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No.170661 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 06:12] [Report] 1575112337076.jpg (359351 B, 596x1151) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
359351 B

Instagram's Laurent Charles sex video

No.170688 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 10:04] [Report] []

>>170661 you sure???

No.170698 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 10:29] [Report] []

That’s hot. Anymore?

No.170705 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 11:06] [Report] []

>>170661 wow super boring

No.170707 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 11:12] [Report] []


That is the worst sex video I've ever seen, like 2 robots performing a low rent sex show...and the top's butt implants are fucking disgusting.

No.170721 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 11:50] [Report] []



No.170755 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 14:04] [Report] []

This is one of the worst videos I’ve ever seen. I have thoughts...
1) can we finally put to rest any thoughts that R@fael is hot? He’s not, never has been, just has a big dick.
2) what happened to his ass?!
3) what is up with that editing? Why is it all over the place?
4) what’s the point of making a big deal about barely showing the bottom’s face (covered with a blanket, big ass facing the camera, etc) when we’ve already seen his face?
5) if that is L@urent, what’s with that weird line down his back?
6) this sex doesn’t look hot at all
7) was R@fael on something? because he couldn’t get hard and couldn’t focus

No.170811 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 16:51] [Report] []

That top's butt implants look like badly stuffed Chinese dumplings. And what's up with his soft cock? I've seen jellyfish with stronger erections than that!

No.170823 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 17:08] [Report] []

Not Laurent. The bottom here has a tattoo on his spine which Laurent does not have

No.170825 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 17:09] [Report] []

WTF! Raf AllenKey is a weak ass top. Just slide your peen in and out, in and out! It ain't rocket fucking science, buddy!! What's the use of constantly pulling it out and waggling it in the air?! Dumb fucking 'top'.

No.170878 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 20:07] [Report] []

why Lauren would do that?

Rafael ass is full of silicone.... nasty

No.170899 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 21:20] [Report] []

It’s not. That guy has an arrow tatoo on left arm but laurent doesn’t

No.170925 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 21:54] [Report] []

hahaha some of you gays better not work as detectives.
Ever heard of disguises? people wear wigs, moustache, fake tattoos? he told rafael he didn't want to be identified.
Good to know you gays think that way, next time some instagram slut makes a sex tape, they should draw some fake tattoos and still show their face, but you gays will say its not them.
just look at the photos, the face and moles all match but I suppose it could be his clone or doppleganger! lol

No.170943 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 22:38] [Report] []

Rafael tops like an epileptic orangutan.

No.170946 : Anonymous [2019-11-30 22:54] [Report] []


I feel sorry for Laurent

No.171009 : Anonymous [2019-12-01 04:22] [Report] []

>>170661 who's that Laurent Charles guy anyway?

No.171058 : Anonymous [2019-12-01 08:08] [Report] []
No.171246 : Anonymous [2019-12-01 15:04] [Report] []

>>171058 lol he's not a fashion model.

He's an Instathot and yes, an escort.

No.171276 : Anonymous [2019-12-01 16:11] [Report] []

Can anyone upload high quality of this video?

No.182684 : Anonymous [2020-01-08 06:16] [Report] 1578482164736.jpg (319993 B, 952x1261) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.182685 : Anonymous [2020-01-08 06:16] [Report] 1578482188332.jpg (153116 B, 663x756) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.182686 : Anonymous [2020-01-08 06:16] [Report] 1578482215162.jpg (695031 B, 828x1354) [YIS] [GIS] []


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