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No.135052 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 17:01] [Report] 1564088495579.jpg (423875 B, 1536x2048) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
423875 B

Anyone know who’s horse cock this is?

No.135107 : Anonymous [2019-07-25 20:11] [Report] []

>>135052 yuck!

No.135429 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 17:45] [Report] []

Gross. Would look so much better circumcised, or at least with that skin pulled back.

No.135434 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 18:18] [Report] []

Here we go again...

No.135447 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 19:04] [Report] 1564182261169.png (14479894 B, 3024x4032) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.135475 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 20:31] [Report] []

>>135447 Hot and huge!

No.135484 : Anonymous [2019-07-26 21:16] [Report] []

that's rob sepulved-a his hole is so fucking gross lol

No.135515 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 00:44] [Report] []

By this time I'm pretty sure that bitch is just trolling.

No.135534 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 03:13] [Report] []

Yeah, because everyone is a foreskin fetishist. Gotcha.

No.135681 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 15:25] [Report] []

>>135534 everyone that i know is lol. it's hot as fuck

No.135687 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 15:48] [Report] []

>>135429 If you like dried out shriveled cut cock, go suck Mitch McConnell’s dick.

No.135696 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 16:01] [Report] []

Omg this dick is beautiful

No.135703 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 16:14] [Report] 1564258447074.jpg (101423 B, 601x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
101423 B

Would love to chew on that foreskin. These uncut-hating queens must love an ashy D. 🤮

No.135714 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 16:52] [Report] []

Wow I'm not sure how you were able to misinterpret what I was saying.
GoOd JOb

No.135737 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 18:55] [Report] []

I would love to see him fully hard

No.135762 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 20:55] [Report] []

I don’t mind the foreskin, but the fact that he’s into smegma, having nasty stained underwear and shit like that is a major turn off

No.135807 : Anonymous [2019-07-27 23:58] [Report] 1564286292436.jpg (57060 B, 800x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
57060 B

You can have that smelly uncut cock. You love smega (and probably phimosis).

Perfectly rational, middle ground position. But watch them still attack you for it.

This dick doesn't look very "ashy" to me. Are you sure you aren't just projecting? It's sad that you think of your cock that way. You know that even if you "restore" you'll still be circumcised, right? You can't restore your foreskin. It's gone. :)

Being circumcised isn't a bad thing.

No.135830 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 01:50] [Report] []

Is that smegma I see 🤮

No.135833 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 01:58] [Report] []

>>135807 Wow! Now that is a nice cock!

No.135836 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 02:12] [Report] []

Jesus that foreskin is disgusting. Looks like it's dead and rotting. Cut cocks rule!

No.135852 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 03:15] [Report] 1564298126530.jpg (92337 B, 1130x899) [YIS] [GIS] []
92337 B

Brian Morris, is that you? Phimosis happens to around 1 percent of men and is easily treated without surgery. That giant scar and discoloration isn't exactly appealing and I bet if you got closer to the glans you would see the dried mucosa and keratinisation, the glans is supposed to be semi internal and lubricated after all.

I'm sure if most people had a choice between declining sensitivity, daily discomfort, skin bridges, deformity's, possible penile removal/death, or having a functional penis that requires a few seconds more in the shower, they would choose the later.

You seem ignorant of the foreskin's many purposes and functions, but i'm certain it's completely willful. Perhaps just stick to threads featuring already mutilated men (there's plenty here) and get off to those instead of trying to defend your grotesque fetish.

No.135873 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 06:22] [Report] []

>>135807 Nasty cock.

Uncut cock—like mine—are the best!

No.135883 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 07:29] [Report] []

Not every foreskin looks like that, his looks too tight.
The hygiene thing is such an immature response btw, even cut dicks can be fucking disgusting if unwashed. I mostly feel sad for cut dicks as they'll never get the extra sensitivity back - which is what the foreskin is mostly for.

No.135905 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 09:03] [Report] []

>>135883 Exactly.

