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No.127036 : Anonymous [2019-07-03 01:34] [Report] 1562132074194.jpg (209606 B, 724x1024) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
209606 B

Does anyone have anything on this cutie from Texas? His Twitter and IG are @reptile_beto

No.127097 : Anonymous [2019-07-03 10:22] [Report] 1562163731747.png (828593 B, 750x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
828593 B

This is his Grindr profile in Lubbock if anyone is good at catfishing.

No.127154 : Anonymous [2019-07-03 14:46] [Report] []

He sells them at $30 a picture. Like someone has to have some of him

No.127177 : Anonymous [2019-07-03 15:50] [Report] []

$30... lol


I love it when fem guys aren't into their own kind.

No.127327 : Anonymous [2019-07-03 23:56] [Report] []

Is there anyway you could post the videos somewhere for us to see?

No.127495 : Anonymous [2019-07-04 17:50] [Report] []

It’s easy to save stuff from someone’s Snapchat without sending a notification to the sender just look online for how to do it. Please? I really wanna see his videos

No.127625 : Anonymous [2019-07-05 00:30] [Report] []

I have his pics and am willing to trade for his videos

No.127875 : Anonymous [2019-07-05 21:46] [Report] []

I have two frontals and two or three of his ass. I forgot how many. There’s a way to screen record without sending a notification to the sender.

You have to have the video loaded. Then put your phone on airplane mode. After that you can screen record or save the video. After saving it you have to delete the app (still on airplane mode). After that you can turn airplane mode off and re-download the app, sign in, and it won’t send a notification that you saved it.

No.128589 : Anonymous [2019-07-07 22:49] [Report] []

Bump for the vids. Please?

No.129536 : Anonymous [2019-07-10 02:13] [Report] []

Any update on the videos?

No.131161 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 17:21] [Report] []

Does anyone have any pictures?

No.131211 : Anonymous [2019-07-14 20:25] [Report] []

I have pics I’m willing to trade for vids

No.131436 : Anonymous [2019-07-15 13:03] [Report] []

>>127875 curious about the frontal lol I see him around sometimes. How’s he doing in the front, for a bottom?

No.131530 : Anonymous [2019-07-15 19:28] [Report] []

I have a couple. He’s pretty hung for a bottom haha he’s uncut too if that matters

No.132728 : Anonymous [2019-07-18 20:12] [Report] []

Would you be willing to share those pics?

No.132730 : Anonymous [2019-07-18 20:19] [Report] []

>>131530 just share

No.133274 : Anonymous [2019-07-20 11:35] [Report] []

Share share share

No.133842 : Anonymous [2019-07-22 01:29] [Report] 1563773355574.png (3050443 B, 750x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.133843 : Anonymous [2019-07-22 01:29] [Report] 1563773382888.png (4045219 B, 750x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.134076 : Anonymous [2019-07-22 18:19] [Report] []

Nice! Any frontals??

No.134186 : Anonymous [2019-07-23 00:04] [Report] []

Anyone got vids they’re will to share?

No.134188 : Anonymous [2019-07-23 00:05] [Report] []

Post the frontals please!

No.134228 : Anonymous [2019-07-23 04:04] [Report] []

I’m starting to think the videos don’t exist.

No.134763 : Anonymous [2019-07-24 21:22] [Report] []

Looks like no one really has anything

No.134825 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 00:37] [Report] []

I have his frontals. Took me forever to convince him to send me some, I just want to see some videos if someone is willing to post them for the frontals

No.134972 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 12:19] [Report] []

>>134825 He doesn't have shit. They don't exist people.

No.135020 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 15:26] [Report] 1564082781445.jpg (607341 B, 826x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
607341 B

Yeah you’re right, I don’t have shit...

No.135021 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 15:27] [Report] 1564082835519.jpg (85132 B, 826x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
85132 B

Pt 2. 🙄

No.135142 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 22:00] [Report] []

Was this in lbk or ep?

No.135170 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 23:31] [Report] []

El Paso

No.135193 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 01:04] [Report] []

Share sis! No one here has vids. Looks like it’s a pretty active thread

No.135378 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 14:28] [Report] 1564165707313.png (2280305 B, 750x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
2280305 B

He’s getting desperate for money again. Probably still charging $30 a pic like he’s some kind of celebrity

No.135384 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 14:48] [Report] []

Frontal pics for videos that show everything...that sounds like an even trade.

No.135968 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 13:11] [Report] []
>135378 $30!?!
No.137449 : Anonymous [2019-08-01 19:51] [Report] []

He posted a pic the other day of him in the bathtub on twitter but deleted it really quick before I could see does anyone have it?

No.137587 : Anonymous [2019-08-02 02:38] [Report] 1564727885550.png (290706 B, 750x1624) [YIS] [GIS] []
290706 B

Lmao who does this dude think he is? 😂

No.143180 : Anonymous [2019-08-19 14:53] [Report] []

He keeps posting pictures on twitter and then deleting really fast does anyone know what he’s posting?

No.143189 : Anonymous [2019-08-19 15:25] [Report] []

>>137587 he's fugly though soooo lol

No.143242 : Anonymous [2019-08-19 20:26] [Report] []

hes is ugly

No.143290 : Anonymous [2019-08-20 01:54] [Report] []

>>143242 he’s so hot and his videos are amazing does anyone have anything else on him

No.143465 : Anonymous [2019-08-20 15:12] [Report] []


No.143478 : Anonymous [2019-08-20 15:58] [Report] []

>>143290 Im trying to figure out if you're being facetious or not ... because that guy is fuckin gross and it's hard to believe anyone would want to see his nudes ijs...

No.145666 : Anonymous [2019-08-28 00:23] [Report] 1566966195421.jpg (184736 B, 1029x1222) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.145667 : Anonymous [2019-08-28 00:23] [Report] 1566966206695.jpg (672323 B, 1838x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.145668 : Anonymous [2019-08-28 00:23] [Report] 1566966218255.jpg (654472 B, 1702x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.172143 : Anonymous [2019-12-03 22:02] [Report] 1575428574648.jpg (229272 B, 1152x2048) [YIS] [GIS] []
229272 B

Bump for anything new. He posted this pic the other day and then took it down

No.182697 : Anonymous [2020-01-08 08:36] [Report] []

Bump for anything new. Apparently he made a nsfw Snapchat


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