Archive/Dongs 2020

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No.149753 : SinAgain [2019-09-12 12:40] [Report] 1568306440246.png (498781 B, 430x686) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
498781 B

Can anyone identify the younger guy in this video? Jacked off with him before in a washroom in TO but never got any socials.

From this video: https://www.pornhub[dot]com/view_video.php?viewkey=ph5aa1ba228df10

No.151369 : Anonymous [2019-09-19 06:55] [Report] []

Is there a longer version of this video? Or any other nude pictures of the guy on the right?

No.164463 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 06:11] [Report] []

Like to know who the guy is and what else happened.

No.164483 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 08:46] [Report] 1573479999087.jpg (43934 B, 338x600) [YIS] [GIS] []
43934 B

I am the guy who posted that video on pornhub. This video came from tumblr in 2016. The guy in the Red Shirt went to the University of Toronto.

He does have an Instagram. It starts with the letter "d" and ends with the number "91"

Im worried that someone will contact him and ask him about the video. I know he sued the person who posted the video on tumblr.

Ask me on the pornhub video about his instagram name... i dont want to say what it is on malegeneral.

No.164616 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 15:42] [Report] []

Is there a longer vid?

No.164628 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 16:07] [Report] []

I took down the video cuz it's attracting too much attention. His alias is


Replace 0 with o and @ with a.

If you want the video send me an email at:


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