No.135929 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 11:22] [Report] []

Brian Morris is unfairly demonised, and I'll stop pointing out how gross certain uncut dicks look (love how you guys so often fetishise phimosis btw) when you fuckers stop randomly commenting that hot cut cocks are "gross" and "mutilated". Yet if I point out how an uncut cock with a tight foreskin looks disgusting, ya'll go apeshit. Stretching and steroid cream makes the skin thin and prone to tearing. Not every guy gets the two-toned look, either. Loss of sensitivity is a myth, and skin bridges are rare. Daily discomfort? Maybe if you're circumcised as an adult, for a while, until your brain gets used to it. Intactivists are such victims, Jesus Christ. We're not sorry you feel "mutilated", we pity you. It's pathetic. Side-effects from circumcision are rare, and loss of penis and death specifically, is extremely rare. Stop scaremongering.

You guys project so much. You bang on so about muh "Brian Morris", yet quote "studies" done by Intactivists! Do what you accuse the other side of, I guess.

>The first author of the study, Morten Frisch from the Danish State Serum Institute, is an intactivist, who has been heading a campaign against non-medical circumcision in Denmark. In the study, the vast majority of the circumcised participants listed their religious affiliation as Lutheran, and thus, in Denmark, it is fair to assume these men were circumcised for medical reasons. The causes for medical circumcision are well-known risk factors for sexual dysfunction. It is no surprise, therefore, that male circumcision in this study was associated with increased risk of sexual problems. But this is the result of disease that existed prior to circumcision. Therefore, the study is of little or no relevance regarding circumcision of healthy males. Source:

It's a myth. Stop it. Many men circumcised as adults report no loss of sensitivity. Some even gain some, although sensitivity isn't the same thing as pleasure. Too much sensitivity can be overwhelming and make sex painful. So although there's a correlation, they're not the same thing, and slightly less sensitivity isn't the end of the world.

No.135938 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 12:24] [Report] []

Uncut is so much beter than cut

No.135947 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 12:37] [Report] []

>>135929 Sorry dude. We’re born with foreskins for a reason. You do lose sensitivity when you slice it off, and the head of the penis gets rough and dry. These are just facts. I’m sorry this hurts your feelings and make you feel insecure. 🤷🏽‍♂️🤷🏼‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏾‍♂️

No.135951 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 12:41] [Report] []

>>135929 you must feel really bad about having a mutilated dick if you're using words such as "intactivist" and using jew media as your proof that there's nothing wrong with mutilating your dick
enjoy your autism; it's one of the side effects and you exude it.

No.135954 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 12:44] [Report] []

Not an argument. It's the Intactivists who have the hurt feelings. That's why they refer to their own penises as "mutilated" and feel like they were a victim of "sexual assault" just because they were circumcised as babies. They use such emotional language because they've traumatised themselves by reading anti-circ propaganda and lies. No, you didn't lose 90% of potential pleasure just because you're cut. Stuff like that is bullshit. So fucking pathetic and sad. You guys aren't victims. And many guys circumcised as adults gain sensitivity, so they're in a better position to comment on it than you are. Just because we're born with something, that doesn't mean it's essential or better.

No.135958 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 12:49] [Report] []

>>135951 I'm actually uncut. I just prefer cut cocks and want to get cut at some point. I'm confused: Isn't the term "Intactivist" what you lot use to describe yourselves? It's literally your term. "Intact" + activist. "Jew Media"? Well, there's a surprise (not). The Intactivist is an also anti-Semite. Who would have guessed! Circumcision is not "mutilation" unless it's botched, which is rare. The fact you actually think that circumcision causes autism just shows how ridiculous you are. Intactivists really are like anti-vaxxers. Thanks for reaffirming that.

No.135972 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 13:18] [Report] []

>>135958 LOL. You claim cut cocks are so great, yet you feel the need to tell us all you have an uncut cock (which I don’t believe anyway). It’s ok that some guys prefer uncut cocks. If you don’t like that, start your own thread.

No.135974 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 13:20] [Report] []

>>135938 It really is. 💅🏻 And those kweens who can’t take truth can GTFOH.

No.135977 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 13:24] [Report] []

Just once I’d like for there to be a thread about an uncut dude without some shithead making some snide comment about how gross foreskin is, which turns the whole thread into a debate about circumcision. Can we just enjoy cock however we like it? I’d you don’t like uncut, keep it to yourself.

No.135986 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 14:10] [Report] []

And it's okay that some guys prefer cut cocks. :)

This always happens when there's cut cocks involved, though. Don't dish it out if ya'll can't take it.

No.136007 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 14:52] [Report] []

>>135052 gross!

No.136017 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 15:30] [Report] []

>>135986 I’ve only ever seen it on threads for uncut cock. But nice try.

