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No.194976 : Anonymous [2020-02-16 09:47] [Report] 1581864448136.jpg (85981 B, 1000x999) [YIS] [GIS] [SNAP]
85981 B

Anything on this lawyer? @chr1sburk3_

No.195148 : Anonymous [2020-02-16 21:08] [Report] []

nude ??

No.195165 : Anonymous [2020-02-16 23:04] [Report] []

what a natural shot

No.195168 : Anonymous [2020-02-16 23:07] [Report] []

Used to live in San Diego, moved to DC. Broke up with his bf and is now single. Don’t think he’s a practicing lawyer any longer.. would love to see a dick pic..

No.195193 : Anonymous [2020-02-17 01:22] [Report] []

Sexy. You know the drill. Nudes, tea, anything.

No.195599 : Anonymous [2020-02-18 19:31] [Report] []

Dudes a dickhead with an attitude. Can usually find him strung out at any circuity type event in dc.

No.195619 : Anonymous [2020-02-18 21:30] [Report] []

Can’t imagine he’s into the circuit scene..

No.195661 : Anonymous [2020-02-19 00:45] [Report] []

I can confirm the circuit comment. Used to see him out in San Diego and he always seemed strung out.

No.195664 : Anonymous [2020-02-19 01:04] [Report] []

Doesn’t he look high and like he thinks he’s at a circuit party in the above head shot?

No.195737 : Anonymous [2020-02-19 12:47] [Report] []

Any nudes?


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