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No.164219 : Anonymous [2019-11-10 13:08] [Report] 1573409289471.jpg (817547 B, 750x1172) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
817547 B

Anything on this DC hottie?

No.164382 : Anonymous [2019-11-10 22:40] [Report] []

need to know his ig

No.164488 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 08:50] [Report] 1573480209227.jpg (738595 B, 750x927) [YIS] [GIS] []
738595 B

Here’s his insta. Not sure if he sends nudes...

No.164642 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 16:25] [Report] []

He looks damn good in a speedo! Anyone have the nudes?

No.164685 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 17:41] [Report] []

Do you have to be gay to work at Barrys? Does J0ey get to fuck all the dudes that work there?

No.164708 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 18:58] [Report] []

He’s very cock irl so would be curious to know if he can back it up.

No.164746 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 20:26] [Report] []

He doesn’t work at Barry’s...just a regular.

Anyone have his nudes??

No.164784 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 22:16] [Report] []

Very hard to get his nudes. He’s pretty private due to work he says. He works at WorldBank in Foggy Bottom.

He’s generally into the older beefy bear muscular daddies. With some rare exceptions.

No.164809 : Anonymous [2019-11-11 23:29] [Report] []

he is so cute!

No.164943 : Anonymous [2019-11-12 12:35] [Report] []

So is the other guy in that pic

No.166283 : Anonymous [2019-11-16 16:54] [Report] []

get to it

No.166296 : Anonymous [2019-11-16 18:11] [Report] []

You won’t find nudes of him because 1. He’s not a slut and won’t sleep with just anyone. 2. He is professional

He’s actually one of the nicest gays in DC I’ve met. Y’all trash.


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