No.136029 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 15:57] [Report] []

Nice try? You should lurk more. There's always guys saying how awful a cut guy's cock look or that it's "mutilated". It's probably the same people arguing with me right now. Can't take it, but love to dish it out. Sad!

No.136031 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 16:04] [Report] []

>>135986 no it’s not ok that you like cut cockroaches. That’s nasty. 😂

No.136047 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 16:43] [Report] []

I said "cut cocks", not "cut cockroaches". Stupid Intactivist.

I'll tell you what's nasty. This: >>135703

No.136056 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 17:30] [Report] []

This entire thread is just arguing about foreskin lolol

No.136069 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 18:21] [Report] []

>>136047 yumm a dry flaky dick with a jagged discolored scar that totally doesnt remind people of blood
even better, when those hideous cut cocks have like 5 nasty skin bridges because they healed incorrectly

No.136076 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 18:37] [Report] []

>>136056 And I can’t tell you how stupid it is. Especially the ones saying cut cocks are hot. 🤮

No.136089 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 19:40] [Report] []

>>136076 cut cocks are better. Uncut cocks are just a gimmick.

No.136092 : Anonymous [2019-07-28 20:01] [Report] []

Looks like it might be mine under a magnifying glass

No.136154 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 00:47] [Report] []

I'm so sorry you feel that way about your dick, but please know skin bridges and "jagged" scars are rare. Especially considering most neonatal circumcisions use devices, not free-hand.

No.136177 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 02:34] [Report] []

This guys cock smells foul I can smell the stink from here yum yum

No.136208 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 05:25] [Report] []

>>136089 Right. A gimmick....we’re all born with and intended by nature to have. Until stupid people insist on mutilation. I swear you people are idiots.

No.136210 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 05:28] [Report] []

>>136154 Gurl, I suck a lot of sick. Skin bridges, scars, discoloration, dryness, and general ugliness are all very common among cut cocks. Also, as an uncut dude, I can clean under my foreskin and stay fresh. But there’s nothing a cut dude can do about the above-mentioned problems. Sorry. Them’s just facts.

No.136233 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 08:28] [Report] []

It isn't "mutilation" unless it's botched, which is rare.

Anecdotes mean nothing, you illiterate fucktard.

No.136265 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 11:04] [Report] []

>>136233 Dude calm down. We get that you don’t like uncut cock. Please share your opinions elsewhere.

No.136309 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 12:17] [Report] []

If people respond to me, I'm going to respond back.

No.136325 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 13:32] [Report] []

>>136309 So the solution is to not comment in the first place. Just keep your thoughts to yourself. At the very least start your own thread on how darn great you think cut cocks are. Stop hijacking other threads on uncut cocks.

No.136332 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 13:52] [Report] []


>Stop hijacking other threads on uncut cocks.

Hahaha, the irony of this. (Considering how often it happens to threads with picture of cut guys). This thread isn't specifically dedicated to uncut cocks, by the way. And I didn't even hijack the thread. My inital post was:

>Gross. Would look so much better circumcised, or at least with that skin pulled back.

So Intactivists hijacked it with their bitching. See that second part? "Or at least with that skin pulled back". That isn't even that controversial, yet the swarms descended upon me. Intactivists hate ANY criticism of foreskins, which is why they go so far to defend phimosis (not saying the guy in the first picture has it, but this guy >>135703 does). So, actually, the solution is not jump down my throat for an off-the-cuff remark and make a big deal out of it. The solution is not keep replying. Because if people reply to me, I will reply back. And if they attack me, I will attack back. Very simple.

No.136334 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 13:52] [Report] []

Does everyone remember when he leaked videos of himself swallowing cum from condoms mailed to him from a fan? He’s a piggy slut.

No.136341 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 13:54] [Report] 1564422872255.jpg (34294 B, 233x574) [YIS] [GIS] []
34294 B

Getting us back on track from the stupid uncut hater. Enjoy Robert’s fat dick.

No.136344 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 13:56] [Report] []

>>136332 You must have a 3 inch badly scarred dick that no one will suck. It must suck to be you.

No.136347 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 14:07] [Report] []

>>136332 Lol at “attack.” 😂 Dude you should get off the computer and out of your mom’s basement for a few hours a day.

No.136379 : Anonymous [2019-07-29 15:59] [Report] []

Nice projection, there.


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