Archive/Dongs 2020

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No.174371 : Anonymous [2019-12-10 14:27] [Report] 1576006065129.jpg (816058 B, 1066x1691) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
816058 B

Does anyone have any good photosets for baiting straight guys.

I'm going to be in four cities over the next few months with some spare time on my hands. (NYC/Wash/London/Hamburg).

I'm a fem gay guy, so good at sounding like a girl on chats. But dont have enough photos to get the goods (the ones I have usually run out while they're still just sending shirtless pics). Would like a set that has lots to satisfy anything they ask for. Hot but not so hot that they're suspicious. My play is normally regular girl who has just split from her boyfriend. So doesn't need to be a model looking. And could also do with a few pics that work for tinder/bumble profiles.

Will share all the goods here of course. Not interested in swapping/selling.

The picture is just a reminder that straight guys are hot too. And also because obviously nobody would read it without a pic. He could fuck me until the end of the year though, haha.

Thanks for any help boys.

No.174562 : Anonymous [2019-12-11 05:34] [Report] []

Would be useful

No.174940 : Anonymous [2019-12-12 13:46] [Report] []

This is why we dont get to have nice things

No.175260 : Anonymous [2019-12-13 16:47] [Report] []

I think we all know straight guys are hot

No.175383 : Anonymous [2019-12-14 07:12] [Report] []

Found a decent set elsewhere. So I'll put in the work I was offering to but I'll be keeping the nudes for myself. Screw you bunch of lazy fags.

No.175384 : Anonymous [2019-12-14 07:13] [Report] []

Anyone have a WT file they are willing to share for bait? It’s for the common good of us all!


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