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closed No.140928 : Anonymous [2019-08-12 20:51] [Report] 1565657506130.png (0 B, 1812x868) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
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Look who's hanging with this former congressman

No.140949 : Anonymous [2019-08-12 22:40] [Report] []

>>140928 Jeez, that buzzcut looks awful. Not even hate-fuckable anymore. RIP.

No.140950 : Anonymous [2019-08-12 22:46] [Report] []

Just two gals having a hot girl Summer. LOL

No.140965 : Anonymous [2019-08-12 23:23] [Report] []

does that mean J3r3my is a top?
since AS almost always bottom.

No.140989 : Anonymous [2019-08-13 01:01] [Report] []

she pulled a Britney!
ohh dear...

No.140996 : Anonymous [2019-08-13 01:35] [Report] []

I have only contempt for Jeremy after he majorly cockblocked me with one of his friends and it took me another 4 days to get inside him. This pic only confirms my detest for him.

No.141032 : Anonymous [2019-08-13 03:58] [Report] []

what did he do to cockblock you? and who was the friend? and was the 4 day delay worth it in the end?


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