you'd BOOKMARK these guys instead of following them and ruining shit for everyone in the process.

No.120255 : Anonymous [2019-06-11 16:22] [Report] []

>>120124 How exactly does him making his insta private "ruin it for everyone else"? Because y'all creeps can't stalk his real life anymore? lmao

No.120639 : Anonymous [2019-06-12 13:29] [Report] []

>>120255 Yes.

No.120645 : Anonymous [2019-06-12 13:59] [Report] []

these faggots always do that. every time some guy's social media is posted, they get a flood of new followers and i guarantee these retards DM them dick pics and try and hit on them, thinking they actually have a chance. I've seen it so many times (not just this site, it happens everywhere, every time)

No.120697 : Anonymous [2019-06-12 15:32] [Report] []

he blocked anyone that tried to follow him lol

No.120708 : Anonymous [2019-06-12 15:59] [Report] []

I saw some people leaving comments on some of his Insta posts. There was one of him in "black face" (I assume a charcoal facial mask) @ing his black friend, and the comment had a gay slur in it. The comment disappeared, but that might have triggered it.

For the person who asked, I use Tubedigger to record cam shows.

No.120887 : Anonymous [2019-06-13 01:30] [Report] []

What was the gay slur? It would be very surprising for this guy to be homophobic when he A) supplements his income with gay dollars and B) seeks out gay mouths to blow him in Kohl's restrooms.

No.120988 : Anonymous [2019-06-13 09:22] [Report] []

is there any forum or website where I can find more of snowninja (watermark) cam collection?

No.120997 : Anonymous [2019-06-13 10:04] [Report] []


Just use google or search this site.

He was arrested for trying to have public sex with A MAN.

So him pretending to be straight on cam is literally scamming the straight worshipping gays for money.

No.121435 : Anonymous [2019-06-14 15:38] [Report] []

In his defense, he was just trying to get an anonymous blowjob. Not full-on sex. Maybe that gf/wife of his doesn't give him what he needs (and she'd be stupid not to).

No.121618 : Anonymous [2019-06-15 02:49] [Report] []

That’s bullshit. Straight guys don’t desperately need blowjobs so much that they go look for anonymous men to blow them. That is a sad gay fantasy.

If the fat old lady next door came over and offered you blowie next time you’re horny, would you let her in?

You don’t skip your sexual preferences because you’re horny or need a blowjob. If a guy looks for other guys to blow him, in a place where there are eligible female partners, the guy is either gay or at least bisexual. He cannot be considered heterosexual. Full stop.

There’s no such thing as a straight guy who just really needed a blowjob and so he went to a public restroom and got one, and he’s still straight... etc. That’s bullshit. He was either gay or at least bisexual, before, during, and after that experience. The absurd story lines concocted by closeted gays and those who fetishize them is just so illogical it’s goofy.

No.121649 : Anonymous [2019-06-15 07:25] [Report] []

Some guys just see a mouth as a mouth.

No.124613 : Anonymous [2019-06-24 17:10] [Report] []

Anyone record his crazy ticket show last night?

No.124670 : Anonymous [2019-06-24 21:23] [Report] []

Woof!! any new vids of him??

No.125237 : Anonymous [2019-06-26 15:36] [Report] []

Here's the private vid he tries to charge $40 for:


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