Archive/Dongs 2020

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No.157275 : Anonymous [2019-10-14 13:25] [Report] 1571073933707.jpg (432715 B, 1125x1918) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
432715 B

Looks either super hung or the largest balls ever!

No.157359 : Anonymous [2019-10-14 21:11] [Report] []

It's both - pretty thick cock and big balls

No.157366 : Anonymous [2019-10-14 21:23] [Report] []

oh yummmmm. damn.

No.157370 : Anonymous [2019-10-14 21:33] [Report] []

This pic gives a better idea

No.157371 : Anonymous [2019-10-14 21:33] [Report] []

Been following this guy for a long time. Always posts very thirsty pics and an occasional butt shot. Have always wanted to see his cock.

No.157418 : Anonymous [2019-10-15 00:50] [Report] []

>>157371 same. I'm sure there's good stuff out there, or that he would even post some if he saw this :)

No.157903 : Anonymous [2019-10-16 22:16] [Report] []

Does anyone have any new nudes? There was a an old cock pic on here a long time ago.

No.161289 : Anonymous [2019-10-30 00:27] [Report] 1572409621798.jpg (277052 B, 750x1195) [YIS] [GIS] []
277052 B

Single now?

No.162002 : Anonymous [2019-11-02 16:03] [Report] []

Hope to see more

No.162046 : Anonymous [2019-11-02 19:50] [Report] 1572738632160.jpg (809437 B, 1125x1771) [YIS] [GIS] []
809437 B

This is his ex’s most recent post

No.166073 : Anonymous [2019-11-15 22:17] [Report] []

Please let there be nudes already.

No.171431 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 00:32] [Report] []

Let’s see that dick finally

No.171463 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 01:48] [Report] 1575269285301.jpg (74733 B, 454x800) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.171464 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 01:48] [Report] 1575269333518.jpg (220420 B, 1080x1080) [YIS] [GIS] []
220420 B

and his ex ... apparently from Tumble era

No.171474 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 02:54] [Report] []

His dick is pierced, I’ve seen it. He’s into kinky sex, groups and fisting etc

No.171639 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 14:56] [Report] []

>>171463 um okay JACKPOT

Perfect dick

No.171664 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 15:53] [Report] []

thick - any more?

No.171763 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 22:43] [Report] []

Wow. I Never would have thought he was pierced. I’ve always wanted to see his cock. Hope there’s more.

No.171787 : Anonymous [2019-12-02 23:28] [Report] 1575347335989.jpg (1430068 B, 1125x1992) [YIS] [GIS] []
1430068 B

Looks like free balling it at the gym.

No.171857 : Anonymous [2019-12-03 05:21] [Report] []

>>171787 daddy perfect

No.172838 : Anonymous [2019-12-05 22:46] [Report] []

Is that really his cock? Almost looks unreal. Need to see more!

No.174149 : Anonymous [2019-12-09 18:17] [Report] 1575933469417.jpg (679205 B, 1772x1772) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.174249 : Anonymous [2019-12-10 01:12] [Report] []

Wow. I knew there had to be lots of cock pics of him out there. Would love to see him hard

No.174298 : Anonymous [2019-12-10 05:40] [Report] 1575974421255.jpg (1332388 B, 1125x1474) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.174302 : Anonymous [2019-12-10 06:47] [Report] []

That is one delicious fat juicy looking cock.

No.174304 : Anonymous [2019-12-10 07:10] [Report] []

>>174298 OMG daddy is perfect...woof

No.174465 : Anonymous [2019-12-10 22:11] [Report] []

Thank you for all these. Really nice cock. Hoping there is more out there.

No.174506 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 00:06] [Report] 1576040767098.jpg (431150 B, 828x1445) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.174507 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 00:06] [Report] 1576040794672.jpg (232787 B, 828x1462) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.174610 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 10:24] [Report] []

Holy fuck

No.174651 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 13:44] [Report] []

damn! where are all these coming from?

No.174682 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 15:31] [Report] []

I was into this guy until the last pic. Totally crosses the line for me. Dudes gonna need to wear diapers.

No.174710 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 17:12] [Report] []

Any vids? Looks like some of these were screen caps.

No.175017 : Anonymous [2019-12-12 18:58] [Report] []

yeah its definitely a video

No.176437 : Anonymous [2019-12-17 23:42] [Report] []

God these pics are hot. Let’s keep them coming!

No.177507 : Anonymous [2019-12-22 00:26] [Report] 1576992382742.jpg (926710 B, 1125x1232) [YIS] [GIS] []
926710 B

Anything on his friend Matt

No.177549 : Anonymous [2019-12-22 04:24] [Report] []

>>177507ooo yes

No.178203 : Anonymous [2019-12-24 10:23] [Report] []

OK seriously where can we find more. This queen is THIRSTY!

No.178757 : Anonymous [2019-12-26 20:20] [Report] []

Fuck he’s so hot there has to be a video

No.179253 : Anonymous [2019-12-28 03:23] [Report] []

Yes his friend Matt looks cute.

No.179752 : Anonymous [2019-12-29 13:04] [Report] []


Yes please. This guy posts traps all the time.

No.179915 : Anonymous [2019-12-29 20:27] [Report] []

>>177507 thought Matt had a bf. Is he an escort or is this guy just a friend?

No.180436 : Anonymous [2019-12-31 14:00] [Report] []

They would be an even hotter couple. WOOF.

No.181219 : Anonymous [2020-01-03 09:58] [Report] []

>>174149 anyone have anything else?? He’s so hot

No.181898 : Anonymous [2020-01-05 13:07] [Report] []

>>174507 wow!

No.182385 : Anonymous [2020-01-06 22:46] [Report] []

Anyone has story with him?


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