Archive/Dongs 2020

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No.186950 : Anonymous [2020-01-20 22:29] [Report] 1579577342564.jpg (554172 B, 1547x1242) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
554172 B

Anything on this one from Georgia? He started an OF today.

No.187008 : Anonymous [2020-01-21 02:00] [Report] []

so whats his onlyfans?

No.187218 : Anonymous [2020-01-21 19:54] [Report] []

Funkzj on OF

No.188502 : Anonymous [2020-01-25 16:25] [Report] []

Has anyone subbed? worth it?

No.189179 : Anonymous [2020-01-27 17:56] [Report] []

Has he started it up yet?

No.189304 : Anonymous [2020-01-27 23:52] [Report] []

Yes 11 photos and 3 videos so far

No.189487 : Anonymous [2020-01-28 13:25] [Report] []

Is he fully nude? what does he show? I might sub if it's worth it

No.189524 : Anonymous [2020-01-28 15:21] [Report] []

This place is becoming an ad board for people self-posting their onlyfans.

No.189603 : Anonymous [2020-01-28 19:42] [Report] []

This wasn't a self post but ok. I don't know what the content is- I haven't subbed yet. Thats why I was asking if anyone had anything on him or his OF.

No.189757 : Anonymous [2020-01-29 06:47] [Report] []

Who is this wannabe 70's style retarded millenial?
And why are the mods allowing him and every other second or third thread self-posters promoting someone's insta or OF account??

No.189758 : Anonymous [2020-01-29 06:49] [Report] []

He's small. Save your money.

No.189927 : Anonymous [2020-01-29 21:49] [Report] []

He's not small, but all of his posts are teased. No full dick shots

No.189996 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 02:13] [Report] []

>>189927 Any chance you can post? are the vids tease also?

No.190175 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 17:05] [Report] []

Can someone post even one pic or video pwease :P

No.190181 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 17:11] [Report] []

Screw the teased shots! I'm talking real life here, not teased shots. His junk is small.

No.190251 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 20:22] [Report] []


No.190265 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 21:24] [Report] 1580437470739.jpg (99636 B, 720x960) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.190276 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 22:14] [Report] []

Ummm....ok. So flashing your hairy armpit and forgettable face in a questionable washroom is supposed to be hot, I guess......

No.190286 : Anonymous [2020-01-30 22:22] [Report] []

AIDS face

No.190480 : Anonymous [2020-01-31 14:55] [Report] []

You can self post here all you want, but at least show us your nudes. Or else fuck right off, you rat-faced pig bottom!

No.190536 : Anonymous [2020-01-31 18:51] [Report] []

Wow the poster above clearly has mental issues- you should seek help immediately with that. Any ways back to the nudes- someone please post them :)

No.190600 : Anonymous [2020-01-31 22:28] [Report] []

Pretty eye colour though.

No.190601 : Anonymous [2020-01-31 22:40] [Report] []

who brings a circle light into a bathroom stall?

No.190602 : Anonymous [2020-01-31 22:59] [Report] []

If this is really a self post, don't listen these fags, you're hot. They get mad at anyone who doesn't post free stuff. Any way I can contact you besides onlyfans? I want to buy some nudes 😏

No.190666 : Anonymous [2020-02-01 07:46] [Report] []

You're talking to yourself, congratulating yourself on how you look and promising to pay yourself money for your own naked pics.

Honey, you definitely need attention. But just not the sought you want.

No.191182 : Anonymous [2020-02-02 22:08] [Report] 1580699290451.jpg (55630 B, 624x779) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.191629 : Anonymous [2020-02-04 02:31] [Report] []

there has been some more posting (new pics and 2 new vids) based off the OF count- anyone subbed know if it shows full or still just tease?

No.191655 : Anonymous [2020-02-04 07:00] [Report] []

I know we're expected to be polite in this forum and stuff. But are we getting to a stage where it's taboo to point out that this guy (and other self posters) is below average looking?

No.191732 : Anonymous [2020-02-04 13:18] [Report] 1580840305732.jpg (106363 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.191733 : Anonymous [2020-02-04 13:19] [Report] 1580840341395.jpg (181645 B, 1080x1920) [YIS] [GIS] []
No.192484 : Anonymous [2020-02-07 10:15] [Report] []

Are there any other pics on his OF?

No.199599 : Anonymous [2020-03-05 13:44] [Report] 1583433869458.jpg (243743 B, 1242x2208) [YIS] [GIS] []


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